Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 583 The big fat man takes care of you

"This old guy Doubler is crazy! He is asking us to die in vain!"

"When will this old man be normal? His head was beaten stupid by the British more than 20 years ago! To him, we are just a group of disposable pawns!"

"I will write a letter to the head of state to sue this bad old man! I swear! As long as I can live!"

Almost all the young armored soldiers who were unlucky because of Lieutenant Colonel Dubler's order were cursing the person who caused all this, but unfortunately the person they were cursing couldn't hear the bad words in their mouths at all, even if he heard them. There will not be any substantial fluctuations or changes as a result.

Malashenko, who had just repelled a wave of attacks, did not order to pursue the enemy for the sake of safety this time. Instead, he quietly opened the turret hatch above his head and used a high-magnification telescope to poke his head out to observe the specific conditions of the battlefield.

After all calculations, the Germans might not give up and continue to launch the next wave of offensive, but Malashenko really didn't expect that the commander of the German army on the opposite side would be so ruthless and directly abandoned the group. The poor armored soldiers and infantrymen who had fled behind the vehicles were driven back.

"Damn, this stupid German leader is a wolf killer"

Originally, he had some reasonable plans for the German tanks abandoned on the battlefield. Seeing this scene, Malashenko felt speechless for a while, and at the same time realized that the previous plan was no longer applicable to the current situation.

The purpose of keeping these German tanks was to deliver meat to the group of Germans who had been killed again on the opposite side. I had basically guessed the wishful thinking of the German commander who had never met him before, and grabbed the horse with the microphone next to him. Rashenko then shouted an order.

"All crews! Concentrate your firepower to knock out those German abandoned tanks! Quick!"

It is true that he wants to keep those German tanks as his own, but Malashenko does not want to see these abandoned tanks returned to their original owners.

Although it was a bit unbearable, immediately opening fire to kill those German abandoned tanks was the only and best option at the moment.

After receiving Malashenko's loud order, the Soviet tank crews immediately turned the turret quickly. The main gun, which had just stopped firing for a moment, once again sprayed dazzling fire at the idle German tanks.

Although the empty tank will not kill its members, there is no problem in detonating the ammunition rack and detonating the gasoline tank.

The Soviet hooded armor-piercing grenade, which is famous for its high explosive charge, has almost the highest probability of destroying enemy tanks at the same time. German tanks that use dangerous and flammable substances such as gasoline as tank fuel will almost only explode on the spot once they are penetrated. .

The roaring 76 and 85 mm hooded armor-piercing grenades killed the German tanks one after another, and the empty tank turrets were knocked to the ground one after another like a hat-off salute.

Seeing that his plan was discovered by his opponent, Lieutenant Colonel Doubler suddenly felt an inexplicable anger and was a little frustrated.

"Those smart Russian bastards!"

The right hand of the wearer's black leather glove hit the turret armor plate next to him with a heavy punch. Before he could continue to issue the second order, Lieutenant Colonel Dubler heard a whistling sound above his head.

"The damn air force is finally here!"

Soaring in the sky eight hundred meters above the ground was the Stuka dive bomber formation that was the first to enter the scene. And higher in the sky above these Stukas, six BF109F2 fighter jets were soaring with absolute energy advantage. Maintain air control alert at higher altitudes.

Looking down at the land below at an altitude of 800 meters, it can be said that it is clearly visible. The tanks and large groups of infantry rushing towards the village at full speed were quickly confirmed by the sharp-eyed German pilots as friendly forces to prevent being accidentally bombed. The armored flag directly laid on the top of the tank turret to show identity is clearly visible.

The troops defending in the trenches and positions directly in front of the village are naturally the Russians mentioned in the mission briefing. Killing them in seconds is the final mission of these German pilots.

The wings and belly of the aircraft were fully loaded with 250, 500 or even several 1-ton aerial bombs, which immediately swooped down from the sky. These late-model Stukas that had dismantled the "Jericho Trumpet" were no longer available. It emits the same shrill roaring battlefield cry before, but the shrill roaring sound produced by the powerful engine is still enough to make people feel heartbroken.

The German pilots who pressed the bomb release button in their hands could immediately feel the weight of the fuselage instantly lighten. The action of dropping the bomb and pulling it up at an altitude of 200 meters was particularly thrilling and tested the pilot's driving and psychological endurance. After being separated from the belly hook, The heavy aerial bombs that rushed straight towards the ground spread destruction to the earth.


The power of the 600 kilograms of explosives contained in the one-ton aerial bomb can only be described as earth-shaking. The huge explosion swallowed up three tanks within its coverage in an instant.

A captured Panzer III tank and two KV1 heavy tanks were unprepared and were instantly engulfed by a huge explosion. The pitch black mushroom cloud that rose from the ground was at least more than 20 meters high, like a strong shock wave like a magnitude 8 earthquake. The shock made Malashenko, who was not directly affected by the aerial bomb, feel dizzy.

"Damn it! These German guys are throwing big sweet potatoes from their planes again!"

Under normal circumstances, the German army will only use these large aerial bombs with a single mass of one ton when attacking large ships on the surface and solid and permanent defense fortifications.

During the battle in Leningrad last year, Malashenko experienced the huge power of this one-ton aerial bomb.

A formation of German Stuka bombers that attacked the Red Navy warships in Leningrad failed to find the target at the scheduled location. Seeing that there was not much fuel left, they had to return the same way. Unexpectedly, they encountered Marla who was marching to the front line halfway. Shenke.

In line with the principle of not wasting these aerial bombs, the unscrupulous German pilots directly threw the one-ton heavy aerial bombs used to blow up ships on the top of the head of Malashenko's tank column.

The earth-shaking huge explosion restored the four KV1 heavy tanks under Malashenko's command to the state of parts on the spot. The power of the full 600 kilograms of explosives was not limited. It was from that time that Malashenko began to This powerful German aerial bomb was recorded.

I don’t know whether it was because of his too noble status or for some other reason. Malashenko was surprised that the German air force would think so highly of him that he would directly serve one-ton aerial bombs. It was just like this. The subsequent battle situation faced next is even less optimistic.

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