Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 601 Entering the City

Malashenko was right. These captured German soldiers were definitely top-notch physical labor experts, at least when faced with the black holes of gunfire guarding the Red Army soldiers.

Looking at the German prisoners who were driven off the truck in front of them, under Malashenko's personal orders, they each received their tools and started working. They were digging the soil very fast, as if they were extremely afraid of Malashenko. Such a scene was something that the young Red Army captain had never even dreamed of.

"Unbelievable! Comrade Malashenko! I have never seen these Germans be so honest, not even in my dreams! This is incredible, Comrade Malashenko, how did you do it? ?”

After being praised so fiercely, he unexpectedly seemed a little embarrassed. Malashenko, who was blushing a little, felt that this was not worth bragging about. Capturing German prisoners was already a problem for the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment. A common occurrence.

"If you have the chance, you can ask these Germans in person. Ask them what it was like to cry bitterly and raise their hands to surrender, crying and shouting to beg the Red Army soldiers to spare their lives. You will probably know how I captured them. ”

After hearing the answer, the Red Army captain was obviously a little stunned, and then burst into laughter. He obviously understood that Malashenko was joking with him about these Germans, and he did not care about the scene of laughter at all. How some German prisoners who understood Russian felt like they had eaten flies.

"I understand, Comrade Malashenko, thank you very much for this gift! I will personally supervise and keep an eye on these Germans so that they can work hard to participate in labor reform and contribute to the construction of communism."

"in addition"

The Red Army captain who was mid-sentence turned around and shouted loudly to a Red Army soldier not far away who was holding a Bobosha submachine gun tightly in his hand and staring at the German prisoners as if facing a powerful enemy. road.

"Hey! Vorokov! Here, come here! Does this damn little fool hear you?"

The young captain who spoke with an elegant and easy-going attitude was obviously a generous man similar to Malashenko.

Upon hearing his company commander's yelling, the Red Army soldier immediately put his weapon on his back and ran over in three and two steps. He saluted the two men in front of him and then spoke to report.

"Comrade Company Commander, what are your orders?"

The captain was shocked and made corresponding plans. He first introduced Malashenko's famous name to the soldier named Vorokov. Before the latter spoke up with his eyes wide open and a look of surprise on his face, he followed him. The last command came out of his mouth.

"You take Comrade Malashenko to the division headquarters and ask Comrade Malashenko to directly communicate with the division commander. Do you hear me clearly?"

"Uh, yes, Comrade Company Commander, I heard you clearly! I repeat, take Comrade Malashenko to the division headquarters and let him communicate directly with Comrade Division Commander!"

"Yes, it seems that your stupidity is not complete. Just carry out the order!"

According to the explanation of the comrade captain, the troops under Malashenko are not allowed to enter the city without clear orders from their superiors. This rule has been established long ago and cannot be broken.

The captain told Malashenko that his troops could wait for him outside the city, where they would be responsible for treating the wounded and providing food and drinking water. The injured who are in more critical condition will be sent directly to hospitals in the city to receive better priority treatment. In short, everything will be arranged properly and Malashenko does not need to worry about it.

Seeing how talkative this young captain he had never met made Malashenko smile heartily.

"Thank you very much, comrade captain, can you tell me your name?"

"Yazov, Alexander Yazov, it is an honor to meet you, Comrade Malashenko."

Looking at Captain Yazov's slightly uncertain right hand that was slowly handed over, Malashenko took off his glove without paying any attention and held it tightly with his broad and powerful hand. .

"Fight hard, comrade! Victory and Stalingrad belong to us, and they will never be taken away by those Germans!"

Captain Yazov found a GAZ small jeep for Malashenko. It was the best car in their company. It was so valuable that Captain Yazov himself would spare no effort to use it. He would try his best to use this car as much as possible. Keep your car in top condition for emergencies.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Malashenko's arrival is an urgent moment for Captain Yazov to use this Gas Jeep.

People who can drive a car these days are relatively good at it. It is a difficult but very practical technology to master, especially for the stupid, big, black and thick Soviet cars.

It just so happened that Vorokov, a Red Army soldier sent by Captain Yazov to lead Malashenko, was such a buddy who could drive.

The road leading to the division headquarters on the edge of the city is not too far. Malashenko estimated that the distance is only about three kilometers with twists and turns at most. If you count the straight-line distance, it will definitely be shorter.

After completing the notification process, Malashenko quickly met the commander Mikhail.

Compared with Captain Yazov who did not recognize Malashenko, Commander Mikhail, who recognized the person in front of him at a glance and whose face he often saw in Pravda, looked quite excited.

"I didn't expect to see you in person under such circumstances, Comrade Malashenko. You are a frequent visitor to Pravda and a tank hero of the Red Army! How can I help you?"

Although Commander Mikhail looked excited and happy, Malashenko, who was worried about the excessive losses of his troops, was obviously not moved by this, and could only manage to squeeze out a smile on his long face. scene smile.

"Can you tell me who is commanding the Stalingrad Front now? I am a unit directly under the Front. I hope to meet Comrade Commander immediately."

Faced with the question raised by Malashenko, Commander Mikhail immediately gave the answer without much hesitation.

"At present, Marshal Timoshenko has been transferred. The person taking over as the commander of the front is Lieutenant General Gordov, and the representative sent by Moscow, General Vasilevsky, is also there."


"It seems that Comrade Lao Zhu has not taken office yet."

Although Malashenko's plan to complain to Comrade Zhu, his confidant, was in vain, but roughly inferring from the time point, now that Vasilevsky has arrived, it will not be long before Comrade Lao Zhu comes to Stalingrad. Not far away.

Moreover, Vasilevsky and Zhukov have a good personal relationship. Malashenko feels that if he reports to the front army headquarters now, he should still be able to receive some new tanks. He only needs to report the name of Comrade Zhukov.

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