Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 490 Loving Father No. 1

The most taboo thing about military technology is to rush for quick results. At the end of World War II, the Germans, who were forced to a dead end, took out all the technologies that could be used and could not be used. 262 killed the ace pilot and the rat was faster than a tortoise. Being too slow is the ultimate result of rushing for success.

Judging from the current situation, at least he is trying to guide Ke Jing on the right track he wants. With August, Porsche's right-hand man, helping Ke Jing to remind him, some tragedies in the original history should be It can be avoided, which is also Malashenko’s ultimate goal in handing August’s choice to Kotin.

Before all the existing preparations come to fruition, Malashenko can only hope that IS2 can be born as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the German's premature tiger rumbles onto the battlefield in the spring of next year, Malashenko does not want to be there. At that time, I was still driving a shitty KV heavy tank.

Remembering that his precious car had been torn off by the Germans, Malashenko scratched his head and decided to dig out some more treasures from Kogin.

"Comrade Kejin, do you have any new prototype tanks recently? My army is resting and needs a lot of supplementary tanks. If possible, are there any new prototype tanks that can be sent to me? I need a powerful one myself. command vehicle."

I originally planned to put this matter at the end, but now that Malashenko has brought it up, he simply rides a donkey downhill to talk about it. Kogin, who does have new prototype equipment in hand, thinks for a moment and then speaks again.

"The tank chassis and transmission system have been designed, but there are still many areas that need improvement. The gearbox gears are not very reliable and the efficiency is not high. In short, it is still an improved version of the original Hongqi tractor transmission system, and time is too tight. "There is no way to produce satisfactory results in such a short period of time, so we can only prioritize other parts."

After hearing the words from Kogin's mouth, he selectively forgot the bad news about the magical modification of the transmission system. Malashenko, who refined the most critical content, blurted it out again in a slightly excited voice.

"So there is a new prototype? Is that what you mean? Comrade Kogin."

Facing Malashenko's questioning, Kogin, who did not continue to sell out, nodded slightly. Kogin, who has never stopped researching and developing new heavy tanks, has made further achievements.

"The armor defense shape of the entire chassis has been redesigned to have a better defense against ricochet than the original KV1 heavy tank chassis, and the physical thickness of the armor is also thicker. Based on the different defense weights, some locations that are most susceptible to bullets have been Thickening adjustment, but even the weakest part of the frontal armor can reach a physical thickness of 100 mm. It comes with a high-angle ricochet shape borrowed from the T34 tank. This is specially designed to withstand the German 88 gun. of."

Before he finished speaking, he took out a file from the file bag he carried with him, spread his hands and placed them neatly on the table in front of Malashenko.

As the saying goes, you won't know until you look at it, and you will be shocked at first glance. The outlines and marked parameters of the tank drawn purely by hand on the drawing in front of him seemed so familiar to Malashenko.

As the originator of the Stalin series of heavy tanks that have been famous throughout the history of World War II and even in the history of world tanks, the IS1 heavy tank, which has almost been completely finalized and has the same appearance as in the original history, is now fully presented in Malashenko in front of.

Malashenko clearly remembers that the IS1 heavy tank in history was officially put into production at the end of 1943, and it was only after 1944 that it participated in actual combat on a large scale. Its limelight and glory were almost completely overshadowed by the IS2 heavy tank that was born at the same time. In addition, due to the scarcity of production, it did not achieve a great record in the Patriotic War.

At the moment, what Kojing has come up with is only the initial plan of the IS1 heavy tank. According to Kojing, there are still many problems in the transmission system and gearbox that need to be solved, which is different from the IS1 heavy tank that was built in one go in history.

This is undoubtedly the unpredictable result of the original historical trajectory being tampered with and changed. The Soviet heavy tank technology and design ideas in 1941 were still somewhat different from those in 1943.

But all this cannot cover up the excellent and reliable performance of the IS1 heavy tank. The 85mm D-5T tank gun it is equipped with is the mass-produced version of the prototype 85 gun that has been proven to be reliable. The armor protection is also sufficient for large-scale use at long distances. The probability of withstanding the aimed direct fire of the German short-barreled 88 gun.

As long as the unreliable transmission system problem caused by the rush of time is completely solved, the IS1 heavy tank will undoubtedly become the absolute main force of the Red Army's heavy tank force in the following Patriotic War in 1942. It is sufficient in terms of mobility, protection, and firepower. It is on par or even better than the German premature Tiger tank.

Malashenko, who came with the memories of later generations, clearly knew what kind of excellent IS1 heavy tank was that would carry forward the past and carry forward the future. Looking at the somewhat solemn and uncertain hesitation expression on Kotin's face, he knew that he should give Kotin Malashenko came to the final blow without any hesitation.

"I support this new heavy tank, Comrade Kejin! Based on my actual combat experience combined with the performance parameters and tank shape listed on the drawing, I can conclude that this is an excellent tank that can cope with future threats for a long time. The premise is It’s the tank’s transmission system that has been improved and more reliable, but of course I believe this is not a problem for you.”

Kogin, who was still a little unsure about paying attention, immediately perked up after hearing Malashenko's confident words.

In terms of tank design, I am definitely much better than Malashenko. But when it comes to actual combat experience after driving a tank on the battlefield, Kotin clearly knows that he is undoubtedly an amateur compared to Malashenko. The convinced advice from Malashenko is enough to make Kotin feel Delighted and convinced.

"It's great that you are so sure, Comrade Malashenko! I have always been worried about the design ideas of new heavy tanks. The reason is that the tanks of our opponents, the Germans, are so useless!"

"The German tanks at this stage are simply no match for our Red Army heavy tanks. I can only carry out corresponding designs based on the concept of German heavy tanks proposed in your previous report. Even so, I am still unsure. Note, but now with your approval I believe this will be a successful design!”

Malashenko, who had already started talking to Kojin, looked at each other and smiled after hearing this. Men's chat is so relaxed and comfortable as long as they start talking. It has always been like this since ancient times.

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