Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 531 American Canned Meat

None of the work of digging pits and moving earth is easy, and digging such muddy pits can even tire people to death. This is in the heart of Mr. Leonid, who has personally worked in the fields for a long time. I understand this very clearly, but there is no good way to deal with this situation.

Commander Leonid lowered his head and pondered for a moment, thinking of a way to boost morale and replenish the strength of the soldiers. Then he raised his head and tentatively spoke to Malashenko.

"I thought of a way, Comrade Malashenko. Our division's logistics department has a batch of American canned meat that we just received. Originally, I planned to take them out after the battle was won, but it seems more appropriate to use them now. A little, what do you think?”

"American canned meat?"

Hearing the answer given by Division Commander Leonid, Malashenko, who had not reacted at first, was a little dazed.

It took about a few seconds for Malashenko to realize that the Lend-Lease assistance provided by the United States to the Soviet Union had increased significantly after the Pearl Harbor incident.

In the later generations of the United States and even Western extremists, he was known as the "ancestor of the White Left." As one of the most accomplished presidents in American history, Roosevelt's aid to the Soviet Union was not insignificant, and he also provided help when the Soviet Union was most in danger. Massive assistance provided at critical moments.

The outbreak of Pearl Harbor allowed Roosevelt to finally get rid of the shackles of domestic isolationism in the United States and let go. Roosevelt, who had a very clear understanding of the Soviet Union's important role in containing Germany, always had a firm bottom line: the Soviet Union must not be defeated by Germany. ! To achieve this goal, no matter how much effort and assistance we provide, it is worth it.

When he was studying in Moscow, Malashenko often went to the school library to read some declassified historical materials. During World War II, the total amount of cans aided by the United States to the Soviet Union reached an astonishing figure of 108% of the Soviet Union's own production, which was more than the Soviet Union's own cans. The total output is more!

Other miscellaneous aid, such as aircraft, tanks, screws, were all available. During the most difficult time, Roosevelt even allowed Stalin to customize his own aid list. If something is in short supply or most needed, the United States will quickly ship it to the Soviet Union, instead of sending it to the Soviet Union if the United States has excess products or has a backlog of inventory that cannot be used.

The group of experts and scholars in Russia believe that Americans were responsible for winning the Great Patriotic War. This is a fact recognized in Russia. Malashenko also thinks so after reading a large number of Russian historical materials and records.

Reminiscent of the fact that with the United States' entry into World War II last year, the aid that could be provided to the Soviet Union through the Lend-Lease Act has increased significantly. It is not unusual for the grassroots Red Army troops on the front line to obtain canned meat produced in the United States.

Curious about what the American canned meat that Commander Leonid mentioned looked like, Malashenko, who had not tasted American canned meat during World War II, could not help but speak quietly.

"Comrade Commander, what are the names of those canned American meats? Can you show them to me?"

The reason why such a question is raised is mainly because the food served by Comrade Malashenko, the leader of the regiment, is not very good recently.

After leaving Natalia's supply of delicious food, Malashenko returned to the front line again and ate dry bread. Although the quality of the bread he could eat as a regiment leader was definitely higher than that of the ordinary soldiers below. Many of them are made from fine powder without adding sawdust. Although the texture in your mouth is tasteless, it is still acceptable.

But this kind of food, which is considered extremely delicious in the eyes of ordinary Red Army soldiers, almost makes Malashenko feel like eating it.

As a later time traveler, Malashenko has long been accustomed to the exquisite life of big fish, big meat, fine flour and fine noodles. Not to mention that his stomach can't stand it, just thinking about eating dry bread for a long time is enough to make people sick. .

Right now, there are canned meats shipped from the Americans, and just thinking about it is enough to make Malashenko's index finger twitch.

After hearing Malashenko's inquiry, Commander Leonid didn't hesitate much. He directly called his orderly and ordered him to bring two boxes of American lunch meat to start a small stove in the middle of the night. He also brought two pieces of bread.

About ten minutes later, when Malashenko was staring straight at the two boxes of American canned luncheon meat in front of him, the four conspicuous English letters "SPAM" in capital letters instantly reminded Malashenko. Got those terrible reviews.

"I eat canned luncheon meat with slices of bread for breakfast, canned luncheon meat stew for lunch, and canned luncheon meat and bread for dinner. Damn it! I hate these damn cans more than the "Mussolini's ass" of the Germans The canned food tastes terrible!”

During World War II, the common enemy of all American soldiers was not the Fascist army, but the canned Spam luncheon meat that almost made people vomit for three meals a day!

The American soldiers who had whetted their appetites due to their strong logistical supply capabilities hated the canned Spam luncheon meat, but the Soviet soldiers who usually ate black bread mixed with sawdust regarded it as an extremely delicious food and enjoyed it greatly. Huh.

In the same way, Mr. Leonid and Malashenko, who were cooking small stoves for one person and one box, were also eating very happily at the moment.

I haven't seen a greasy meat nibbling dry bread and drinking boiled water for several days in a row. It is not difficult to understand how powerful a box of Spam canned lunch meat can be to Malashenko.

Malashenko, who was so full that his tongue was almost gone, drank all the canned luncheon meat in front of him with the bread. He then raised the water bottle next to him and took two sips. Only then did he feel "satisfied." Burped.

Mr. Leonid, who was sitting across the table, was not much better eating. Anything that tasted like meat was heaven!

"Comrade Malashenko, I have to say that these Americans are so happy! I heard that even ordinary people in the country can eat this kind of food at will, but I always feel that these Americans are bragging. !”

Commander Leonid didn't know how happy the Yankees were with their food, but Malashenko, who had traveled through time and space, knew it very well.

Canned Spam luncheon meat was thrown away like garbage by impatient U.S. soldiers during World War II, and was even thrown away decades later in the era of the U.S. Army in Korea.

The hungry Korean people took the cans thrown away by the US military as treasures and took them home. They mixed other dishes and food into the pot, poured water and stewed it, and it became a "legendary delicacy": military pot. .

Chinese melon-eating people who don’t know the truth thought that this delicacy was invented by the Koreans. The military hotpot imported from South Korea was once sold out on the Internet, which made Malashenko laugh and cry helplessly.

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