Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 500 Outside Moscow

It turns out that the thing that can avenge his brother is not knowledge and technology, but the steel behemoths that he sketched and built with his own hands.

Second Lieutenant Ivanov, who was very regretful, only hated why he had not asked to be sent to the combat unit in the first place. Second Lieutenant Ivanov, who wanted to personally avenge the Germans, found that the current situation was beyond his control.

In this most powerful military conflict in human history between ideology and two military powers, the fate of Second Lieutenant Ivanov, who possesses skills and knowledge far beyond those of his peers, has long been in the hands of his superiors and the motherland.

Let an outstanding young talent who can directly participate in a new tank design project be shot to death by the Germans on the front line, as long as the Soviet leadership has not yet reached the level of Gorbachev's brains, this kind of stupid thing There is absolutely no way anyone can do it.

What the entangled Second Lieutenant Ivanov didn't know was that Kotin had actually mentioned to Malashenko about sending a young man over when he left Moscow a few days ago, and repeatedly emphasized that he must not let him come. After getting on the dangerous front line, Malashenko's approval was obtained.

At present, soliciting Second Lieutenant Ivanov's opinion is just a formality at best. Regardless of whether Second Lieutenant Ivanov wants it or not, Malashenko, who has already greeted Karamov on the phone in advance, has already given him He arranged the job.

Once Second Lieutenant Ivanov disobeys, just use the mountain of military orders to push him over. There is no problem that is too difficult to solve.

Fortunately, Lieutenant Ivanov, who had a clear understanding of his position in the Soviet Red Army, wisely chose the latter between revenge and national justice.

Being able to tolerate his youthful willfulness and send himself to the front line closest to the smoke of artillery fire, and at the same time working side by side with the most famous tank hero in the entire Red Army, the classic truth that contentment is always happy finally allowed Second Lieutenant Ivanov to maintain his A constant smile.

"I am willing to follow your suggestions and arrangements, Comrade Malashenko! I am very happy to serve in the glorious 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment."

Yes, the boy is quite sensible!

Malashenko, who was quite satisfied with Lieutenant Ivanov's answer, immediately reached out and patted the shoulder of the young man in front of him, who was almost the same age as him, to encourage him. It looked like an elder was teaching a younger one. generally.

What’s surprising is that neither Malashenko, who made the move, nor Lieutenant Ivanov, who stood there and accepted everything, showed no discomfort or abnormality on their faces, just like Comrade Lao Zhu said to Malashenko. Rashenko did exactly the same thing when he did the same thing.

What is most needed and emphasized in the tank battle on the front line against the elite German armored forces? After more than half a year of fierce fighting, Malashenko, who was about to knock his brains out, came to a conclusion with certainty: logistical support.

If it weren’t for Captain Karamov, whom even Rokossovsky praised highly, he would lead the logistics support team. After combining the privileges of the Guards number troops with priority in equipment selection and supplies, those who were originally not very The reliable KV1 heavy tanks are well maintained and rarely make mistakes.

Malashenko estimated that not to mention having direct anal sex with the Germans, he would have to stop halfway through the cross-country combat environment with bad road conditions and drive a bunch of broken vehicles. He heard that the heavy tank troops of his neighbor's neighbors stalled and stalled. After the uninterrupted situation, Malashenko became even more determined in this idea.

How well a tank is maintained is directly related to the final outcome of the battle. Malashenko, who is grateful that he got the talent of Karamov from Rokossovsky, pays more attention to logistical support than any commander and fighter of the Red Army tank unit. irreplaceable role.

Now that he has obtained the IS1 prototype, he has also obtained Ivanov, a valuable talent brought out by Kojin. With two generals in logistics support, Malashenko can undoubtedly lead people to have sex more confidently and boldly. German guy, Malashenko even thought that Second Lieutenant Ivanov was the biggest gain of his trip after thinking about it again and again.

It is not an easy task to drive the more than 40-ton IS1 heavy tank prototype out of Moscow.

The city-wide state of martial law has not yet been lifted, so it is naturally impossible for a heavy tank to drive majestically through the streets. Even the car of Comrade Malashenko, a tank hero of the Red Army, cannot drive this special case.

After sneaking on super trails and taking long detours in the middle of the night, Malashenko, who barely slept all night, finally sent his brand-new prototype car out of the city after working for most of the night. It was a coincidence and extremely lucky that Ivanov The second lieutenant happens to drive the IS1 heavy tank.

Although his driving was a bit skewed and not very professional, he was still much better than Malashenko, who only graduated from the required tank driving course at the Tank Corps School.

Malashenko, who has hardly sat in the driver's seat since he left school, has almost forgotten how to drive a tank. If he really wants to drive a tank, he might run into the street. building, and then was invited to sit on a bench at the Lubyanka Hotel to chat.

The dawn that tore through the darkness shone golden sunlight on the armor of Malashenko's brand-new car, refracting and shining brightly.

Next to the steel behemoth dormant quietly in the snow, she could not bear to worry about her lover and got up early in the morning. Natalia, who came specially to see her off, was saying her final farewell to Malashenko.

"Just like before, just wait quietly at home for me to come back! I won't let you lose everything you have now, I swear."

Compared to Malashenko, who has two lifetimes of memory and is already a master, the somewhat shy Natalia is much more dull. She just holds Malashenko's right hand with a pair of small hands that are red from the cold. Feeling the last tenderness that is about to leave.

Although he has never been in love with the girl, Second Lieutenant Ivanov, who has a high emotional intelligence, is sitting on the turret and turning on the light bulb. Once outsiders are present, Natalia will be a completely different person. Natalia can't let go, knowing that Malashenko, who saw this situation, did not say anything in the end and just gently hugged his lover.

"Wait when I get home!"

The fully fueled V-type 12-cylinder diesel engine roared again under the operation of Second Lieutenant Ivanov. Malashenko, who suppressed his desire and never turned around, just paused for a few seconds. The hesitant back was left to her lover behind her, and the right hand that closed the turret roof was the last afterimage that remained in Natalia's eyes.

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