Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 506 A loving father’s happy time

Units and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the revolutionary movement, labor, defense of the socialist country, enhancement of friendship and cooperation among people, and promotion of peace are eligible to be awarded the Order of Lenin.

If strict classification is made according to such award conditions, Malashenko, who has been fighting since Yelnia was ordered to form and lead the first heavy tank breakthrough battalion until now, is indeed qualified to receive this award, which will allow all Soviet soldiers to The enviable high medal.

It is naturally an honor for Malashenko to be awarded the medal by Zhukov himself, but in Zhukov's view, this is a due obligation and reward for Malashenko's heroic performance throughout the war.

Although Malashenko did not have the envious eyes of the people around him like before, Malashenko, who still stood upright, could not hide the strong excitement in his heart.

"Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin personally proposed to award you the Order of Lenin. Your heroic performance in the Winter War was witnessed by everyone. This is an honor you have earned, Malashenko."

A light medal hangs in front of the left chest, but it seems to be as heavy as a thousand pounds.

Knowing the importance of the Lenin Order, Malashenko felt a little speechless. This exciting moment that should have been ecstatic was now full of worries about the next situation, and all hopes were put aside. Malashenko, who was pinned on Zhukov, could only replace his words with a simple salute again.

The sound of Malashenko's footsteps as he opened the door and left gradually faded away from Zhukov's ears. Zhukov, who felt his eyes were a little tired, took the rare opportunity to sit back on the chair and gently close his eyelids.

"I hope I can really convince him."

At the same time as Malashenko set out to return the same way and Zhukov let out a long sigh.

In the city of Moscow, which is still full of anti-aircraft guns and filled with air balloons, Comrade Stalin, the Kremlin's highest power holder and the loving father, is busy working in his office.

As the supreme leader of the entire Soviet Union, the loving father Comrade Stalin had many things to deal with personally in his day.

But before the real domestic work began, Stalin would always habitually look through the first-hand update of the world war situation that had just been sent to see those Japanese yellow-skinned monkeys who were so bold as to break the sky, and those who were choked to death by Hitler. What is the current situation of the John Bulls who are out of breath?

"German submarines are disappearing in the Atlantic, the British fleet has suffered heavy losses, and London's food supply has begun to be restricted."

"The Japanese have conquered many places in Southeast Asia, and all American colonies have fallen. Nimitz's application to transfer the battleship USS North Carolina back to the Pacific Fleet was rejected. The authenticity of the news that cannot be determined is that the USS North Carolina will still stay in Atlantic Ocean, waiting for an opportunity to find and sink the German battleship Tirpitz."

"The Japanese only had rifles and some basic light weapons in their hands, as well as a few small potato tanks that were not even considered armored vehicles in the Red Army tank force. But what was surprising was that the Americans had no power to resist and were defeated. MacArthur was almost driven into the sea, but fortunately a submarine came to pick him up and escaped, although the American soldiers on the shore were eventually captured by the Japanese. "

The Soviet intelligence and spy network deployed in Japan did not completely collapse due to Sorge's death and the destruction of Ramsey's team. While the Japanese were busy dealing with the Americans and the British, the Soviet Union, which had once again injected the red undercurrent into Japan, had quietly restored its advanced intelligence control over Japan. The intelligence that Stalin was currently talking about was the product of this result. .

Although even some senior Japanese officials are not very clear about this first-hand information at the moment, Comrade Stalin, the loving father, frowned while holding the corn pipe in his hand after reading the latest summary report. Stalin could not understand. How did the Americans, whose heavy industry was more developed than the Soviet Union, be overthrown by the Japanese?

"Roosevelt was too self-righteous. He thought the Japanese were just peaceful monkeys. Little did he know that monkeys can bite when they are anxious, not to mention that their oil lifeline has been cut off."

Stalin, who was unaware of the truth about Pearl Harbor and Roosevelt's shocking conspiracy, made inaccurate conclusions and blamed the U.S. military's defeat in Southeast Asia on Roosevelt, who had carefully planned a grand chess game.

But no matter what, it has become an established reality that the United Kingdom and the United States are now only able to resist. Stalin, who originally expected the United States and the United Kingdom to increase aid to the Soviet Union, felt a little frustrated and disappointed.

But at the same time, Stalin also felt a little lucky. Fortunately, the Soviet Union and Japan have maintained a neutral relationship so far. There is no muddy water like the British and Americans being beaten by Japan. The Soviet Union is indeed now There is no more strength left to deal with the Japanese Kwantung Army, which is purely a third-rate force.

Stalin, who softly lamented that the Americans and British were so vulnerable, put aside the foreign war reports in his hands, but smiled happily after picking up the statistical war reports of the Soviet Red Army on the domestic front.

The number of German troops captured, killed, maimed, and missing is estimated to be as high as 500,000. The battle line originally surrounding Moscow was pushed back more than 200 kilometers westward by the Soviet Red Army's offensive.

The Soviet intelligence network deployed in Germany sent news back to Moscow saying that a very worried atmosphere had begun to permeate the German base camp, and almost everyone except Hitler was worried about the morale of the frontline troops.

The Soviet agents who followed the senior Wehrmacht officials and avoided the Gestapo's spies were surprised to find that the German officers on the front line who were drinking in pubs to soothe their sorrows after returning home for vacation suddenly started to look like a teenager who had his toys taken away after he was drunk. The child usually bursts into tears.

"Frozen to death, all the people were frozen to death, or were dying in the process of being frozen to death! He threw himself on the snow, shouting that I can't stand it anymore, I can't stand it anymore. ! And all I can do is call for the corpse collection team to wrap up his body and carry it away before it hardens. If it stays overnight, the frozen corpse will even break into pieces when it is thrown into the car. "

"Have you ever seen the way pieces of flesh on a human body are broken into pieces? Hoffman. Oh wu, let me tell you, I have seen it, I really have seen it! The right hand was broken off the body so easily. , God can’t save the Russian winter.”

The curvature of the corner of his mouth has jumped to an unprecedented height. Stalin was extremely satisfied with the haze being swept away. The miserable situation of the Germans was Stalin's most pleasurable stimulant.

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