Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 679 Birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups

"Are you a graduate of a military academy? Comrade Nikolayev."

Malashenko's premonition was indeed correct. You can see some clues just from his words and deeds. Major Nikolayev was indeed an extraordinary person.

"It was ten years ago that you graduated from the Leningrad Tank School. I heard that you graduated from the Ulyanovsk Tank School? Is that true?"


Malashenko couldn't help but feel ashamed after hearing such an answer.

Major Nikolayev looks to be at least in his thirties and about to enter the fourth grade. Assuming that this man was admitted to the tank corps school in his twenties, he is undoubtedly an older student, at least as good as himself and others. This is true for Lavrinenko and most other students.

Those who can be admitted to the tank corps school at an older age are basically buddies who have special skills and have been spotted by their superiors and sent for further training and key training. If this is the case, Major Nikolayev should be more than just a major now. How come he is still in his current position ten years after graduating from the military academy? Logically speaking, he should have climbed up a long time ago.

Malashenko's state of thinking and not answering while walking was noticed by the attentive Major Nikolaev. Major Nikolaev, who was used to being looked at by others with such questioning eyes, smiled slightly and said: Issues with his position were no longer an important concern to him.

"It's strange, isn't it? Commander Malashenko. I am so much older than you, and it has been ten years since I graduated from the Leningrad Tank School. Why am I still a minor major now? Just talking about such a thing makes me It feels really unreasonable.”

Major Nikolayev, whose tone was obviously self-deprecating, continued to speak, telling all his past experiences to Malashenko beside him.

"After graduating from school, I was assigned to a new army. I was still very young at the time, about the same age as you are now. At that time, I was full of longing for the future and wanted to become a general and do something big to prove myself to my family and my motherland."

"It may make you laugh, but my superiors lost face in front of my colleagues because I drank too much. My first tank commander after graduation was a man who always liked to brag about his ability to drink in front of others. Even though he can drink a lot of alcohol with just one bottle, few people exposed him until what happened to me.”

"In the next few years, I have been working under him. The new trainees who graduated three years after me have become platoon commanders. I am still a little commander. It was not until two years ago that I I was finally transferred to a new unit and was promoted to a major battalion commander because of my qualifications. I don’t know if you will believe this somewhat funny story, but it is true.”


After listening to such a bloody story, Malashenko felt a little speechless for a moment. Even though he had just thought of many possible situations, he did not expect that Major Nikolaev was actually offended because he drank too much. The superior who drank so much made the leader lose face in front of his colleagues that he was given a small shoe to wear, and now he is still a small major, having delayed his promising future.

To be honest, if this kind of thing is true, it will be disgusting to anyone, and Malashenko is no exception.

"Damn, how did such a narrow-minded bitch become the leader? Damn you."

While silently fighting for the injustice of Major Nikolaev in his heart, Malashenko, who was followed by political commissar Petrov, Lavrinenko and others, had already arrived at the train station while chatting, and was lit up by the lights. Under the illumination, the detailed defense situation around the train station can be seen clearly.

The Stalingrad inner city railway extending from south to north runs through the core axis of the entire city. The platforms and train station-related buildings built on both sides of the railway have been significantly reinforced twice.

Some of the trains that were parked on the platform and could not be towed away in time or were abandoned have also been modified twice. Some additional steel plates were installed, and some were piled with sandbags and transformed into machine gun bunkers on the rails.

A large number of traffic trenches, trenches and foxholes were manually dug around the train station, which together formed a circular defensive position surrounding the train station.

The deployment of machine gun positions and anti-tank gun positions are all in place, and the soldiers who take turns to stand guard are guarding the machine gun posts with dedication and high spirits. Small-caliber anti-aircraft cannons and numerous machine guns are also arranged on the tops of buildings such as the waiting halls and warehouses of train stations, which can be used for close-range air defense and can also be used as firepower commanding heights to attack German ground troops at critical moments.

Malashenko was not a professional infantry commander, and the memory he inherited did not contain any relevant experience or content about infantry combat.

However, from the perspective of a layman like Malashenko, the defense situation of the train station under the command of Major Nikolayev really looked like that. This made Malashenko a little confused about how he was both a tank school graduate. Is there such a big gap between you and others?

After looking around, Malashenko had a hint of admiration for Major Nikolayev. This man who had been delayed in his future seemed to have a lot of talent.

"I don't know much about infantry defense. After all, I am a tank soldier and my profession is different. But if you ask me to comment, Comrade Nikolayev, the defense situation of this train station is obviously great!"

Nikolayev and Malashenko, who were praised so fiercely, looked at each other, and the two men, who were both tank soldiers, burst into hearty laughter in unison.

"When I received a call and heard that the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment and the tank hero Malashenko came to support me, I was wondering if you were really what everyone said, He is a bold and unrestrained leader.”

"Now I understand, Comrade Malashenko, you are actually more approachable than what everyone said in the rumors. If my regiment leader was like you back then, maybe I wouldn't be in this situation today. "

Malashenko didn't mind being praised by Nikolayev. There are many people in this world who are born to talk and come together, as if they are attracted by some invisible force. .

Ancient China had a very appropriate way of describing this wonderful situation that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. It is called "birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together." Malashenko feels that the relationship between himself and Nikolayev is probably the same now. Such a situation.

"I have no control over the past, but now, Comrade Nikolayev, am I not the commander who can order you?"

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