Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 647 The big yellow duck descends from the sky

Comrade Zhu on the other end of the phone was "unreasonable", but Malashenko, who is now on the battlefield, is still worried about this.

"Damn it, let's see how these bastards do their thing later. If this fight breaks out, it will really be the end of the world!"

Malashenko, who was cursing secretly in his heart, prayed that his "make-up lessons" tactical explanations would be effective. Without establishing effective battlefield communications, the overall combat effectiveness of the troops would be greatly reduced and it would be immeasurable.

Before the war started, Malashenko once told the new crews and trainees to keep an eye on the leading commander's car and move together, and remember not to rush in and disrupt the situation.

But as for how effective these pre-war warnings are, at best, just a little bit stronger than the wind blowing in the ears, to be honest, even Malashenko himself doesn’t have much hope.

The outside of the tank was filled with the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment accompanying the charging Red Army infantry. Soon they were at full power and rushed into the German offensive starting position at top speed, which was as miserable as the surface of the moon after being bombed.

It is basically consistent with what Malashenko had imagined before.

The German vanguard troops, who were negligent and careless, suffered heavy losses because they did not dig anti-artillery fortifications at the simple offensive starting position.

Malashenko, who took the brunt of the attack and commanded the car to rush to the German position, looked around and saw the remains of German weapons and broken limbs all over the ground.

Human body parts such as rotten arms and legs were blown up and scattered everywhere, and disgusting things such as intestines, organs, and human body fragments were everywhere in unlimited supply.

A large number of German weapons were reduced to twisted and deformed parts. If he hadn't looked carefully, Malashenko wouldn't even have been able to recognize the thing that was blown into a twisted twist. It was most likely a German Pak40 75. mm anti-tank gun.

"Maybe I'm crazy, Comrade Commander, but it looks like all those Germans are dead. I feel like we are here to collect the corpses."

Malashenko, who was holding the commander's periscope and looking around like an eagle's eye, remained calm. The answer he spoke softly made the self-satisfied Iushkin a little embarrassed.

"Only the first sentence you said is correct. Delete all the words after Comrade Commander, and then read it again. That is my answer to you."

Iushkin, who was choked by Malashenko, didn't react for a moment and was thinking about the answer. A sudden sound of artillery broke the brief silence after the bombardment.




Malashenko, who was hit hard by an armor-piercing bullet in his car, was instantly furious. Being beaten repeatedly by the Germans has become a common occurrence. Is there any fucking way to do this! ?

Looking in the direction of the sound of the gunfire, Malashenko saw at a glance an anti-tank gun with smoke still coming out of the muzzle.

The Germans cleverly placed this Pak40 anti-tank gun behind the reverse slope of a small slope. If Malashenko hadn't seen it in time and had good eyesight, this German anti-tank gun had escaped the shelling. It is very possible that the cannon really cannot be detected in time.

"Left, 11 o'clock, Iushkin! Kill the German anti-tank gun!"

Following Malashenko's order, Iushkin quickly swung the turret in his hand according to the prompted direction, and pointed the sighting mirror rigidly connected to the main gun in the direction of the target.

"Good high-explosive bombs!"

"Try this, you bastard!"


The moment the gun fired, the 85 mm full-caliber high-explosive projectile spiraled out of the muzzle at a high speed, fiercely rubbing the air at a flying speed of up to 790 meters per second, and rushed towards the German anti-tank gun only 800 meters away.

It is difficult for human reaction nerves to react in just one second.

The German artillery crew, which was competing with Iushkin to see who had the faster hand speed of turning the turret, was still a step behind. It was very difficult for Iushkin to master the two-way simultaneous aiming of the turret direction machine and the main gun elevation machine. Skills are not something ordinary people can learn. The poor German anti-tank team is fighting against the best gunners in the entire 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment.

Iushkin, who fired first, succeeded with one blow. The 85mm high-explosive projectile exploded quite close to the German gun crew. The scattered fragments of high-temperature projectiles cut open the gun mantlet and penetrated the human body. The five unlucky German anti-tank gun teams were not sure whether they were alive or dead. After the explosion, they all fell to the ground without any movement.

"Get it, those German guys are dead. No one can survive the explosion ten meters away."

Iushkin, who fired a cannon with his own hands, looked at the results of the cannon and beamed with joy. Every time he knocked to the ground the Nazi fascists who invaded his homeland and motherland, it gave him an indescribable pleasure.

But what all the members of the No. 177 crew did not expect was that before the words of "joy and laughter" in Iushkin's mouth had finished, a violent engine roar from the distant sky tore through the sky at this moment.

Hearing the noise of the aircraft engine in his ears, Malashenko had a premonition that the situation was not good. He subconsciously turned his head and was stunned. Then he saw an expression almost the same as his own on the face of Iushkin, who was also looking astonished.

Malashenko, who secretly thought something bad was wrong, immediately reacted and opened the turret hatch above his head. When he looked up, he saw several flat planes coming at high speed from the rear of the German position, but he looked strangely strange, as if he had never seen them before.

With his mind in a daze, Malashenko spent three seconds searching his past life memories, trying his best to quickly recall the name of the strange aircraft in front of him.

Finally, when Malashenko remembered the names of the German aircraft coming from the formations in front of him, he blurted out a curse that was even worse than when he saw the Stuka.

"Your mother! It's the German's big yellow duck, grabbing your old mother in its mouth!"

At this moment, the German air force formation rushing towards Malashenko's position was none other than Henschel HS-129B-2 ground attack aircraft.

Henschel is not only famous for its expertise in manufacturing world-famous heavy tanks, but also for how to manufacture professional ground attack aircraft to counter enemy tank forces. The products Henschel finally produced are equally familiar and extremely efficient. The HS-129B-2, nicknamed the "Big Yellow Duck", is such a masterpiece that represents the German Air Force's professional anti-tank attack aircraft.

Although it was his first time to meet these ugly-looking big yellow ducks in the sky, Malashenko knew very clearly in his heart that these things were more terrifying than Stukas in terms of anti-tank. If his own air support was not available, If you arrive at the scene and wait for your end, it will definitely not be good!

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