Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 526 Here comes the work again

"The Germans' new tank? Can it still threaten our KV1? At a distance of 500 meters?"

He was obviously a little surprised by the information given by Malashenko. Commissar Petrov, who originally thought that only his own side was actively developing and putting into production new tanks, suddenly looked solemn.

"You are right, this is very important news, Comrade Commander. Reporting it in time can help our army reduce a lot of unnecessary losses and prepare in advance. I will draft a message and prepare to send it."

About twenty minutes later, Marshal Timoshenko, commander of the Southwest Front, who was staring at the map of the theater in the command room and anxiously waiting for news, finally received the auspicious telegram that had made him wait a little anxiously.

"Comrade Commander! Good news! The 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment has taken control of the village of Nibotrikaya. It now belongs to us! The Germans have deployed an entire tank regiment covertly in the village. Now They're just a pile of burning wreckage and corpses!"

The Chief of Staff of the Front Army, Ling Timoshenko, was walking quickly with a telegram in his hand and words of joy. Marshal Timoshenko couldn't believe that Malashenko ended everything so quickly. He grabbed the telegraph newspaper and quickly read it at a glance.

Slightly excited, it took him less than half a minute to read the entire short telegram. Timoshenko, who felt hard to calm down in his heart, couldn't help but empathize with what Zhukov had said to him before.

"It seems that Zhukov's evaluation is right. This Malashenko is indeed good at creating those seemingly impossible miracles! It seems that this small test is still too difficult for him. It is necessary to put him in a higher level. Let him play a key role in an important position!”

He gently rolled up his sleeves and glanced at the time on his watch. Only four and a half hours had passed since sunrise, which made Timoshenko extremely satisfied. Before that, he had never heard of a unit that could achieve such brilliant results in such a short period of time, so much so that the German reinforcements had no time to react and ended the battle.

There is no doubt that Malashenko's good start in the first battle not only allowed Timoshenko to dispel his original disbelief, but also made the veteran marshal of the Red Army with outstanding military achievements instantly raise his evaluation of Malashenko. Several levels.

"How is the phone line? Can I get through to Malashenko?"

Faced with Timoshenko's sudden question, he was slightly stunned. After thinking about it for a moment, the Chief of Staff of the Front Army, who was slightly hesitant, immediately gave a basically certain result.

"Judging by the time, it should have been connected. It will not take long for the phone line to be pulled from Malashenko's original residence to the village of Nibotrikaya. We can try to make a call now."

In the small wooden house that was used as a temporary regiment headquarters, Malashenko, who had not even bothered to eat breakfast, was sitting on a stool made of two stacked shell boxes, gnawing dry bread and drinking boiled water. I had just connected the phone when it suddenly rang unexpectedly.

"I'm holding your mother in my mouth, you can't even eat without eating, you idiot!"

I almost choked on my throat before I could swallow a mouthful of bread. I took a swig of boiled water and hit my chest twice before swallowing the dry bread, which was as hard as a brick.

Guessing that the person who could call at this time would definitely be a high-ranking official, Malashenko, who did not dare to neglect, immediately grabbed the phone.

"Malashenko, I have received the telegram. This battle was a beautiful one!"

Before Malashenko could speak, Comrade Lao Tie on the other end of the phone spoke first as if he could sense the identity of the person who answered the phone.

Before he had time to think of what to say, he was beaten to the punch. The slightly dull Malashenko could only use words such as "um", "yes" and "this is what I should do" to express his indolence after holding it in for a long time. answer.

The original plan was just to let Malashenko explore the real situation in Nibotrikaya Village in order to prepare for the next battle, but now that the situation has changed, Timoshenko simply adjusted the battle plan and moved Malashenko Rashenko's order to move to a bigger stage immediately blurted out from the other end of the phone.

"I just received an updated aerial reconnaissance report a few minutes ago. At least one division of the closest German troops is moving towards your village, Malashenko."

"The front army headquarters determines that more German troops will rush towards your position in the future, but they have no time to launch a counterattack today. The entire battlefield is now making central movements around you, cooperating with the forces behind you Six infantry divisions blocked the enemy's counterattack and then launched an offensive to eat them. I'm waiting for your good news, Malashenko."

"Fuck me"

After being stunned for a moment, Malashenko, who was about to scream in his heart, couldn't figure out why Timoshenko, a bad old man, could only think about how to attack. Comparing it to the orderly and step-by-step fighting he had under Zhukov last year, it was the complete opposite of heaven and earth. How did he end up with such a direct superior who loved frontal anal sex?

The arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Although he was reluctant in his heart and looked slightly depressed, Malashenko finally gave Timoshenko the result he wanted on the other end of the phone.

"Understood, Comrade Marshal! I will let those Germans know whose land they are running wild on! And make them pay the heaviest price!"

Although he is full of pride in his mouth, it is exactly the opposite in his heart.

Recently, he has been thinking and recalling the details of the Second Battle of Kharkov. Malashenko clearly knows that what he will face will be the entire Kleist Armored Group, the original Soviet Southwest Front. They refused to admit defeat and fought against the Kleist Armored Group, and finally they were defeated and defeated in Stalingrad in embarrassment.

Timoshenko, a stubborn old man, is still continuing to move into the pit step by step according to the original historical direction, but he managed to pull himself up. Malashenko, who had already tried to change the direction of the Second Battle of Kharkov but failed to resist the iron-fisted orders of his loving father Stalin, felt that his work was in vain and couldn't help but sit on the shell box and sigh.

"Forget it, now we can only make a good plan on how to fight the next battle. Fighting and rushing is definitely not an option. If you do this, you will either be killed by the Germans or sent to a prisoner of war camp. If you can be conservative, Let’s be conservative. Stalin could not have imagined defeating the Germans in the summer of 1942!”

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