Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 599 The Secret of Spiral Ascension to Heaven (Revision)

Most things in this world are relative, and there are very few things that violate the common sense of "a slap can't make a difference".

The German soldiers who witnessed this scene were surprised, hated and cursed the Soviet commander who had committed such a bloody scene, and wished to catch him and skin him immediately.

But Malashenko, whose troops suffered such heavy losses that they were almost wiped out, didn't want to stuff the entire Sixth Army's German troops into the tracks of his tanks and mince them into mincemeat.

Hatred in war is relative and can never be one-sided.

War itself is a bloody grinding machine that breeds and spreads hatred without limit. It will never stop unless one side is defeated and surrenders.

Immediately after the end of an act of revenge, hatred will breed and spread with greater power and scope. Endless hatred will eventually infect everyone involved in the war machine. The so-called conscience and kindness are sold as scraps here. None of the value is worth anything at all.

Arranging these dead German corpses for public viewing was already an act of "great mercy" by Malashenko. At that time, Malashenko, who was so angry that he almost lost his mind, had not been stopped by the political commissar Petrov. It would be strange if those hundreds of German prisoners were not suddenly turned into a hornet's nest by the angry Malashenko and his men.

The memory of the German squad leader who witnessed Beijing's view was still fresh in his mind almost an hour later. To be honest, he felt that he might not even have the heart to eat lunch at this moment, even though he had done so last winter. Sitting next to the frozen corpses of his comrades, gnawing bread from the corpses of Soviet soldiers, the situation at that time was nothing compared to the scene he had just seen.

The German squad leader who found nothing in the living room did not give up. The three side rooms in the side hall were still objects that he did not dare to take lightly and let down his vigilance.

He gestured to the several soldiers who were following him into the room. He led another submachine gunner and a rifleman to form a three-person team. The German squad leader, who put his index finger on the trigger of the submachine gun, came to the distance immediately. In front of the door of the nearest side room, his palms, already slippery with sweat, raised the weapon in his hand as quickly as possible and fired a blast at his face.

Da da da da——

The MP40 submachine gun, whose rate of fire was not outstanding, swept the closed door into a hornet's nest in a matter of seconds. He raised his right foot and kicked the German squad leader who had broken the door in front of him with all his strength. It was not very strong to begin with. The wooden door panel was kicked over and fell to the ground, instantly stirring up dust and soil all over the ground.

The German squad leader, who was about to make an irreparable mistake, picked up the submachine gun in his hand and rushed into the room as usual. He didn't feel anything tripping lightly under his feet. The German squad leader, who felt strange, died. No one understood what was going on.

The grenade's cord was kicked off and the fuse was ignited on the spot. The sizzling grenade then acted as a spark and instantly detonated the entire gunpowder barrel with a loud bang.


The power of thirty boxes of 76mm tank shells piled in the cabin has long been beyond the understanding of ordinary people. The terrifying explosion with a loud noise not only completely blew up the entire regiment cabin and turned it into pieces, the explosion shock wave and The scattered shrapnel even knocked down the onlookers a hundred meters away, the German soldiers.

The terrifying scene of doomsday was probably nothing more than that for the people who entered the village to search for the German infantry like candles in the wind.

The surviving German soldiers, whose ears were almost completely deafened and could no longer suppress the ringing in their ears, stood up staggeringly from the ground. These surviving German infantrymen who had no time to sigh for their lucky survival had no idea that a chain disaster was approaching rapidly.

The precise fuses arranged in advance under Malashenko's personal instructions are burning rapidly under the floating soil. The air and oxygen in the gaps in the floating soil are enough for combustion. The adjacent rooms are also very inconspicuous. The cabin then erupted into an equally huge explosion of fire.



The successive earthquakes and violent explosions made the whole village seem to be suddenly swept by an apocalyptic catastrophe.

Most of the German soldiers who had just realized what was going on didn't even have a chance to escape, so they were crushed to pieces in the unprecedented earth-shaking explosion, and their bodies were blown into pieces flying all over the sky.

Some German soldiers who had realized what was going on began to try to escape out of the village.

The roughly possible escape route carefully calculated by Petrov's political commissar once again allowed the German soldiers to win the bid. The unsightly fuse burned rapidly along the hidden soil, almost before the fleeing German soldiers had just stepped onto it. This road of hope instantly detonated the earth.

More than a hundred boxes of 76 and 85 mm tank shells were disguised by Malashenko as booby traps, delayed bombs, IEDs and other ambush methods to destroy the poor German soldiers.

Although the chain trap designed using the passive detonation method of trip wires and fuses is very old-fashioned, it will be of little use in the street fighting of modern warfare in later generations and will be easily cracked.

But in the early stages of the Stalingrad battle, when street fighting was still a blank slate, the German army, which knew nothing about it, was undoubtedly completely beaten to death by Malashenko.

Continuous explosions for more than a minute almost completely wiped the entire village off the map.

When the German commander stationed outside the village finally waited anxiously for the two German soldiers who had escaped from the village by chance, the cruel and almost heartbreaking news could not stop the German soldier, who was over 50 years old and whose blood pressure soared. The major general was so angry that he fainted on the spot.

"It's over, it's over! The whole village is like a Russian explosives depot. God, it's so terrible! I don't even know what happened, but the whole village was blown up!"

Seeing the poor corporal in front of him, covered in black stains, reporting to him with a cry, the German Wehrmacht major general, whose blood pressure soared to 180, threw the telescope in his hand to the ground and smashed it to pieces.

In just two days, a fully equipped armored regiment and an infantry regiment were lost, and now an entire infantry company was added. It was a great blessing that this kind of thing didn't make anyone angry to death on the spot.

"Damn the Russians! Damn Ivan! Damn the Bolsheviks! One day I will hang you all alive!"

No matter how angry the German major general, who was already over fifty years old, became, it would not help.

When the German army moved in with an entire company of infantry, Malashenko, who was marching purely mechanized with all cars and tanks, had already run away and was nowhere to be seen again.

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