Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 517 Breakthrough Moment

Of course, it is impossible for a 92mm machine gun barrage to penetrate the armor of Malashenko's car. This is a very obvious thing.

A few misplaced machine gun rounds even splashed onto the turret, sending sparks to the armor within Malashenko's field of vision. Malashenko, fearing that the Germans were unlucky and had his commander's periscope disabled, immediately He spoke repeatedly.

"Iushkin, keep firing! Kill him from the same machine gun position!"

This time, Iushkin, who had entered the man-gun integration mode, did not give any answer to Malashenko, and stared at the machine gun position that was constantly spitting out tongues of flames. The pedal fell hard again.



The breech firing pin ignited the primer of the cartridge, instantly releasing the chemical energy of combustion of the propellant. The 85mm high-explosive projectiles spiraled out at extremely high speeds along the inner rifling lines of the barrel, which were densely packed in circles.

The firing distance, which is close to the last 500 meters, passively improves the hit accuracy. The consequences of strafing the tank will immediately unfold in a textbook manner.

The overflowing explosion flames and hot shrapnel tore apart thin clothing and flesh. Human beings with flesh and blood were so vulnerable in front of the war machine created by themselves. Just a few seconds ago, this man was scratching at the Soviet heavy tanks. The itchy German machine gun position was completely torn apart in the blink of an eye.

It only took a full 23 seconds from the moment of strafing to being shot into the west by Iushkin. The MG34 machine gun, which did not even have time to finish firing a bullet chain, was blown into pieces of flesh and iron together with the first and second shooters.

The tragic scene so close at hand shocked dozens of other German infantrymen defending the village entrance. In the absence of anti-tank weapons, the Soviet heavy tanks that were still rumbling in were simply unstoppable steel behemoths.

"Anti-tank gun, Hans! Where is our anti-tank gun!?"

"They are all in the village. Major Geoffrey ordered them to be deployed to hidden gun positions!"

"Ivan's tank is coming! Three hundred meters! We can't hold it any longer!"

The powerful deterrent of the tracks almost hitting their faces forced these terrified German soldiers to retreat. Without anti-tank weapons, it was impossible to hold on to the simple defenses at the entrance of the village.

It is not without reason that field fortifications are so crude that they can be broken down with a single poke.

According to the German army's earlier combat plan, the offensive against the Soviet army should be launched in the next few days. To put it bluntly, the entire village is just a temporary assembly point for the German army. All the troops deployed in the village are preparing for the attack and are lined up side by side. The troops were deployed and the planned combat deployment had no mention of defense at all.

If the Soviet army, which took the initiative to initiate the Second Battle of Kharkov, abandoned the possibility of defense after some discussion, then the Germans, the opponents of the Soviet army, never considered defense at all. The anti-tank gun, which would slightly delay Malashenko's attack rhythm, is still attached to the tractor in preparation for maneuver.

The sudden charge of a group of tanks disrupted the German army's combat plan and rhythm. The German tanks parked in the open space in the village immediately started to warm up and tried to rush out of the village and engage in head-on firefights with the incoming Soviet troops. However, the tracks had already crushed the German troops and abandoned them in their positions. Malashenko, who loaded the ammunition box, obviously would not let his opponent succeed.

"Lavery, follow me! Advance toward the village along the central avenue, load all regiment vehicles with armor-piercing bombs, and give priority to those German tanks!"

Malashenko's regiment headquarters, all equipped with the earlier batch of prototype tanks, suffered heavy losses in the Winter War. So far, including Malashenko and Lavrinenko's vehicles, there are only 7 tanks of different shapes left. Heavy tanks.

However, in Malashenko's view, if a large group of tanks breaks into the village directly from the front, it will inevitably face the terrible problem of being unable to deploy on a narrow road. Rather than being restricted in numbers, it is better to gather elite forces to attack the snake and catch up with it. Use the upper hand to win the battle before the German tanks in the village can fully react.

The houses neatly arranged on both sides of the road in the village looked orderly and not much damaged. The Germans almost effortlessly occupied the village, which had been abandoned by the fleeing villagers.

The German soldiers who were driven into the village by Malashenko like a duck a minute or two ago were panting and hiding among them, staring closely at these steel behemoths rumbling into the village.

"That tank in the lead, aim for the turret!"





Unfortunately, Malashenko, who always seems to have the attribute of gathering fire and drawing hatred on the battlefield, once again became the target of the German army.

An armor-piercing projectile hitting the side edge of the turret collided fiercely with the cast turret armor, emitting a series of dazzling sparks. A large piece of the new summer camouflage paint was deeply rubbed off, and the unpenetrated impact containing huge kinetic energy caused the damage to the body. Malashenko, who was holding the commander's periscope in front of him, suddenly shook his body.

"The target is at one o'clock, the German anti-tank gun! Kill it in that cabin with no windows!"

Just when Malashenko gave the order, Lavrinenko's car, which was walking closely beside Malashenko's car, had already turned its turret, and the black 85mm tank gun of the castrated version of the KV220 The muzzle is pointed directly at the target.



It is disrespectful to reciprocate. The failure of the German armor-piercing projectiles to penetrate the armor of the IS1 prototype tank does not mean that the Soviet backhand blow will have the same effect.

An 85mm high-explosive bomb with a touch-type impact fuse hit the outer wall of a wooden house and exploded in an instant. The words "the wall collapsed, the house collapsed, and the sand and rocks were scattered" are perfectly suitable to describe the scene at this moment.

The collapsed roof was accompanied by smoke, dust and flames, instantly burying an entire German anti-tank gun battery whose life and death were unknown.

"Settle it, Malashenko! Are you okay?"

Seeing that Lavrinenko's quick attack snatched his own head on the spot, Malashenko, who was not angry and even smiled, immediately pressed the button of the microphone in his hand.

"I'm fine, it was a ricochet, but you did it really well."


Before he finished speaking, the harsh noise of mechanical crawler grinding and the roar of the gasoline engine rushed out of the way, forcibly interrupting Malashenko's unfinished words.

Looking through the commander's periscope at the German tank in front of him that had just emerged from the corner of the village, Malashenko, who almost thought he was dazzled, muttered an exclamation to himself almost subconsciously.

"Damn you! Is this thing coming out now!?"

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