Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 587 Death Fight (Part 1)

Although these German tanks are usually despised by the Red Army soldiers who look down on them, and are given various derogatory and derogatory nicknames such as "canned human flesh", "Hitler's coffin", etc., this is only in Malashenko's case. The First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment is widely circulated.

The fact is that the Red Army soldiers, who now only have a few anti-tank rifles in their hands, tried their best but could not resist the ferocious German tanks.

In the field manual issued to the anti-tank rifle team on weekdays, there are clear identification marks for any kind of German tank opponents they may face, including the clearly identified weak points of the front protection of the German tanks that are also circled in red. The targets are clear and lifelike.

But what is explained on paper and how it is implemented in practice are completely different things.

The anti-tank rifle in hand only has the most basic mechanical sight without any optical aiming auxiliary equipment. The front projection area of ​​the rumbling German tank is indeed large, but compared with the frontal weaknesses of the German tanks indicated by red circles in the field manuals. The lower parts are pitifully small, such as the small periscope slit on the driver's observation window of the No. 3 and No. 4 tanks.

The frontal armor of the moving German tank was splashed with sparks by the constant armor-piercing bullets, which was very dazzling. The German armored soldiers staying inside the tank could clearly hear the terrible impact sound. Many German armored soldiers who were not confident in the protective performance of their own tanks felt a little frightened.

The accelerating German tank grew larger and larger within the field of vision, and finally roared and rushed to a place only ten meters away from the position, still moving at full speed.

The Red Army soldiers facing the German tanks at this distance still refused to retreat, and the various anti-tank guys prepared in their hands began to throw them at the German tanks as if they were free of charge.

Multiple M24 wooden-handled grenades ripped from German corpses were assembled into explosive-modified cluster grenades and thrown out. Some high-concentration vodka that had been stored for an unknown period of time was also inserted into strips of cloth and ignited before being thrown towards the German tanks. The Red Army soldier still holding the anti-tank rifle tightly in his hand, at this critical moment of life and death when the psychological pressure was so great that it could crush a person, he launched a fatal blow from an extremely long distance at the extremely arrogant German tank.

It may be a little difficult to target the frontal weaknesses of German tanks at medium and long distances, but when the distance is reduced to less than a hundred meters, all problems will be solved and completely disappear.

The Red Army soldier held his breath and withstood the huge psychological pressure. He held the huge spear in his hand tightly and aimed his right eye at three o'clock and one line. The straight line between the front sight and the rear sight pointed accurately at the most vulnerable gap in the driver's observation window on the front of the German tank. It had already been The index finger of his right hand, which had been resting on the trigger for an unknown amount of time, immediately pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Simonov's 5mm anti-tank rifle is so powerful and its recoil is astonishing. A Red Army soldier who was as big as a half-adult black bear was shaken and numb by the huge recoil that hit his shoulder. The slender barrel passed through the spiral rifling. The accelerating 5mm steel-cored armor-piercing bullet instantly came out of the gun with flames and deafening gunshots.

This time, the anti-tank rifleman, who was convinced that he had fully targeted the weak spot on the front of the German tank, finally completed his mission.

The 5mm steel core armor-piercing bullet poured into the tank through the gap in the observation window, in the blink of an eye, the unlucky German driver's head was instantly smashed into a rotten watermelon on the ground.

The deformed steel core armor-piercing warhead that continued to advance at an oblique angle of incidence hit the inner side armor of the car body, forming a terrible stray bullet. After two consecutive jumps and impacts, it directly hit the chest of the German commander from the back, who did not react at all. Then it burst out from the front of the chest like an alien larvae, leaving a huge wound the size of a bowl. Only then was the huge impact kinetic energy of the 5 mm steel core armor-piercing warhead completely consumed.

After one shot, the No. 4 tank, which killed two people on the spot, slowly stopped like a wild boar that had been beaten. The No. 3 tank, which appeared to be intact on the outside, was filled with the smell of blood inside and died suddenly on the spot. The two of them, the only remaining electromechanical crew, gunner, and loader, immediately opened their hatch covers and prepared to abandon the vehicle and escape.

The anti-tank rifle team who witnessed this scene made an astonishing move without hesitation on the spot.

The muzzle of the Simonov anti-tank rifle with a caliber as high as 5 mm was pointed directly at the abandoned vehicle that the German armored soldier had just crawled out of the tank and pulled the trigger again.

The 5mm steel-core armor-piercing projectiles that could penetrate even the weak points on the front of the Panzer III tank at medium and close ranges were so devastating that the German gunner who was shot in the back didn't even have a chance to scream, and a huge gunshot blast exploded from his chest. After an abnormal scarlet blood dance, he fell to the ground without saying a word.

Anyone would be willing to do something like adding insult to injury and beating a drowned dog.

With a deafening gunshot, he watched as another comrade next to him was knocked to the ground in an extremely miserable death. The last two remaining German armored soldiers who abandoned their vehicles only hated their parents for giving them two less children. His legs didn't move fast enough, and his horrified expression without turning his head came to a bloody and cruel end.

The German standard M24 long-handled grenade, nicknamed the Potato Masher, is very easy to use. As an offensive grenade, it has a warhead charge of up to 170 grams and can be thrown a considerable distance, even from the corpses of German infantry. The Soviet infantrymen who captured this kind of grenade were also happy to use this well-made German product.

The M24 long-handled grenade, with its wooden handle snorting and smoking at the end, flew away from my hand and directly hit the back of the German soldier who was running away dozens of meters away. He rounded his arm and threw it with all his strength. The M24 long-handled grenade was full of stamina and was caught off guard. The German electromechanical officer, who was hit directly on the back by the grenade warhead, lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground on the spot.

He had no time to think about whether he had been shot, and he had no idea what the thing that hit him in the back was.

The young German electromechanical man struggled up from the ground as fast as he could and prepared to run again, but a huge explosion that followed within two steps of running out completely ended his life.

The bombed and bloody body was thrown lifelessly to the ground like half a fan of pork. The German electromechanical man who had just been trying to get a chance to survive seemed to have completely lost his life at this moment, his eyes wide open as if He stared at the sky above his head that was always out of reach as if unwilling to do so.

Next to the still-warm corpses, loud roars and the roar of gasoline engines and various weapons continued.

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