Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 498 Squid and Loving Father

After returning from the field hospital, before he could take a sip of hot water, Guderian suddenly received a phone call. Marshal Bock, the former commander of the German Army Group Center, who was fired by Hitler, took over. The new officer took office with three firepowers. Marshal von Kluge, who was not in a fever, immediately scolded Guderian on the other end of the phone.

"Why retreat!? I received reports that you violated the orders of the head of state, and the retreat started at least a day ago! You let your troops go against the will of the head of state, Guderian! This is a serious dereliction of duty!"

The first thing he did after returning to the front line from the base camp was to go around various military and division headquarters to convey to the main generals under his command that Hitler must stick to the end. Guderian, who had worked in vain and was wronged, was immediately angry. With a fever, he directly grabbed the microphone and pushed it back towards Marshal Kruger.

"You are an insult to my identity and personality as a soldier! Kruger! I have never ordered the troops to retreat without authorization against the orders of the head of state, and it is impossible for me to do so! Although I made a request to withdraw, it was rejected by the head of state! In Before I became a commander, I was a soldier, and I know what a soldier should and shouldn't do. I have never given the orders you are talking about! "

In his heart, he felt very unhappy about Marshal Bock's departure. At the same time, he was also full of reasons for those guys in Berlin who were eating corpses. Guderian, who had no place to vent his evil anger, felt very unhappy about Crewe who had insulted his military dignity. Ge naturally doesn't have a good face.

Even Hitler dared to butt a cow in front of him and almost broke the ceiling. Kruger, who had not yet settled down and was facing adversity, was blocked by Guderian for a moment and had nothing to say, but even so, he placed all the blame for the failure on After all, Kruger couldn't just let go of Guderian's head.

The next day, Guderian, who commanded his troops and fought to the death with the counterattacking Soviet army for a whole day, once again received a call from Marshal Kruger. This time, Marshal Kruger's tone was even worse, loudly accusing Guderian. The report on the phone last night was completely false and deceived.

Just like last night, Guderian still used his fiery temper to push back Kruger, who didn't take him seriously at all. Guderian would never give in to such a serious insult to his military dignity. . This is a matter of principle and there is no room for negotiation!

The furious Kruger threatened Guderian to report to the Führer before he put down the phone. The furious Guderian directly made harsh words to tell Kruger to do whatever he wanted.

After putting down the microphone, Guderian became more and more angry as he thought about it. What he had experienced in less than half a month was simply the epitome of a world-class tragedy.

Guderian, who no longer wanted to endure being wronged, grabbed the phone and called the Army Group Center headquarters again to express his resignation.

Unexpectedly, the Chief of Staff of Army Group Center who answered Guderian's call brought even more shocking news. Kruger, who was as angry as a raging bull, immediately drafted a telegram himself and sent it to Berlin after putting down the phone. The words were concise and to the point. The local government directly requested the Army General Headquarters to remove Guderian from his post.

The dumbfounded Guderian didn't expect that Kruger could really do such a thing. To be honest, Guderian just wanted to threaten and warn the Army Group Center headquarters not to go too far and not to put the frontline troops under control. If the Soviet army was completely defeated, it would be better to regard it as giving the order to retreat and then take all the blame on itself.

Guderian, who had never thought of actually leaving the front line, was a little panicked. After leaving the tank and the army, Guderian didn't know what else he could do.

Going home to retire? Damn it! I am only 53 years old. At this age, I can go home and take care of myself and be treated as a laughing stock by others?

However, the cruel reality that goes against one's wishes always comes too suddenly regardless of human subjective will.

Early the next morning, Guderian was notified that Hitler had personally approved Marshal Kruger's request, which meant that Guderian would follow Marshal Bock's footsteps and go home to retire.

The trajectory of history did not significantly change Guderian's fate in 1941 because of Malashenko's butterfly effect.

Guderian, who was both annoyed and unwilling, had no choice but to say goodbye to his beloved army and tanks after packing his luggage. After leaving a farewell letter to the soldiers and informing the entire army of the Second Armored Group, he immediately set off. The special plane back to Germany never came back.

At the same time, Malashenko, who never thought about Guderian being fired by Hitler, was living a comfortable life.

Every day she drools and snores loudly. She sleeps until midnight when she wakes up naturally. When she wakes up, she can always see Natalia moving a small bench and looking at her quietly like a primary school student paying attention to class. Her expression is astonishing. His eyes looked as if he were afraid that his lover would disappear in the blink of an eye.

In the last few days of the week-long holiday, Malashenko, who was waiting a little anxiously with nothing to do, finally received the notice on the penultimate day of the holiday.

The freight train from Chelyabinsk has delivered the IS-1 prototype tank that Kotin personally handled and debugged to the Moscow station. This tank has witnessed the beginning of a great but completely different era of history. The tank is quietly waiting for Malashenko to receive it.

He urgently urged Corporal Valentin to drive as fast as possible. By the time Malashenko saw his brand-new car, he was already in an unfamiliar munitions warehouse compound. The busy Moscow train station was not allowed to do so. A heavy tank of more than 40 tons is always parked on the platform and gets in the way.

"Look at her, damn! She's so pretty, isn't she?"

Russian historians who were annoyed by the idleness of later generations recorded this classic words in primary school textbooks. It was the first words spoken by Corporal Valentin, who was somewhat confused by the monk, when he heard Malashenko get off the car.

Compared to his daughter-in-law, who is as beautiful as a snowdrop with a thin layer of frost, Malashenko always feels that the loving father in front of him looks more eye-catching, although this may just be A temporary illusion.

Perfectly combining the three elements of mobility, firepower, and protection, the IS1 prototype tank equipped with an 85mm D-5T tank gun did not play much role in the original history, but in its heart it holds the whole history of World War II. But Shen Ke understood one thing clearly.

In the coming 1942, Comrade No. 1, whose comprehensive performance is as good as that of Tiger, will definitely beat the crap out of those Nazi Germans!

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