Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 569: Crazy kid

"Damn it! These Russians are deliberately trying to lure us into the trap!"

If they open up their posture and shoot head-on at a conventional combat distance of 700 to 800 meters, the German tanks that rely on their mobility advantage will be able to withdraw from the battle in time and get out of the line of fire of the Soviet tanks, even if they cannot defeat them.

But when the fighting distance was deliberately shortened to 400 meters, the word "too late" could not be more appropriate to describe the current situation of the German army.

Now even if they are aware of the ambush of Soviet tanks and want to retreat, they have already missed the best opportunity.

The German captain, who had personally experienced the power of Soviet heavy tanks, knew very well that the seemingly simple distance of three to four hundred meters was enough to become his own road to hell. If he just ran away without doing anything, he would have brought it with him. It is estimated that the number of these 22 tanks that can escape is only single digits.

The German captain was annoyed that he had been ambushed by the Russians. He was angry and scared. The choice between life and death was so haunting that it was difficult to make an accurate judgment for a while. He just drove out within a few seconds of hesitation. The Soviet tanks in the blind area of ​​vision have begun to turn their turrets to attack.

"Teach them a lesson, Iushkin!"

"Fascist's lackey must die! Comrade Commander!"


The scene of artillery blasting and car explosions is already familiar to both the Soviet and German troops. The head of the Panzer III tank flying into the air was finally awakened by the strong explosion of ammunition and fuel tanks. German captain.

Just a rough estimate, there were more than twenty Soviet tanks roaring towards him from both sides of the village, at least enough to rival him.

How can we have a chance of winning in a battle where neither quality nor quantity dominates?

Retreating now will indeed cause considerable losses, but if you continue to stay here, what awaits you is likely to be the annihilation of the entire army.

"Retreat! All crews take turns to cover the retreat! We have been ambushed by the Russians, retreat quickly!"

The anxious German captain pressed his throat sounder and almost shouted out his throat. However, Malashenko, who was staring closely at the commander's periscope in front of him, looked unhappy.

"You're pretending to be cool and still want to run away? No way! Hand over your turret to me!"

Malashenko had already experienced this kind of thing before when the duck he got was flying, and he didn't want to experience it a second time.

After being basked by the strong sun above us all day yesterday and the rain this morning, the land has basically dried out. Heavy tanks that are no longer troubled by the muddy road like before can use their maximum maneuverability to attack the opponent.

Malashenko, who intended to eat up the German vanguard force in one go, opened fire experimentally while maintaining full speed. Although the KV1 heavy tanks that kept shaking on the cross-country road had extremely poor accuracy and it was almost impossible to hit them accurately, These armor-piercing bullets, which hit at high speed with a shrieking sound, still caused a lot of trouble to the German army.

An unlucky Panzer IV finally ran out of energy after dodging four consecutive 76mm hooded armor-piercing rounds with extremely poor accuracy. The fifth roaring 76mm hooded armor-piercing round penetrated the tracks of the Panzer IV tank. In one breath, the four road wheels and the driving wheel on the left side of the car body were shattered.

Although the armor was intact and had not been penetrated, the Panzer IV, whose running gear on the left half of the entire body was almost completely damaged, still stopped instantly like a beast with a broken leg, completely losing the ability to continue maneuvering.

"Abandon the car! Get out quickly! We can't move!"

The shouting German armored soldiers had just pushed open the hatch of their short-barreled Panzer IV tank. The sixth armor-piercing round, which was temporarily stopped for calibration, tore through the side armor of the vehicle on the spot and poured into the chassis at an oblique angle of incidence.

The intertwined ammunition and fuel, which had become indistinguishable from each other, exploded, shattering the body and consuming the will. The boxy No. 4 tank could not withstand the huge blast pressure inside the tank, like a bottle of champagne after being violently shaken. It usually explodes on the spot, with scattered armor fragments and the twisted main gun being ripped out of the turret. The scene is extremely miserable.

While marching at full speed, maintain maximum firepower to delay the retreat of the German army and draw a draw. Once a German tank is stopped and paralyzed, it will immediately stop a vehicle and fire additional artillery to quickly eliminate the enemy.

Tank units with or without vehicle-mounted radio communication are completely different concepts. The tacitly coordinated First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment showed a skillful coordination strategy that was not inferior to the German army. The efficiency was so high that even the man was frightened. The German captain felt a storm in his heart.

"Damn it! What kind of Russian armored force is this?!"

As soon as the battle began, the armored strangulation became intense. The German armored soldiers did not think about counterattacking their opponents, but unfortunately, so far, the vanguard force of the Sixth Army has not been equipped with a long-barreled Panzer IV tank. The premature tigers that Wittmann tested on the Leningrad front were not included in this unit.

The long-barreled Panzer III tanks and the short-barreled Panzer IV tanks in their hands alone were unable to stop these rampaging Soviet armored behemoths in front of them.

The German armored troops who kept trying to fire back at Malashenko could only be met with failure to penetrate and ricochet again and again. Although the KV1 heavy tank is currently outdated and slightly sluggish, this is just Compared with the long-barreled Panzer IV tank that the German army has just put into production and the Tiger tank in secret testing.

When it comes to bullying children who are tall, three, short, or four, KV1 is undoubtedly a crazed bull that bursts into a china shop with red eyes.

The German tanks that only dared to retreat in reverse were quickly ridden directly in the face by the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment advancing at full speed.

Malashenko, who originally thought that his opponent might have a long 75 Panzer IV, initially ordered a roundabout and outflanking offensive to attack from both sides.

But when Malashenko discovered that his opponents were just a group of armored grenadiers sitting in 251 half-track vehicles and more than 20 rubbish long, three short and four medium tanks, he realized that he had overestimated his opponents before. Malashenko directly changed the order and decided to defeat this German mechanized mixed force as quickly as possible.

The weak resistance was soon smashed into pieces by the rampaging KV1 heavy tank group with the cruel reality. There was no high or low terrain on the exposed grassland terrain to rely on, and the German tanks that could not keep up with the retreat were beaten in the blink of an eye. I have to look for teeth all over the ground, which is extremely miserable.

When the head of the 16th German tank was lifted into the air by Lavrinenko's castrated version of the KV220 car, the last six remaining German tanks finally opened their hatches and lifted the French flag.

Well, of course it refers to the middle part of the French flag cut along the dotted line.

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