Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 514 The problem is big

"Your regiment will serve as the vanguard of the entire army to participate in the battle in the direction of Nibotrikaya Village. The specific combat plan and deployment situation have been written in the file. There are so many things to say, on your side Is there anything else you need me to explain?"

What's wrong with me? Big problem! Comrade Lao Tie!

He thought so in his heart but did not dare to say it. When he heard the three words Stalin from the microphone, Malashenko had already realized that everything was over.

As far as Malashenko knows, no one in history seems to have been able to persuade his loving comrade to take back his words after giving an order. It is too late now.

Jumping out to oppose something that has become a fait accompli is something only a fool would do, and Malashenko obviously does not belong to such a person.

After sighing softly, he finally forced himself to make up his mind. Since there is no way to escape, the truth that must be faced seriously is the best way to describe the current situation.

"Either our tracks run over Fascist's body, or you can see my body burning in the wreckage of the tank. There are only two possibilities, and there is absolutely no third possibility, Comrade Marshal."

This was the first time Marshal Timoshenko heard such a bloody and heroic answer. The Red Army Marshal, who has always been known for his bold and rough style, immediately laughed loudly on the other end of the phone.

"Haha, Malashenko, it seems Zhukov's evaluation of you is absolutely right! I hope you can surprise me with your performance in the battle and crush those Fascist invaders! No mercy!"

Timoshenko, who knew nothing about the future, naturally could not have predicted what a disastrous defeat the Soviet army would suffer in the second Battle of Kharkov, but this was of great significance to Malashenko, who was a future time traveler. It's quite the opposite situation.

Knowing that there is a big pit ahead, I still want to jump into it, and I have given Comrade Lao Zhu everything he has to say, but it is still useless.

Malashenko threw down the microphone. Although he knew what he was going to face, he was still a little frustrated and confused. The total number of killed and captured was more than 400,000. The Soviet army hit the German iron plate. The losses in the Second Battle of Kharkov were simply staggering.

Malashenko, who knew this situation in his heart, was a little annoyed for the first time why he was only a small lieutenant colonel. If his official position was larger and his performance was more outstanding, would he be able to really influence the decision of his loving father Stalin.

Malashenko, who had such a fleeting fantasy, then thought of Zhukov's failure in persuading him. Even if Zhukov could not do something, what would he do if he really became a general as big as sesame seeds and mung beans? Stalin couldn't even listen to what Zhukov said, so he could still listen to himself? Simply ridiculous!

"Damn, this bearded old man is so stubborn! Doesn't he know how to delegate power only when his head is bruised and bloody?!"

In a bad mood, Malashenko began to blame all the current problems on his loving father, Comrade Stalin. If this bearded old man hadn't blindly directed him, why would he take this risk?

When the thick darkness of night enveloped the cold land of the Soviet Union again, Malashenko, who was fighting at night, was still studying the copy of the document that had just been delivered at dusk with the political commissar Petrov and Lavrinenko. Order files of the Front Headquarters.

"Six infantry divisions will be deployed behind us to wait for a possible attack? What on earth is so important about this village of Nibotrikaya?"

Facing the exclamation words from Lavrinenko's mouth, Malashenko himself couldn't explain why this small village, which looked very inconspicuous on the map, was so important. He just remembered it roughly and couldn't remember it at all. What happened to the historical village of Nebotrykaya during the Second Battle of Kharkov?

"If I had known, I would not have been a regiment commander here. I would have gone directly to the Red Army General Staff Headquarters to advise Marshal Shaposhnikov. The current problem is that the Front Army Headquarters asked us to conduct a preliminary investigation of this village. , depending on the situation, you can even capture this village!"

"We only have one day tomorrow to complete the tasks assigned by the Front Army Headquarters. The file mentions that a large-scale offensive at the entire Front Army level will begin at 5:30 in the morning the day after tomorrow. This village is a prominent position in the German defense. It is expected that There will be heavy guarding, and the order from the front army headquarters is to at least ascertain the actual situation and the general defense situation before the operation begins. This is our task! "

The village of Nibotrykaya, marked with a red circle on the map, is like a cyst that has its head drilled out of the skin, embedded in the Soviet Union in a way that is not a lump in the throat but is equally unsettling for sleep. Army's offensive line.

Timoshenko and his front army headquarters leadership team held a pre-war meeting and agreed that if the Germans really planned to attack, the village of Nibotrikaya would definitely be the springboard for them to start a counterattack.

The seemingly barren village must have been hoarding heavy German troops in preparation for the upcoming attack. This was a common tactic used by the German army in the 1941 Blitzkrieg offensive.

Although Timoshenko's analysis was generally correct, he couldn't help but encounter difficulties when the order was issued to Malashenko, who was the executor.

Judging from the map, there is only less than 20 kilometers straight line distance between this village of Nibotrikaya and his current village. Such a small road is just a matter of stepping on the accelerator, but the problem is that Malashenko does not know how many German troops are deployed in this village.

A battalion? A group? A division? Or an entire armored corps?

The aerial reconnaissance report mentioned in the command file made Malashenko so angry that he wanted to curse.

What does it mean that large-scale German troops are moving towards the village from the west? Can you tell clearly how many troops will be on a large scale? Malashenko really wanted to call Timoshenko and ask what was going on with this perfunctory aerial reconnaissance.

"We currently have too little effective intelligence and usable information. Malashenko, tomorrow's battle is destined to not be smooth sailing."

Malashenko's eyes were as wide as light bulbs. He kept tapping the desk with his right index finger regularly. The things Commissar Petrov said were exactly the things Malashenko wanted to scold him most. , even the aerial reconnaissance was not done well. It is no wonder that the second battle of Kharkov in history was fought like a bear.

"Notify to go down and prepare the troops, add fuel and carry all the artillery shells into the car. We have a tough battle to fight tomorrow! I can have a feeling that the Germans have already set up a posture and are waiting for us."

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