Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 504 Optimistic Father

After some careful consideration, Malashenko realized that he could not just do nothing. In the end, he was overwhelmed by the strong desire to survive.

"No, we can't just step on this thunder! Even if it's a hint of insinuation, we have to work hard. If we really have to be transferred to the Southwest Front and then be driven into Stalingrad by the Germans, it's not fucking acceptable. Live!"

The upset Malashenko grabbed the military cap on the table and put it on the top of his head. Knowing that time could no longer be delayed, Malashenko immediately prepared to leave for action.

"Malashenko, what are you going to do? We should immediately start preparing our troops to report to the Southwest Front Headquarters."

He took off the Tokarev TT33 pistol hanging on the wall and its holster and put it on his waist. Malashenko, who had already made a decision in his heart, left a word without looking back and stepped out. Go.

"Go to the front headquarters and see the commander, General Zhukov!"

The journey to the Western Front Headquarters did not take much time. Malashenko, who was not far from Moscow, took a Gas Jeep and arrived at the Western Front Headquarters not long after lunch.

"Comrade Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko, the leader of the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, has arrived. He is waiting for you in the living room and said he has something very important to report to you."

"Malashenko? What is he doing here at this time?"

After hearing the communication staff's report, he was obviously a little surprised. Zhukov, who was reviewing a summary report on winter casualties, immediately put down the pen in his hand.

"Okay, bring him here. I just have something to explain to him."

It had been several months since I had seen Comrade Zhu in person. When Malashenko, led by an orderly, walked into Zhukov's office, this general who was already known as the God of War of the Red Army was... He was sitting behind his desk, staring at himself with a smiling kind face.

"Did you enjoy your vacation? Malashenko, I heard that Comrade Kotin spoke highly of you."

Malashenko, who is directly under the command of the front army, can come directly to meet Zhukov. This is no longer surprising to others in the front army headquarters.

As the frontline battle continues to progress and deepen, almost everyone in the Western Front Command now knows that Malashenko is Commander Zhukov's favorite general. After hearing something about it, Zhukov just smiled and passed it by without saying anything. This is denied.

Compared with Zhukov's gentle smile, Malashenko, who rushed all the way to the front army headquarters in a hurry, looked a little flustered.

"Comrade Commander, I believe that the German troops on the southern front are also preparing for a new spring offensive because winter is coming to an end!"

"In the winter counterattack, although we drove the Germans out of Moscow and formed the Baffinkober salient on the southern front. I know that this salient is a very favorable springboard for us to attack, but even if we We won the winter counterattack but are still at a strategic disadvantage!”

"The Germans have much more technical weapons and total troops than us. After this period of dormancy and rest, we have reason to believe that they have restored a certain combat effectiveness! They contain huge attack energy!"

"Judging from the Germans' consistent approach, they must be actively preparing for the upcoming offensive. In this case, attacking against the Germans is using our disadvantages to counter the German advantages. This will undoubtedly affect We are very disadvantaged!”

"If possible, I think we should maintain a strategic defensive posture first, wait until the German attack is defeated by us, and then wait for an opportunity to launch a counterattack like the Winter War! Although the blitzkrieg tactics advocated by the Germans have strong offensive energy, they lack stamina, and they will also not By configuring deep echelon defense positions, as long as we seize the opportunity, we will be able to reverse the situation again!"

For Malashenko right now, the most important issue is not how to change the success or failure of the Second Battle of Kharkov, but how to use a more tactful and unsuspecting way to put himself, a future time traveler, in the head of All the important information contained in it tells Zhukov the key existence that has the ability to influence the decisions of the Soviet Supreme Command.

Obviously, Zhukov, who was a little stunned, was very surprised that the words just came from Malashenko, a grassroots commander.

However, the fact that a small lieutenant colonel can consider the issue does not mean that the big bosses of the Supreme Command can also consider it thoroughly. To be precise, it should be an objective existence that can be considered but does not want or admit the problem. .

Zhukov sighed lightly and decided to briefly explain the root cause of the problem to Malashenko after about a few seconds. Malashenko, who refreshed Zhukov's cognitive outlook time and time again, indeed had an overall view of the overall situation that even surprised Zhukov. Accurate judgment ability.

"Some things cannot be decided in a few words, Malashenko. We urgently need a victory now, a victory that is enough to declare to all military and civilians that the Germans have been completely defeated by us! This is not my opinion, but It’s the direction indicated by the Supreme Command. If you still don’t understand what this means, take a look at this!”

After taking a roll of newspaper that Zhukov threw out from his desk and spreading it out completely, Malashenko saw a very eye-catching headline in big letters.

"The most critical moment has passed! The great Red Army will win in the new year!"

Malashenko blinked and mistakenly thought he was dazzled. Then he widened his eyes and moved his gaze to the content of the article below. However, the content of this special editorial was far more exciting than the title.

The content of the article detailed the highest instructions of the loving father Comrade Stalin. Comrade Stalin announced that it would not take long for the Red Army to completely defeat the enemy, and the red flag of victory would once again fly across the entire country, just like it did after the White bandits were defeated.

After reading the entire article at a glance, Malashenko almost dropped his eyes to the ground.

If Malashenko, who was still mentally disturbed, clearly knew that the current time was the beginning of 1942, in Malashenko's view, this Pravda headline editorial should have been put to the invasion of Germany three and a half years later. It’s only appropriate when it’s local!

"Comrade Commander, this is me, I really don't know how to describe what I'm thinking right now."

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