Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 528 The aftermath

The German pilots who were angry that the Army was so unsatisfactory decided to let the Soviet army see the power of Marshal Meyer. Six escorting BF109 fighter jets plus 12 Stuka dive bombers immediately entered the battle and began retaliatory actions.

After squandering all the ammunition they carried, they turned back on their original path over the village of Nibotrikaya, which was a mess of caves.

The wave of German air raids that lasted for about ten minutes made him dizzy and felt like he was staggering when he walked. Malashenko climbed up from a cellar and breathed in the fresh air around him. The cellar with poor air circulation was so good. Xuan didn't suffocate him inside.

"Take your mother in my mouth, German! I'll fuck you! Damn it!"

A 100-kilogram aerial bomb landed in the center of the courtyard and almost collapsed the cellar behind the courtyard where Malashenko was hiding.

Malashenko, who was almost buried alive, immediately turned around and stretched out his right hand towards the cellar after crawling out. Political Commissar Petrov, who had only one arm, would be difficult to climb out without help. Malashenko, who dragged Commissar Petrov out of the cellar, then sat down on the ground and gasped for air.

"These Germans have really sharp noses! The fighting in the village ended only a short time ago, and now the bombs are being thrown on top of our heads!"

Standing up from the ground while holding one hand on the ground, panting heavily, the stagnant turbid air under the cellar and the smell of something rotten and fermented made Commissar Petrov feel very uncomfortable.

At that time, Malashenko was choked and gasped for air. The already younger political commissar Petrov was naturally in worse condition and almost fainted in the cellar.

"It's better to quickly count the casualties of the troops. Most of the troops were stationed outside the village just now, cleaning the battlefield and carrying supplies. The casualties should not be too large."

"These bastard Germans, one day I will rush to their airport and crush the intestines of these Nazi pilots!"

Malashenko, who was cursing and very annoyed, came to the village together with Commissar Petrov.

The village that had just suffered a raid and bombing was devastated with blood and mutilated corpses. Malashenko, who was so accustomed to such a scene that he was already numb, just wanted to know how many casualties there were.

"Malashenko! Comrade leader!"

Before Malashenko could make the next move, a burst of shouting from far and near reached his ears, causing Malashenko to turn his head and look. The direction of the sound was obviously Lavrinenko. Loud voice for sure.

"This way! Lavry! Over here!"

After shouting loudly at each other across several houses, Lavrinenko, who ran all the way in the direction of Malashenko's voice, quickly reunited with the two of them smoothly.

"What's the casualty situation on your side? Lavry, weren't you just directing the cleaning of the battlefield outside the village?"

Lavrinenko, who was also out of breath while running along the way, first waved to Malashenko. After taking a few sharp breaths, Lavrinenko felt a little more relaxed, and then he calmed down and blurted out.

"The situation over there is pretty good. As soon as the German plane flew over, we heard the noise and ran away. There were about a dozen casualties, and only two died. But I think the Germans mainly headed towards the village. Come on, how is the situation here?"

After hearing the good news about Lavrinenko, he finally felt relieved. Malashenko, who was still unclear about the casualties in the village, was frank.

"The casualties in the village haven't been counted yet. Just as you are here, we will act together and hurry up to count the casualties in the village."

After a brief meeting, the three people immediately split up and ran around the village.

The troops who were caught off guard by the German bombing without any precautions did suffer a lot of casualties. Bodies were scattered everywhere in the village. Many Red Army tank soldiers got out of the car to help carry things and clean the battlefield. He was directly blown to death.

"Fuck! It's not a good time to have an air raid, but this time!? This is really fucking unlucky!"

Malashenko, who was in an extremely bad mood, gathered the troops he met along the way and ordered immediate treatment of the wounded, while counting how many corpses he saw along the way.

Ten minutes later, when Malashenko, Lavrinenko, and Commissar Petrov met again, the three people who looked not very good looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, it was Peter who was the most mature and steady. Political Commissar Luo Fu spoke first.

"The situation is not good, Malashenko. I went to the east and south of the village. About six tank crews were damaged. Some of them lost their gunners and some of their commanders and loaders. In a short period of time, There is no way to have the combat effectiveness of a whole vehicle like before.”

"It's similar here. I went to the west of the village. The German planes bombed there first. Three tanks were destroyed and four were damaged. The casualties of the tank crews have not yet been calculated, but it is conservatively estimated. There will be less than three groups of people. Karamov is taking people to repair the damaged tanks. He asked me to tell you that the tanks can be repaired before dark at most."

After hearing the answers from the two men in front of him, Malashenko frowned even more. Combining what he saw there and the two directions, it can now be concluded that at least fifteen tank crews appeared. Due to varying degrees of personnel losses, even if the tanks suffered basically no losses, this was undoubtedly a heavy blow.

"Arrange to rescue the wounded immediately. Lavry, please handle the deployment of the troops. Don't let the Germans continue to take advantage of the situation! Arrange the village's defense and air defense positions. I'm going to call the front army headquarters. A phone call!”

"Call? Do you want to report the damage? Malashenko."

Turning his back on the subconscious question coming from Lavrinenko's mouth, Malashenko, without looking back, almost gave the answer without thinking.

"Go to Comrade Commander for reinforcements and supplies!"

An indiscriminate bombing destroyed half of the temporary regiment command post that Malashenko had just built. Malashenko, who was in a terrible mood, had no time to care about whether the cabin was in danger of collapsing at any time, and strode to it. He grabbed the microphone from the desk.

"Comrade Commander, I have a call for you. It's Malashenko, the commander of the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment. He said he has something urgent to report to you!"

"Emergency? At this time?"

Marshal Timoshenko, who was reviewing the troop deployment files, frowned after hearing this. It would definitely not be good news for Malashenko to call him at this time.

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