Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 622 Deathwing

The German army, which is far more arrogant than before, has been going particularly smoothly since the start of the attack this morning. If there are too many downwind battles, it will easily get out of control. For example, the German army now devotes all its strength to Mara without even testing firepower. Schenke attacked with all his strength, with a very obvious intention to capture the only tank factory in Stalingrad in one fell swoop.

It is obviously unrealistic for a mere armored regiment and an infantry regiment to break through Malashenko's defense line of more than 120 tanks, but the red-eyed German army was knocked out of seven or eight tanks one after another. There was no intention of retreating after that.

The Germans must have their own reasons for persisting in fighting, and it didn't take long for this reason to be witnessed by Malashenko.

"Damn it! It's those flies again, I'll catch your mother!"

Gathering almost all the air force of the entire Army Group South in the front-line theater, the German army with thousands of fighter planes controlled absolute air supremacy over Stalingrad.

Even though all the combat aircraft of the entire Stalingrad Front of the Soviet Army, whether new or old, good or bad, took off, and tracer bullets roared in the sky, killing heads and blood, the German Air Force, which was competing extremely fiercely for air supremacy, was still able to mobilize them. Send out capable forces to support the ground.

What appeared in the sky above Malashenko's head was no longer a Stuka dive bomber, but a group of Junkers 88 twin-engine bombers that seemed to have been urgently dispatched and were not intended to perform ground attack support missions.

There were a total of 12 Junkers 88s dispatched specifically for bombing major buildings in the city, and they brought what Malashenko hated and least wanted to see: heavy aerial bombs weighing one ton each.

"The German plane, two o'clock direction, shoot them down!"

The only good thing is that Malashenko, who is fighting against the important strategic point of Stalingrad Tractor Factory, can receive support from anti-aircraft artillery.

In order to protect the Stalingrad Tractor Factory, which was completely destroyed by subsequent German bombings, it was still able to maintain a minimum tank production to supply frontline troops.

In the past week, there have been many anti-aircraft artillery groups deployed to garrison around the Stalingrad Tractor Factory, including half of the anti-aircraft artillery group. Counting some of the anti-aircraft artillery groups originally owned by the Stalingrad Tractor Factory, there are currently more than 40 anti-aircraft guns of various sizes around Malashenko, enough to organize a powerful echelon of anti-aircraft interception firepower.

He bent down and picked up an 85mm custom anti-aircraft shell from the shell box at his feet and put it into the gun chamber. These 85mm anti-aircraft cannons, which were the largest caliber anti-aircraft cannons, were the first to open fire and attack the German aircraft group.

Although the 85mm anti-aircraft gun loaded with a timed projectile fuse has a straight trajectory and excellent performance, its air defense efficiency cannot be compared with that of the United States' proximity-explosion radio-fuzed anti-aircraft gun on the other side of the ocean.

The anti-aircraft shells that were obviously wrong in their predictions exploded in the air dozens of meters away from the German bombers, and black explosion clouds scattered in the sky.

A small number of projectile fragments that hit the Universiade scratched the surface of the German bomber's fuselage, but did not damage the core of the fuselage and wing beams and other key fatal parts. For the Junkers 88 bomber with such a low posture, it can only be regarded as a scratch at best, which cannot hinder its continued progress.

The German bombers that bombed the city of Stalingrad for many days had already figured out the details of their opponents' Soviet anti-aircraft guns.

Generally speaking, most German bombers will use high-altitude horizontal bombing to avoid Soviet anti-aircraft artillery fire. This will make it difficult for large-caliber Soviet anti-aircraft artillery to accurately estimate the firing advance and reduce the hit rate. At the same time, it will also allow those who The Soviet small-caliber anti-aircraft guns with limited range are simply out of reach and are undoubtedly the most effective safe bombing method.

But this time, the target changed from immovable large buildings to the bombing mission of small tanks. However, these German bombers, which were accustomed to laying eggs at high altitudes, had to lower their altitude and change their altitude to low-altitude horizontal bombing to ensure hit accuracy. They had always been known for their rough skin and thick flesh. The famous Soviet tanks had to throw bombs close enough even if they used one-ton bombs to wash the ground.

The German bombers flying at an altitude of 2,000 meters did not dare to continue lowering their bombing heights. Those who dared to do so before were almost torn to pieces by the dense Soviet small-caliber rapid-fire anti-aircraft gun firepower. These Germans have learned from the past. The pilot knows that the altitude of two thousand meters is the limit of what he can do.

"I saw them, Hans, the formation is very dense, the Russian tanks are concentrated in the semi-circular open space outside the factory!"

"Okay, you only have one chance! Throw down all the bombs! Then we will return immediately. The Russians have too many anti-aircraft guns!"

Before the conversation between the pilot and the bombardier of the German bomber in charge had finished, a Junkers 88 bomber fifty meters away from the left rear was suddenly caught off guard and hit head-on by an anti-aircraft shell directed towards its belly. hit.

This unlucky Junkers 88 never dreamed that he would end up like this.

The 1-ton aerial bomb mounted in the belly bomb bay was accurately hit by the 85mm projectile poked from the bottom up. The scene of two 1-ton aerial bombs exploding at the same time can be said to be earth-shaking, far from being a tank martyrdom. Blast can be compared.

The German crew members, who could not even feel the pain, and their own plane were torn into pieces by the bomb on the spot and disappeared in the flames of the explosion, but the chain reaction disaster did not stop there.

The power of the two 1-ton aerial bombs that exploded on the spot was so astonishing. The scattered aerial bomb fragments and aircraft wreckage created a metal storm engulfed in flames at an altitude of two thousand meters.

Three surrounding German Junkers 88 bombers, including the pilot plane, suffered a collective disaster.

The pilot plane flying at the front had slightly better luck. Half of its tail was cut off by a three-meter-long wing spar that flew sideways. The aerodynamic shape was not too damaged and it could barely maintain its position at the current speed. Aircraft heading and trim attitude.

The other two Junkers 88s following on the right side and behind the butt arrived at the bloody mold.

A Junkers JOMO211 engine burning with flames and thick smoke, with an impact speed of up to 400 meters per second, directly hit the transparent nose cover of the Junkers 88 behind it. A total of four people, including the machine gunner, captain, co-pilot, and bombardier, were reduced to a puddle of flesh by the oncoming engine.

The entire nose of the Junkers 88 was severely deformed and turned into a headless horseman. The aerodynamic shape was completely damaged and the violent airflow blew away all the remains of the nose and all the broken bones and flesh. It fell to the ground on the spot with black smoke. .

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