Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 686 Death Station (7)

The time was close to 10:58 noon, and the German army, which had been fighting a tough battle all morning, was finally as exhausted as a water-cooled engine that had been roaring at full afterburner for a long time.

Now, for the German army, which has suffered heavy casualties and equipment losses and is still on the offensive side, it will take some time for the boiling cooling water to drop in temperature before it can continue to operate efficiently. The exhausted German soldiers, no matter how high their morale is, need After eating something hot to fill up my stomach, the fierce firefight that had been crackling all morning finally came to an end.

In the waiting hall of the railway station, which was almost half destroyed by German tank artillery, Malashenko, Lavrinenko, Commissar Petrov and all the remaining living commanders and fighters were gathering together.

On a dilapidated table covered with dust from the roof was spread out the defense map of the train station. Political Commissar Petrov, who had the best drawing ability among all the people present, was lying in front of the map, holding a pencil with his only remaining arm. Carefully measure the map and mark the most accurate division of power.

"The entire south side of the train station, as well as the main defensive positions in the west, are now all occupied and captured by the Germans."

"About 65% of the defensive positions still in our hands remain, including the four reinforced warehouses, the six armored trains parked on the tracks, and the waiting hall where we are now. "

Using the drawing pencil in his hand, he explained the current situation in detail to the people gathered around the table. Political Commissar Petrov continued to speak with a rather heavy tone.

"The casualty situation is not optimistic. Counting commanders, combatants and non-combatants, we have less than 800 people who can use guns. There are currently 26 tanks left that can fight, including Four vehicles have mechanical problems and can only serve as fixed turrets.”

"Only 30% of the anti-tank guns and heavy machine guns are left. Although there is still plenty of ammunition, the main problem we are facing now is that we may not have so many people to consume all the ammunition."

The losses of the German army were not small, but the losses suffered by Malashenko were almost equal to those of the German army, and this was despite the fact that the defensive side had the advantage of waiting for work.

The German army, which has much more troops and technical equipment than Malashenko's, almost did not use any tricks and tactics. In this morning's battle, they simply used the simplest and most difficult to crack the frontal strength to suppress, including Almost everyone, including Malashenko, was overwhelmed.

The US military, which later controlled the world's most powerful military, had a military motto, "If strategy can kill an elephant, why do you need a shotgun?"

Malashenko, who was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength, now personally experienced the true meaning of the American's words.

Indeed, in the face of the overwhelming overwhelming strength of the German army, Malashenko, who was unable to escape from the railway station, a place that must be defended, could hardly find any tactical countermeasures that could be called effective. Everything came from his mind. The flash of attention and strategy seemed so pale and feeble.

If a similar battle continues in the afternoon and there is no reinforcement, Malashenko guesses that whether he can survive the night may be a problem.

Lavrinenko, Nikolayev and Petrov's political commissar all looked at Malashenko, waiting for Malashenko, who is the military chief, to come up with some effective countermeasures. to solve the problem.

However, it is obvious that Malashenko, who has just experienced Nikolai's sacrifice, is in a bad mood.

With his hands on the table and his head lowered, Malashenko looked more disappointed than ever. He had lost count of the times he had experienced the loss of his comrades. This time, he felt heartbreaking and heartbreaking that he had never experienced before. So painful.

Nikolai is not only a simple comrade for Malashenko, but also a member of the five-man crew of No. 177 that they made a vow together.

With his mind in a mess, Malashenko couldn't help but think of the confused scene when he suddenly appeared in the original T3476 tank when he just traveled to this world.

Nikolai was not only one of the crew members who accompanied Malashenko from the beginning, he was also the first loader to cooperate with Malashenko in the first battle of the crossing. His extraordinary and important significance was far beyond anything similar in the past. Experience can compare.

The brutal battle claimed Nikolai's life at an unexpected speed. Malashenko did not even have the chance to take out the small wooden capsule containing Nikolai's identity certificate. There was no other way We can only accept the fact that Nikolai has left forever.

People in later generations often say that only when you lose something can you learn to cherish it.

Malashenko asked himself that he cherished every comrade in the No. 177 crew who had made an oath together, but even so, he could not escape the bad luck of loss. Perhaps the staffing adjustment caused by the change of cars made Nikolai The transfer itself was a catastrophic mistake.

All of this is caused by my own decisions that cannot predict the future.


Malashenko, who was clenching his teeth while tears welled up in his eyes, punched the table in front of him.

As the aggressor, the German army took away very important things from Malashenko time and time again. This caused Malashenko, who originally had nothing to do with this cruel war and no sense of belonging, to develop constant hatred in his heart. A deep hatred that spreads like crazy.

Nikolai's sacrifice was like a powerful catalyst for all this hatred.

With murderous intent soaring all over his body that he almost broke his teeth, Malashenko could not wait to stuff all the German soldiers outside who were just a stone's throw away under the tracks of his car and mince them into a pile of meat.

This has nothing to do with any national righteousness, it is just Malashenko’s will derived from the deep hatred that grew in his heart.

"If there are no reinforcements, we commanders will be the reinforcements of the soldiers. If we lack weapons, we will snatch them from the Germans. If there are no sandbags to build the position, the corpses of the Germans will be piled at our feet! Even if we all sacrifice here today, we must All those Germans are buried in this train station! This is their grave!"

Malashenko, who has cut off all contact with his distant past life, believes that he has already died once. Malashenko, who is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, is driven by hatred and does not mind dying a second time. .

Everything in this body, this time and space, and this familiar yet strange world does not belong to me, but only this unforgettable hatred is engraved in the depths of the soul and can never be erased. Only revenge is important to this moment. For Malashenko, it is the only obsession and the best antidote in his heart.

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