Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 492 Super Powerful Father

In the history of the development of heavy tanks of the Red Army throughout World War II, except for the belatedly born No. 7 after the war, the IS4 heavy tank, which is powerful enough to crush the IS3, is the unrivaled Soviet heavy tank in the entire history of World War II. The most powerful one, bar none.

The IS4, which had already built a prototype as early as 1943, failed to finally enter the battlefield. There are many reasons.

Paying attention to large corps group operations and being in the ongoing strategic counter-offensive stage, the Soviet Red Army tank force placed a very important position on the mobility and passability requirements of heavy tanks. This point can only be seen from the Stalin series of heavy tanks. It can already be seen.

The IS2 heavy tank, which was born at the same time and went on the battlefield, is far more maneuverable than the German Fat Tiger. While it has both firepower and protection, it also attaches great importance to mobility. The golden mean can be reluctantly used to describe the Red Army's heavy tank. The core development concept of tanks.

Although the IS4 heavy tank weighing up to 60 tons is not as exaggerated as the 70-ton weight of the Fat Tiger, the power-to-weight ratio of the 750-horsepower V-12 diesel engine is much better than the German Fat Tiger when combined with the tonnage.

However, the exaggerated weight of more than ten tons compared to the IS2 heavy tank still made the Soviet Red Army shake their heads at the IS4.

When passing through soft fields and weather after rain, the IS4, which weighs up to 60 tons, is likely to get stuck in the soft mud and be unable to get out. If you want to pull this 60-ton steel behemoth out, It is even more difficult to reach the sky! At the same time, how to get the IS4 across the river is also a very troublesome problem. The Red Army's engineering troops cannot build a pontoon bridge that can allow a steel behemoth of this tonnage to cross the river smoothly.

Although the Germans later used the King Tiger's 70-ton weight to prove that the Soviet Union's idea at the end of 1943 was actually somewhat redundant, the King Tiger's passability with its wide tracks and staggered road wheels can be said to not be too bad, even It's a little bit better among heavy tanks.

Regardless of the failure of the tank itself, a normally operating King Tiger can pass in a straight line through muddy soil or even plowed soft fields. Of course, if the crew is forced to turn around in such bad ground, that will be a different matter. Never mind.

The only thing that gave the Germans a headache was that the King Tiger's transmission system and engine frequently broke down due to being overwhelmed, and the embarrassment that the combat weight of up to 70 tons was almost impossible to cross the river in the field. Most of the King Tigers in history were also because of this. The corpse was abandoned in the wilderness due to the problem and was photographed by Soviet and Allied soldiers.

Another main reason why IS4 was abandoned was that the German army was completely defeated and unable to recover after 44 years.

While the performance of the IS2 heavy tank is still good enough to meet combat needs, the importance of the IS4 heavy tank, which is so large that it makes people shake their heads, is naturally ranked in the second position.

Even when the mass production of equipment for the troops began after the war, the meager output of a few hundred IS4 vehicles was eventually thrown into the care home of the Siberian Military Region, which was always short of good equipment. The flat land there was considered the most A place suitable for IS4 heavy tanks to play.

All in all, being replaced by the IS3 is not because the IS4 is poorly designed or has poor performance, but because this heavy tank, the strongest presence of the Red Army in World War II, was born at the wrong time. This is why Malashenko hopes to After IS6 can be resurrected, the real reason is that he wants IS4 to come back under his influence.

Judging from the current situation, the development history of the German Army's World War II armored forces has begun to undergo visible changes due to its own butterfly effect.

From the arrival of No. 3 J1 on the battlefield a few weeks in advance, to the fact that August has already stated that the tiger will be released from the cage several months in advance.

If this accelerated momentum continues, Malashenko predicts that the Germans are likely to come up with some more bizarre and jaw-dropping gadgets on the battlefield in 1944.

Although all this is just a daydream and speculation at present, Malashenko, who knows the truth of preparing for a rainy day, does not want to fight an unprepared battle.

Now that I know the pitfalls that the Red Army has experienced in the development of heavy tanks and what is the right path, there is no reason not to increase efforts to continue to fan the flames and create greater influence on Kogin's side.

No matter what novelties the Germans can come up with due to the huge changes in the battlefield, Malashenko must always let the Red Army's heavy tanks overwhelm the Germans!

You bring out the tiger, and I bring out the loving father 1, and you bring out the panther, and I bring out the loving father 2.

When Brother Nan comes, Loving Father 6 will blow up the dog's head, and finally Loving Father 4 will send King Tiger and Hunting Tiger back to their hometown!

"Yeah! Just do it like this. If you don't release some big news on time, you will be worthy of the title of time traveler!"

The more he thought about it, the smooth sailing became even a little bit proud. Malashenko, who was immersed in the self-satisfied joy that under his influence, the Stalin series of heavy tanks were born more than a year in advance, did not expect it at this moment.

It was my little complacency at the moment that messed up the Patriotic War that had been written down in history!

In the not-too-distant future that has been tampered with beyond recognition, the German army that was still able to attack each other was directly hit by the IS2 heavy tank in 1942. This happened on the Kursk battlefield in 1943. Some unexpected new faces.

As for how the super powerful being who made a stunning appearance in the German independent heavy tank battalion in 1944 beat the Allied Xie Mantou on the Western Front battlefield to a bloody head and flew into the air, this is not what Comrade Malashenko wants. It’s something that can be managed.

After all, you can never be kind to little Bourgeois. If Malashenko really knew about it, he would probably have to clap his hands twice or something. This is what Comrade Commander of the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Division under the 1st Belarusian Front should do Things to do.

It is still too early to say what will happen in the near future. Malashenko, who knew nothing about the situation, walked out of the station gate in a pretty good mood.

Corporal Valentin, who originally thought he had been ordered to go shopping by himself, had already disappeared in his car. Malashenko, who subconsciously glanced at the area within his sight, discovered that the particularly conspicuous Gar The Jeep was parked motionless where he had left it a few hours earlier.

"This kid, could it be possible that he parked the car here and escaped by himself?"

Malashenko stepped forward with doubts and then strode to the car. He originally thought that Valentin didn't know which girl to look for and looked into the car through the window glass, but Unexpectedly, Corporal Valentin didn't leave at all. He was leaning on his seat and continuing to read with great interest the book "How Steel Was Tempered" in his hand.

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