Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 657 Stalingrad Express

Compared to Miss Dora, who needs more than 3,000 big men to work together to serve her, K5, who is slender and known as "Slim Bertha", can be deployed very quickly and extremely easily.

The arrival of two K5s for deployment 45 kilometers outside Stalingrad happened yesterday morning. The deployment was completed that day and the two K5 train batteries, which were ready to fire at any time, were received just one day later. The battle order conveyed by superiors: artillery to suppress the Soviet counterattack forces.

Carrying out shelling at a straight-line distance of 45 kilometers is a relatively time-consuming and uncertain process for the K5, which needs to observe the impact point of the shell and then calibrate and correct the shelling coordinates.

No one knows how big the real error will be after this 283mm shell is test-fired from a distance of 45 kilometers. The test-fire error accuracy distance of several hundred meters is normal for this kind of city-defense weapon. , if it hits one of your own heads if you don't pretend well, it will be a big joke.

Just now, Malashenko was wondering why the German armored soldiers ended the offensive hastily, but this was the real reason.

The German armored troops who received the order to retreat urgently were only 500 meters away from Malashenko, which was completely within the error radius of the K5 test firing. For safety reasons, the German rear commander issued an order to end the battle and withdrew the offensive troops before the K5 was about to open fire.

The last time he was rubbed against the ground by K5, he basically suffered no damage because the coordinates of the artillery attack that K5 aimed at were the Kirov Tank Factory in Leningrad. Malashenko was just passing by and was just unlucky to lay down his gun.

But this time, Malashenko, who was so unlucky that he met K5 again after a year, directly became the person responsible for the persecution.

The luxurious "Anzio Express" treatment that the Allied forces on the Western Front could only enjoy in 1944 hit Malashenko on the head two years earlier.

The two slender K5s used 21-meter-long gun barrels with 76 times the caliber to fire wildly at the established bombardment coordinates in an alternate firing method.

The K5, which has the fastest rate of fire among the train gun family, has an ultra-high rate of fire of 15 rounds per hour. Two K5s firing alternately can theoretically shorten the time between each shell hitting Malashenko's head to 2 minutes. .

The earthquake after the two consecutive waves of shells fell made Malashenko realize that such destructive power was beyond his ability to contend with. If he continued to stay in this useless place, If so, I'm afraid that the crazy Germans will use train artillery to blast them to the point where not even the scum will be left! This kind of field defense position, which was temporarily built during the rest of lunch, could not withstand the continuous bombardment of a train gun of this level.

Even though he was extremely reluctant, Malashenko had no other choice but to order the troops to retreat immediately to avoid the bombardment of these train guns with slow reaction time.

The order to retreat had just been given through Malashenko. The third 283mm high-explosive projectile weighing 255 kilograms once again brought a strong roar of friction with the air and struck with a more precise attitude after correcting the bombardment coordinates. The top of Malashenko's forehead.

The GR35 high-explosive bomb containing 52 kilograms of Amato explosive contained in the projectile warhead exploded directly next to a trench. The huge explosion directly completely destroyed the 35-meter-long trench and the traffic trenches.

No one knows what horrific scenes the Red Army soldiers who hid in the trenches trying to avoid shelling encountered at the last moment of their lives.

The K5, which was so powerful that it had the same firepower as the main gun of a Scharnhorst-class battlecruiser, directly changed the terrain and flattened the entire land. The shock wave storm carried human body fragments and weapon remains and blew it hundreds of meters away, but it was still not powerful. reduce.

Less than a hundred meters away from the center of the explosion of the shell, Malashenko felt that his car was shaking violently like a stroller being pushed by a strong man. His ears, which were about to be completely deafened, even heard the sound. It was unclear what Iushkin was shouting with his mouth wide open in front of him.

"What did you say!? I can't hear you! Louder!"

Malashenko, who did not realize the seriousness of the problem, made the famous gesture with his hand and pointed at his ears to indicate that he could not hear. Iushkin, who looked obviously stunned, immediately made a similar gesture with the famous gesture. Pointing to his ears.

The two people who were looking at each other in shock finally came to their senses. It turned out that their ears that were shaken by the shells were only buzzing. It turned out that it was not an illusion. Malashenko, Iushkin and even the entire No. 177 car. The group is basically in a deaf-like state now.

Whether his ears were temporarily unable to hear or whether he was completely deafened, Malashenko was stunned and had no time to think about these details. The only thing he knew clearly was that if he didn't seize the time to run away, he would never be able to hear again. There may be no chance of regaining hearing.

Since many tanks in the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment at this moment were not equipped with radio stations, after shouting a few more words into the transmitter with his mouth wide open and almost unable to hear the words, Malashenko risked the possibility of being Risking the 283mm cannon's face, he stuck his upper body out of the turret, waved his arms desperately toward all the moving crews around him, and screamed loudly to signal for a retreat.

Malashenko's efforts achieved some results. A dozen tanks nearby were the first to see their comrade leader waving his arms while roaring desperately. From the gestures, it seemed that he was giving an order to retreat. These were the first to see. Among the tanks that Malashenko "personally ordered" was seen the vehicle of Deputy Regiment Commander Lavrinenko.

Unlike Malashenko, who was almost hit by the 283mm cannon directly in his car, Lavrinenko, who was very lucky, was far away from the three fallen cannon projectiles. It was so far away that there was almost no problem with the ears and all the sounds could be heard clearly, including the words that Malashenko was shouting in his mouth that even he could barely hear.

Lavrinenko, who tried to contact Malashenko using the vehicle-mounted radio, was met with silence and no news. Lavrinenko, who had no time to think about the reason, immediately pushed open the turret hatch above his head and talked with Marashchenko. Shenke also boldly leaned out his upper body and started making gestures in the air.

"Are you crazy? Why don't you use the radio? Just yell your orders like an idiot?"

Fortunately, Malashenko, who noticed Lavrinenko leaning out from a hundred meters away, was able to roughly understand the meaning of his gesture.

"The ears can't hear! The Germans have launched such a big cannon, that's all! We have to retreat quickly, otherwise it will be all over!"

With his hands raised, Malashenko opened his arms and gestured to Lavrinenko with the famous imaginary barrel thickness of the German train gun. At the same time, he pointed to the back to signal Lavrinenko to quickly lead his people to retreat. His ears were buzzing until Now I am almost completely deaf and can hardly hear any sound.

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