Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 651 The Blazing Sky (Part 2)

The battle that set the skies on fire did not end with a final lopsided victory for the Germans.

The fierce battles on the frontline battlefields were extremely "attractive" to both the Soviet and German armies. In order to win the battle, the Soviet and German armies put all the chips on hand and made crazy bets on who was fighting. Who can truly persevere to the end and fight to the death.

A total of 13 Lager 3 fighter jets led by Lieutenant Allelukhin were just an appetizer. The 24 Yak 7B fighter jets that followed Lieutenant Allelukhin joined the battle at the most critical moment.

The German BF109F4 fleet, which was about to clean up the group of Lager 3s, saw another batch of Ivan's planes approaching, and had no choice but to give up on the prey that was about to be completely swallowed in one gulp. Then it changed its course, and immediately turned its nose around to catch up with them. A group of Soviet Yak-7B fighter jets scrambled to gain energy advantage before contact.

The Yak 7B fighter jets that came urgently to support the battle were also no match for the German BF109F4 fighter jets, but fortunately they had a double advantage in numbers, which made the slightly panicked German ace pilots seem a little too cautious and did not dare to deal with them like they just did. The LAG 3 aircraft group led by Lieutenant Allelyukhin was so happy to rush from left to right.

The emergency climbing German BF109F4 fleet and the Yak 7B fleet finally began to engage in real exchange of fire in the airspace of 1,800 meters.

The Soviet pilots, whose flying altitudes were basically the same, seemed a little impatient. Facing the rapidly approaching German BF109F4 fleet, they did not hesitate at all. They directly pushed the throttle to full and rushed towards the German fleet in a head-on attitude.

German pilots who have been fighting with the Soviet aviation force for more than a year are very aware of this old routine of Soviet fighter jets. At the beginning of the war, many German pilots were even killed by the desperate Soviet pilots. I was frightened by the way they rushed towards me, thinking that these Soviet pilots really wanted to hit me with the mentality of destroying the plane and killing everyone.

As the battles gradually increased, the German pilots discovered that these lunatic-like Soviet pilots just wanted to shoot directly at the enemy, risking their own lives to play roulette with their own side.

Real war is different from virtual games. No one of the German pilots who have better flying performance fighter planes wants to play roulette with these Soviet pilots. After all, life is only once for everyone. Why should I play roulette with you with a 50-50 win rate when I can win your battle with maneuvers, or even become a roulette opponent who may both die together?

It is speculated that the group of menacing Soviet Yak fighter jets in front of them will most likely repeat their old tricks.

The German pilots, who also pushed the throttle valve full and pretended to pounce on the Soviet aircraft group, played a trick and swung the control stick almost at the moment when the Soviet pilot pressed the trigger in his hand.

The 12 BF109F4s that came in a cluster were divided into two six-plane formations on the spot as if they had been discussed in advance. They used an outflanking attitude of one left and one right to avoid the tracer barrage of Soviet fighter planes at the last second. The hot 20mm Schwack cannon projectiles almost passed within 50 centimeters of the belly of the German fighter plane.

After passing by with the engine roaring, the German pilots who followed the steps immediately began to swing the light fuselage in preparation to bite the opponent six points.

Realizing that they had been tricked, the Soviet pilots cursed Kraut's nickname over the radio channel.

People's brain nerves are always in a highly concentrated state of tension when a fighter plane rushes straight towards them. The brave and talented German pilot almost pressed the last second time line to make an emergency maneuver, which made his finger press the trigger. The Soviet pilots did not even have a few tenths of a second to change the direction of the plane's nose.

And just when the Soviet pilots hurriedly turned around, looking back and around in the cockpit with extremely limited vision, trying to find the German fighters that passed by. The German pilots who relied on their extremely excellent turning performance to defeat their opponents at six points were already pushing the throttle valve hard, opening the bloody mouth of the BF109F4 and rushing towards the opponent's anus.

"Damn! The German is behind me! Jacob, help me kill him!"

"I'm hit, I'm hit! It's hard to control the plane, me!!!"

"Cover each other, don't mess around! Kill the German guy who bites the wingman first!"

The battle in the sky was extremely fierce. The Soviet and German fighter planes that were still able to maintain their respective formations turned into dumplings after just one round of fighting.

Lager 3, Yak 7B, and BF109F4 fighter jets chased each other in the sky and started killing each other.

If you dare to bite my six o'clock, I will fuck your wingman! If you dare to hit my lone teammate, I will beat you up and hit your brother hard.

The rogue group-style air battle, which did not follow any rules, started from an altitude of 1,800 meters, all the way to the "treetop height" of only 500 meters or even less than 300 meters.

The talented and courageous German pilots were completely blinded by the situation. They only focused on catching the enemy in front of them and tried every means to shoot them down. Their skillful personal skills were best reflected in this completely chaotic melee. .

The Soviet pilots, who had an absolute advantage in numbers, had almost no single aircraft. When fighting against the Luftwaffe, it was almost a battlefield law that they had to stick together to keep warm. The tactic of two or three flying at the same time to attack a single German fighter was very fast. The result was achieved.

Malashenko, who was fighting with hundreds of German tanks on the ground, felt that his head was completely messed up. The chaotic sounds of guns and explosions were more intense than a symphony chorus and became more and more deafening.

Zhukov had previously assured Malashenko that at least those German bombers would not be allowed to drop bombs on Malashenko's head without restraint.

In terms of actual results, Zhukov did fulfill his promise. An hour and a half after the attack started, the second batch of German fighter jets and the third batch of Soviet fighter jets entered the battlefield almost at the same time.

The sky that was about to be set on fire had turned into a huge melee between nearly a hundred Soviet and German fighter jets. The fierce battle for air supremacy made it impossible for those clumsy Stukas to intervene in the ground battle. Annoying bombs As Zhukov promised, he did not blame Malashenko!

But how long this situation can last is obviously quite uncertain.

Looking in the commander's periscope, it was already the sixth German tank that was destroyed by Iushkin's shot after the war. Malashenko, who quietly lowered his head and glanced at the wrist watch from the corner of his eye, only felt that he His head was buzzing.

"We advanced less than three kilometers in four hours, and we have to count the distance covered by the charge. What the hell kind of battle is this!?"

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