Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 655 The one who framed the strange bird

The Germans knew very well that the opponents they were about to face had many remaining tanks. Those Soviet tanks with the special mark of a white bear head biting the Iron Cross spray-painted on the turret caused them great trouble this morning.

The German armored forces could clearly feel that their opponents lacked unified dispatch and had extremely poor coordination as always, but the difference was that these Soviet tanks seemed to be able to gather in twos and threes into a small group and move together, which was not the case in previous battles. The kind of Soviet tank that easily panics when you encounter it.

This very strange situation confused the German armored soldiers who encountered this group of opponents for the first time. The rapid armored assault encounter did not go smoothly for the German army.

Even after being equipped with a new long-barreled 75mm gun, the German Panzer IV tank only had the same firepower as the Soviet T34 tank, and it was still at an irrefutable absolute disadvantage in terms of armor protection.

When a German tank hits a Soviet tank, it may not necessarily kill instantly, but the bullet may ricochet. A Soviet tank hits a German tank almost every time, and the ammunition will fly back and explode.

Not only were they still at a disadvantage in terms of equipment quality, but they also encountered such a strange opponent. The German armored soldiers, who had also suffered considerable losses and lost more than 20 tanks all morning, were also cautious this time, and the loose assault formation formed in Marathon. It seems that Ke is not a bit worse than the intensive charge this morning.

"Oh, these Germans have a long memory. Iushkin, just aim and fire. Those Germans must have discovered us!"

Whether it is T34 or KV1 or Malashenko's IS1, the shape of Soviet tanks in World War II is without exception. They are taller and taller than those of the Soviet tanks with flat pot heads during the Cold War. The contrast between battle tanks is extremely obvious.

Knowing that the concealment of the battlefield can almost be understood as non-existent for him, Malashenko, who expected that the Germans must have discovered him, decided to strike first and suppress the leading tanks of the German army first.

The sound of a cannon fired from Malashenko's car became the official clarion call that kicked off the entire battle.

The German armored soldiers who launched the attack knew what the conspicuous Soviet tanks on the position were for, but since they were the attackers, they had to be willing to bear losses and resist Malashenko's direct fire. The German armored group with tank fire continued to press forward and press on the accelerator to rush forward quickly.

The long-barreled Panzer IV tanks that rushed at the front were used as key targets and several were destroyed, but there were still many left.

The long 75-gun No. 4 tanks that had narrowed to a distance of 500 meters began to stop and act as direct support fire. They aimed at the big Soviet tanks on the opposite position and fired volleys. The one-sided battle that suppressed the German blasters only lasted for a while. At two minutes, he waved goodbye to Malashenko completely.

The Panzer IV tank equipped with a new long-barreled 75 tank gun was capable of destroying the T34 tank from the front at a distance of 500 meters. The tanks of the Soviet and German armies began to shoot at each other, and soon they suffered casualties and losses. . The German army's unconventional tactics of forced shooting despite its own firepower made Malashenko, who kept his eyes fixed on the commander's periscope, a little suspicious.

"What are these German guys doing? When did they start shooting from behind?"

Malashenko's questions in his heart were soon answered. The unique noise and roar of Stuka dive bombers coming from the distant horizon was the real appetizer that the German army prepared to give Malashenko.

"Excuse me, mother! Damn it, can't you do anything else besides flying? I'm a fool!"

Malashenko's head felt dizzy when he heard the roar of the engine that resounded across the battlefield, but he was not helpless this time. Colonel Cherchenkov had two reinforced field air defense battalions in his hands. The scattered temporary supplementary anti-aircraft guns added up to less than thirty guns.

These anti-aircraft guns with varying performance may indeed be unable to deal with high-altitude horizontal bombers and nimble fighter jets, but they are enough to deal with these stupid ducks, the Stuka, which can only reach a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour at its fastest.

The German armored troops in front of the position still insisted on not retreating after testing the firepower. They were waiting for their own air support. They wanted to try to see if they could break through the Soviet army's crude field defense position in one go and open a breakthrough.

The German Stuka pilots in the sky were still a little numb from the indiscriminate bombing this morning. The bombing of the Soviet troops in the moving formation was so smooth that they were not intercepted by any ground anti-aircraft fire.

The German Stukas, who mistakenly thought that the situation was still the same as this morning, were so rampant that they dived directly towards Malashenko on the ground and flew twice around the position to test the anti-aircraft firepower, skipping the process.

Various Soviet small-caliber anti-aircraft guns that could not be seen clearly in the sky suddenly opened fire until the German Stukas approached a distance of 5 miles. Deshka anti-aircraft heavy machine guns, including 25mm, 37mm and even 7mm, were all thrown into the battle and opened fire simultaneously. The dense anti-aircraft firepower net immediately weaved a large tracer net over the position, catching the careless Stu who underestimated the enemy. The cards were immediately covered in.

"The Russians have anti-aircraft positions! Spread out, everyone spread out!"

"Damn I got shot! My engine is leaking oil, oh my God, it's sprayed all over the dashboard, I lost control!"

"Stern rudder, the Russians broke my stern rudder!"

It was Malashenko's idea to put the Stuka as close as 5 kilometers and then fire intensively with small-caliber anti-aircraft guns.

Colonel Cherchenkov didn't understand why Malashenko did this at first. You must know that these fully loaded Stukas are already very dangerous after approaching 5 kilometers. Under the action of inertial dive, they only need to lift a little. Throwing the nose of the plane would throw the bomb into the opponent's face. Colonel Cherchenkov was worried that doing so would put the position in danger and be bombed on the spot.

This is Malashenko's answer to Colonel Cherchenkov's doubts.

"Comrade Commander, compared to scaring those Germans away early or making them pay with blood, which one do you prefer?"

"Needless to say, I can guess that it must be the second one."

Then, under Malashenko's personal deployment, finally there was the scene where the German Stukas were hit unexpectedly and panicked.

The small-caliber cannon with a high rate of fire has fatal killing power against the slow Stukas that have just entered a straight line distance of 5 kilometers and are already flying low before they have time to start diving.

The hot projectiles shredded the skin of the aircraft body, penetrated the wing spars, broke the tail rudder and airfoil control cables when the charges exploded and shrapnel fragmented, and together with the built-in fuel tanks in the wings, they ignited and rose into the sky. A raging fire.

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