Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 519 What are the shortcomings?

When he first took over this IS1 prototype tank, Malashenko, who always suspected that something was wrong, always felt that his new vehicle was missing something. This strange feeling is like eating mutton steamed buns without sugar and garlic, as embarrassing as going out for shopping and realizing you forgot to wear socks halfway.

It's not that it can't be used, but it always feels so damn awkward when doing it. This is the situation Malashenko is encountering now.

It wasn't until Malashenko opened the turret roof and leaned his upper body out of the car with a Somi submachine gun in his hand, then took aim and put his finger on the trigger that Malashenko discovered what was wrong.

"Fuck! When we get back, quickly ask Karamov to find a way to weld a machine gun mount for me. If he doesn't raise the roof of the car, Deshka is just playing with it!"

In the original historical timeline, the Soviet armored forces did not think of equipping roof-mounted anti-aircraft machine guns in batches until their heads were blown cold by German air raids. It's just that these all happened after 1943. Before that, the Soviet tanks did not have any anti-aircraft weapons installed on the roof, only a big, bare, flat head.

Although the current Malashenko has realized the importance of the roof-mounted machine gun in this special situation, the temporary plan that cannot quench the immediate thirst cannot solve the immediate problem.

Facing the German armored soldiers who were jumping up and down around the tank to reveal the camouflage before their eyes, Malashenko's only reliable partner was the Somi submachine gun captured last year.

The large amount of German discarded supplies captured during the Winter War gave Malashenko an unprecedented supply of ammunition for the Somi submachine gun.

Although the Soviet army has mass-produced Bobosha PPSH-41 submachine guns and equipped them with front-line troops in large quantities, why should they sacrifice their own resources to replace the Bobosha with poor performance when they have a guy like Somi in hand?

"Iushkin! Keep up the firepower of the coaxial machine gun and hit those Germans hard!"

Before he finished speaking, he pointed the black muzzle of the gun in his hand at a Panzer IV tank surrounded by German armored soldiers. He pulled the trigger instantly and poured out the hot 9mm projectiles.

The shooting distance of less than a hundred meters is the best place for the Somi submachine gun. A German armored soldier who had just opened the top of the turret and was about to jump in immediately was shot several times and fell backwards. Judging from his uniform, it should be A German tank commander.

Already in chaos due to the sudden appearance of the Soviet steel monster, the sound of machine guns and submachine guns firing in unison wiped away the last remaining order of the German armored forces.

Shouts, explosions, machine gun fire and the roar of diesel engines merged into one in the cold wind. Malashenko and Lavrinenko commanded their respective cars as if they were in an uninhabited land. group.

Whenever any German tank tried to start the engine and start the vehicle, it would be sent to the west by an 85mm hooded armor-piercing round. Amid the explosions and splashes of stray bullets, the German armored soldiers jumped up and down like frightened rabbits and had no way to escape. They were extremely pitiful and left. Behind his own car, these helpless German armored soldiers were far inferior to even the most basic infantry.

A full drum of bullets was quickly poured out by Malashenko, who was splashing wildly in the water. Just as Malashenko was about to reach for the spare drum hanging on his waist to replace the bullets, the two rows of Panzer III tanks next to him One of the vehicles suddenly turned its turret slowly like a corpse and pointed the black 50mm main gun directly at Malashenko.

"I'm holding you in my mouth! You're really just playing dirty!"

There was a burst of subconscious curses in his mouth, and before he could finish his words, his body almost reacted before his brain, and he instantly shrank back and hid inside the turret.

The gunner of the No. 3 tank who boarded the vehicle at some unknown time pressed the trigger in his hand, and a 50mm full-caliber capped armor-piercing round immediately hit the side of the turret with a sharp wind-breaking whistling sound.


The armor-piercing projectile with powerful kinetic energy shook Malashenko forward and back the moment it collided with the armor plate. He felt as if his ears were being hit hard with a big bell from a few centimeters away. After knocking the hammer, Malashenko, whose ears were buzzing, immediately spoke loudly to his crew.

"Is everything okay?! Has the armor been penetrated?"

The first person to react was Kirill, who was holding the ammunition rack at the rear of the gun when he was hit. Kirill, who felt no pain in his body and no missing arms or legs, immediately spoke loudly to Malashenko. Reply back.

"It hit the side of the turret, but we were not penetrated, comrade commander!"

"Damn the Kraut! Let him know whose soil he is on now! Iushkin!"

"It's already being done, Comrade Commander!"

The problem of too slow turret speed that has long been criticized by Malashenko has not been completely solved on this prototype IS1. Kogin, who was anxious to send a car to Malashenko, even Malashenko repeatedly emphasized. There was no time to add an electric steering gear to the turret, so an IS1 prototype with a pure hand-operated turret was delivered to Malashenko for actual combat use.

The extremely slow rotation of the turret caused Iushkin to grin as he almost dislocated his elbow while waving his right hand desperately.

No matter how hard I tried to shake the turret steering gear adjustment wheel, I couldn't break through the limit of the turret rotation speed. Just halfway through the turret pointing, the fake Panzer III tank suddenly opened fire again.



Seeing that the capped-charge armor-piercing projectile was unable to penetrate the turret side armor of the Soviet heavy tank in front of them, the German crew was too nervous to think about whether the problem was caused by the improper shooting angle, so they directly replaced it with a 50 The millimeter sub-caliber 40 type tungsten core armor-piercing projectile was stuffed into the gun breech, hoping that this advanced armor-piercing projectile with stronger vertical armor-piercing firepower would be effective.

However, the Malashenko crew had already formed an invisible tacit understanding since they fought all the way on the grassland battlefield in 1941. Seeing the ridiculously slow speed of the Iushkin turret, the driver Seryosha immediately began to change the course of the car to accelerate the turret's direction. , it was this intentional or unintentional move that once again caused this Type 40 tungsten core armor-piercing bullet to return without success.

The Type 40 tungsten-core armor-piercing projectile that hit the armored part of the tilted vehicle body at an incident angle of more than 40 degrees was instantly bounced away. The straight bouncing trajectory even grazed the semi-arc and rounded mantlet of the IS1 turret, and a series of electric lights were fired. The sparks flying out from the stone fire looked extremely thrilling for a moment.

Iushkin, who was kicked twice in succession by the Germans towards the lower third, was extremely angry. With his face breathing rapidly, he pressed his right eye against the main gun sight, and at the same time he controlled the elevation and steering gears in his left and right hands to turn the muzzle of the gun. On target.

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