Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 535 Dogs are also divided into breeds

The powerful tank explosion not only killed the five German armored personnel carriers, but was blown away with their bones flying and no flesh left. Like a metal storm, the hot armor fragments and shell fragments also swept away just a few meters behind the tank. An SDKFZ251 half-track vehicle is far away.

The Type 251 half-track vehicle, fully loaded with a band of infantrymen, was originally intended to carry out a mechanized coordinated attack to capture the Soviet defense line, but it never expected to encounter this sudden tank encounter in front of the position and be affected.

The 251 half-track, with only 15 mm of armor at its thickest point, is barely capable of blocking rifle and submachine gun bullets, but it appears weak and powerless when faced with large pieces of armor flying at speeds of up to one kilometer per second.

Sharp large pieces of armor pierced through the weak side armor of the 251 half-track vehicle and poured into the crew compartment. An entire band of soldiers sitting in the compartment were instantly struck down before they could realize what was going on.

The body was cut into two pieces by the large pieces of armor that hit at high speed. The upper body that fell in the carriage let out a shrill scream that made everyone else's eardrums tremble and their faces were filled with horror.

The lower body that was still sitting in the position did not move at all, but the long string of bloody large intestines and broken human organs hanging straight down was enough to make anyone who saw this scene for the first time instantly vomit. .

The few German soldiers who survived by chance didn't dare to stay in the car any longer. Who knew what kind of harm would happen to Chi Yucheng if they continued to fight like this? They immediately kicked open the rear hatch of the car and shouted like victims fleeing the disaster. Xiao shouted, jumped out of the car and hurriedly sought the nearest cover.

He didn't bother to take a closer look at what was going on with the half-track vehicle that jumped out like a rat's cubs and a group of German infantry.

Iushkin, who successfully killed a German tank with one shot, relied on the memory of a few seconds ago to quickly turn the handle of the turret steering gear in his hand, and aimed the black muzzle at another tank that was moving at 20,000 The Panzer III tank was maneuvering at a speed of about 1 meter per hour.

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"

"Say hello to Hitler for me, Nazui!"


After a roar of fire, another German Panzer III tank's flying head was blown into a steel crematorium.

These German tanks, which were loaded with ammunition for the protracted battle to capture the Soviet positions, are now digging their own graves. Filled with gasoline and fully loaded ammunition racks on the chassis are enough to restore these weakly armored German tanks to their assembled form. In the setting state, the 85mm hooded armor-piercing grenade with a full charge will definitely explode one by one without any ambiguity as long as it penetrates the armor.

Within twelve seconds, two of our own tanks were blasted into the sky by the same Soviet heavy tank. No matter how naive the captain in command of this German armored detachment was, he could see how terrifying his opponent was. The team's skillful cooperation reflected in this aspect is far beyond what the opponents have encountered before.

Realizing that he might have kicked the iron plate, the German captain suddenly felt hesitant.

This exploratory attack brought only two companies of tanks and two mechanized infantry companies equipped with half-track vehicles. The main purpose was to test and see how the Soviet defensive positions were deployed and to conduct fire reconnaissance.

If the defense of the Soviet army's position is weak and conditions permit, they can attack the position with mechanized infantry in one go. On the other hand, if the firepower is too strong and the Soviet army's resistance is fierce, they will immediately retreat and prepare for the next wave of attacks. The reason why they only brought two full soldiers A mechanized infantry company equipped with Type 251 half-track vehicles, and did not bring more infantry to accompany the attack for the sake of convenience.

Recalling that he had heard last night that a fully armored regiment was probably wiped out by the Russians in the village, the German captain who just smiled and didn't take it seriously regarded it as a panic rumor. treat.

But combined with the situation in front of me, I instantly felt a chill running down my spine. The more I thought about it, the more scared I became.

There was a frontline commander nicknamed the "Iron Butcher" in the Russian armored forces. During last year's winter offensive, he killed the elite Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment and abandoned its armor and fled all the way south. This story spread like a plague across the country. The battlefield legend that spread rapidly throughout the army was equally clear to this German captain.

"Could it really be him!? I won't be so unlucky, right?"

The German captain, who was almost asking himself in a trembling whisper, did not realize at all that the Soviet armored forces, which he had looked down upon at all in the past, had now become a completely reverse existence that made him feel scared just by hearing their name.

Russian names are long and hard to pronounce and are always difficult to remember. The German captain, blinking and sweating, could only barely recall the nickname "Iron Butcher".

The more I think something is wrong, the more I feel something is wrong and the less I dare to think about it further.

Constantly giving himself psychological hints that his opponent was the notorious Steel Butcher, the German captain who was trying to scare himself but unexpectedly got the answer right could no longer withstand the huge psychological pressure. After several more tanks were destroyed by the Soviet army in a few minutes, he finally pressed his throat sounder again and spoke to his crewmen in silence.

"All crews! Retreat! Retreat to the starting position! We have encountered the main force of the Russians, retreat quickly!"

Mr. Captain's voiceless shouting instantly spread throughout the entire radio communication channel like a plague of black death, ringing in his ears.

Just one minute of contact combat has made these German armored soldiers realize that the opponent they are currently facing is simply not something they can handle with their current strength. A dangerous retreat under the direct fire of the Russian tank's main gun is the only feasible solution at the moment. Method.

Fortunately, the muddy off-road roads in the low-lying areas around the village seemed to cause a lot of trouble to these Russian steel behemoths with staggering tonnage.

Even at full speed, the steel tracks gripping the ground were still irritatingly slow. He felt as if he was sitting in a stroller. Malashenko was so angry that he wanted to curse, but in the end he could only watch helplessly. It didn't take long for those German tanks, which were very maneuverable, to disappear from the end of the field of vision.

"Asshole! These German guys just run away if they can't beat them. What kind of soldiers are they?"

"They are Hitler's lackeys, not soldiers, Iushkin, you have to understand this."

Being retorted by the driver Seryosha, Iushkin was speechless for a moment. It took a long time for the blushing Iushkin to hold back the words to find a way out for himself.

"They are Hitler's lackeys. What are those bastard SS soldiers?"

"Dogs also come in different breeds. Do you want me to tell you which kind of dog is the worst?"


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