Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 585 Comrade, Deshka

The ground beneath my feet was crackling with machine gun barrages fired from behind me, and the roar of fighter planes coming from behind became more and more piercing and shocking.

Malashenko, who did not dare to delay his movements at all, almost jumped forward and flew forward. Several times, the machine gun barrage fired from behind was only a few centimeters away from drilling a hole in his body.

The Stuka flew so low that Malashenko could almost feel a strong wind coming from behind, almost knocking him forward and toppling him to the ground.

After completing a dive attack, Stuka began to climb, preparing to observe the results of the battle to decide whether to attack again. Malashenko, who was finally able to take a breath for a while, quickly turned around and looked at his surroundings.

Fortunately, Iushkin, Kirill, and Seryosha were all safe and sound. It was not just the four brothers who were really good at moving, or the German pilot's marksmanship was too sunset red. In short, these two machine gun barrages swept down even the horse. The skin of Rashenko and his team was not even scratched.

"Comrade Commander! That Stuka is back again! It's coming towards us again!"

Kirill, who was holding an MP40 submachine gun in his hand, raised his right arm and pointed at the sky. Malashenko, who looked in the direction of his finger, saw at a glance the Stuka that had flown out nearly a kilometer away. It was making a small-radius turning maneuver in preparation for re-entering the attack channel. Judging from the direction of the nose of the aircraft, it was obvious that the target was still the four of them.

"What a shame! I'm going to crush your rag Stukas on the airport runway one day!"

Malashenko, who uttered a curse word that no one could understand, did not dare to delay any longer. He immediately waved to the people around him to follow him and ran into the cellar, which was only thirty meters away.

The Stuka, which dived rapidly with a shrill scream, pointed its bi-wing aircraft machine guns at the ground unscrupulously, preparing to spray death barrages again to completely kill the fleeing Soviet infantry.

Although the story of extreme joy leads to sorrow is an ancient Chinese allusion, it has very wide applicability in some situations, such as the current moment.

In wars, there are always brave men who stand up in times of crisis. I don't know if it was to protect their comrade, the regiment leader, and his group. A sudden burst of gunfire, as Stuka opened fire, immediately rang through his ears.

A Deshka 7mm heavy machine gun obtained from an unknown source was loaded onto the tank turret with its bracket. Two tank soldiers who had given up hiding used the height of the tank turret to position the machine gun at an angle and fire fiercely.

The Deshka 7mm heavy machine gun, which is not rigidly connected to the tank turret, has extremely strong recoil. When it is placed at an elevated angle behind the tank turret and fired into the air, it can almost lift the muzzle of the gun. The tank soldier who was helping on the side almost used his body. Holding the bracket forcefully counteracts the recoil of the muzzle rising to stabilize shooting.

The Stuka pilot, whose dive height was only less than 700 meters, was instantly startled. He did not expect that such an officious anti-aircraft machine gun would suddenly shoot out halfway. He had no time to avoid the machine gun barrage. Hit the landline in the face.

The 7mm machine gun bullet, which is enough to tear the human body, penetrated the fragile skin of the aircraft body, penetrated the wing spar, and incidentally broke the wing control cables.

For a moment, the German pilot who could clearly feel the difficulty in controlling the aircraft suddenly became confused. The tracer machine gun barrage that penetrated the entire cross-section of the right wing not only broke the wing control cable, but also lifted the right wing flap together.

The whole aircraft looked like a big bird with broken wings. The Stuka suddenly tilted its head and fell towards the ground. The pilot, who had no time to think about attacking the channel, desperately stepped on the foot control pedal and shook the control stick, but it still didn't help.

In the blink of an eye, it was only a few hundred meters high and crashed into the ground under the influence of gravity acceleration. The flames and flames that rose instantly were accompanied by a huge explosion sound that was shocking. Almost everyone on the battlefield, including the Germans themselves, was shocked. The Stuka was caught off guard when it was shot down.

"Oh, they shot down a German Stuka! Comrade Commander! Is that possible?"

Not only the gunner Iushkin was stunned by this scene, but the two tank soldiers who had completed this masterpiece not far away also looked at each other in shock.

Just now, these two tank soldiers who were part of the tank crew of Malashenko's regiment saw their regimental commander being chased and beaten by a German plane. Words like panic on the spot are very suitable to describe the lightning-fast situation at that time. .

The two brothers, who did not have suitable anti-aircraft weapons at hand, looked around like ants on a hot pot. By chance, they saw a GAZ truck that had been blown over by the Germans not far away, and the side of the truck was next to it. Turning over a Deshka heavy machine gun with a two-wheel carriage.

Generally speaking, the Deshka heavy machine gun with two wheel brackets is used for defense of infantry positions. If you really want to do air defense work, you need a tripod for air defense. This is a professional air defense accessory.

But in an emergency, when the situation is extremely urgent, you can't take care of so much.

The two tough-tempered brothers directly carried and hugged the Deshka heavy machine gun onto the tank turret. They pointed at the sky and used the height and angle of the tank turret to aim the Deshka's gun at the German guy. As for the aircraft, as for the issue of recoil, in a very Mao-style manner, one of them grabbed the bracket and pressed it against the tank turret, thereby acting as a human muzzle brake.

Although it is silly and crude, it does work.

After the Stuka completed its dive attack, it turned back to enter the second wave of attack after climbing. Unfortunately, it crashed into the oncoming DShK bullets, which led to the deafening explosion.

The two tank soldiers who completed the amazing feat were dumbfounded and cast empty eyes at Malashenko, who also stopped in astonishment. But who knew that Malashenko would curse them.

"Are you crazy? There are German planes everywhere in the sky. Find a place to hide!"

After yelling at the two daring subordinates, Malashenko, who had escaped by chance, immediately ran towards the place not far away.

Kirill, who arrived at the entrance of the cellar first, opened the two wooden doors. The dark hole foreshadowed the light for Malashenko and his group.

"Hurry! Run! Run in and you'll be safe!"

Malashenko shouted as he accelerated and pushed Iushkin, who was running in front of him, hard. The two of them, who were in a rather embarrassing situation, immediately fell into the cellar like a snowball, spinning all the way.

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