Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 488 Wild Reverie

In order to assign production responsibility to the person, each 12-cylinder V-2 diesel engine will be marked with a specific engine number when it leaves the factory. This is also the final method for Kogin to determine which prototype tank Malashenko is commanding. .

But when faced with the question raised by Kogin, he shook his head slightly and was unable to give any definite answer. Malashenko, who was busy directing battles and discussing tactics all day long and wanted to catch up on some sleep, how could he have the mind to read nonsense? engine number.

If anyone can really memorize the engine number, Malashenko estimates that only his internal supervisor, Captain Karamov, can remember the engine number. After all, he usually works with engines.

"Okay, that's not important. From a commander's point of view, do you think those new prototype tanks are satisfactory to use?"

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention.

At the original Moscow meeting, the damn Jewish ghost Katukov severely demolished his heavy tank. Kotin, who could not get over this hurdle in his heart, always felt that his heart was filled with panic.

What is KV1? That was a masterpiece designed with all his efforts that could change the direction of heavy tanks! How dare a bastard Jewish man belittle his own masterpiece as worthless. Why wasn't this kind of bastard born in Germany? !

Katukov, whose performance was quite eye-catching in the original historical trend, is now completely stolen by Malashenko.

Malashenko, who commanded the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, dashed from left to right and marched south and north, became a frequent guest in the headlines of Pravda and a well-known Red Army tank hero to the Soviet people.

Kogin, who still feels extremely unhappy, desperately wants to be recognized and praised by Malashenko.

After all, according to Comrade Kotin’s idea, if even Malashenko, the strongest tank hero of the Red Army, says that the tank he designed is a masterpiece, then what is the nonsense yelled by that Jewish ghost Katukov? ?

Malashenko, who had no idea what Kojin had in mind, and to be honest, it felt pretty good after using it, then slowly nodded his head in affirmation.

"The rotation speed of the steering gear is a bit inflexible. The new turret is heavier than the original turret. I think we need an electric steering gear. Comrade Kejing, cervical spondylosis is a very bad problem in actual combat. In addition, the transmission system is still an old problem, Hongqi The transmission system of the tractor is very difficult to support the heavier prototype tank, and it is easy to break down on the battlefield if it is not properly maintained.”

"The armor protection of the new turret is very reliable. My life has been saved by this new turret more than once. Her design is simply great. At present, this is the best defensive shape, at least I think so."

"The hull armor is very reliable when dealing with the ordinary anti-tank firepower of the Germans, and can withstand all German armor-piercing projectiles. But it is not enough when facing the German 88 gun, if the angle of impact is not too small. It will be almost 100% penetrated. In most cases, the losses are caused by the 88 gun penetrating the frontal armor. We need more reliable defense. "

After saying so much in one breath, Malashenko looked at Comrade Kogin's face, which was a little mixed in mood and anger. Malashenko, who probably guessed what Kogin was worried about, kept his expression unchanged and continued to speak slowly.

"Although there are some objective shortcomings, I have come to a conclusion through actual combat situations that these new prototype tanks are the best tanks currently in the hands of our Red Army."

"I commanded T3476, took over T3457 a while ago, and even captured some of the Germans' new Panzer III tanks. After comparing with these tanks, I still can't deny the power of KV heavy tanks. Those T34s are only suitable for use as the most powerful tanks. Ordinary soldiers, no one can deny the existence of elites, and our heavy tanks are the absolute backbone of the attack on the city. "

"Wherever the situation is critical, heavy tanks must appear where they should be in time to shoulder the responsibility. KV heavy tanks are the elite of the Red Army tanks, Comrade Kotin, just like the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment are the Red Army tanks Like the best in the army.”

Before that, he had some doubts about his masterpiece, but after hearing some words of encouragement from Malashenko, Kogin's eyes widened and he became energetic.

The encouragement from Malashenko was like the sound of nature. Kogin swore that these were definitely the most comforting words he had heard recently.

"Let that damn Jew ghost eat shit! What can people like this who don't understand the truth of heavy tanks have to say? Comrade Malashenko is the confidant of heavy tanks, and this is the real tank hero of our Red Army. !”

Kogin, who was passionate and heroic in his heart, instantly raised Malashenko's status in his heart by several levels because of the "hero's common understanding". From now on, if anyone dares to say that heavy tanks are useless, he will All production resources will be allocated to medium tanks, and when the time comes, Malashenko will be brought out to let them know how stupid they are for their ignorance!

If we consider it from Malashenko's perspective, in addition to the very pertinent evaluation of the KV heavy tank's advantages and disadvantages, another reason why Malashenko has a good impression of heavy tanks is its strong battlefield survivability. Thick armor is the only barrier to one's survival on the battlefield.

When he first came to this slightly unfamiliar world, he lived purely for himself. His strong desire for survival dominated Malashenko to find more powerful heavy tanks to survive the most difficult period in 1941. critical moment.

At present, Malashenko's desire to survive is even stronger because of Natalia, an important person who cannot be ignored. He knows that the subsequent chain reactions of the butterfly effect have begun to emerge, but Malashenko sees a path to the dark side. But he had no intention of looking back.

If possible, Malashenko would even like to fly the loving No. 7 instead of the weakling No. 2 when he captures Berlin. Although this over-exaggerated idea seems to be very nonsense at the moment.

After calming down his excitement a little, he looked directly at Malashenko. Feeling that it was time to discuss some constructive topics, Kogin organized his words and blurted out to Malashenko again.

"I want to know what you think about the new mass-produced heavy tank. Feel free to say it boldly, Comrade Malashenko, I need all your practical experience to create a more powerful heavy tank!"

Facing the question raised by Kotin again, Malashenko's current consideration is no longer how to guide Kotin's ideas towards the second-generation Stalin heavy tank.

It's about those Stalin heavy tanks that were born in World War II but were either blown up during the prototype testing phase, or were not able to go to the front line because of their high cost and weight. How can they survive on their own? The little butterfly is given a new life by the flapping of its wings.

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