Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 471 Ice and Snow Ambush

Even though the German artillery positions had been completely destroyed in a sea of ​​​​shaking fire, the overwhelming bombardment directed towards Malashenko's head ultimately played a role in delaying time.

By the time Malashenko commanded his troops to rush out from the smoke-filled barrage, most of the Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment, which had been busy on the position just now, had already run away.

Colonel Horning, who was prepared for a rainy day, had already issued a retreat order when he confirmed that the Soviet offensive was showing signs of decline and was bound to fail. The German troops that hurriedly moved slowly began to retreat partially when Malashenko chose to retreat.

Although Colonel Horning's order seemed a bit risky at the time, as far as the current actual results are concerned, the bold and thoughtful Colonel Horning undoubtedly won the bet with the fate of the entire regiment. Rashenko.

Malashenko, who did not know the name of his opponent's commander, instantly concluded from the sight in front of him that the opponent was definitely a gambler.

"Nikolai, load high-explosive bombs! Iushkin, aim at the butts of those Germans and fire! Seryosha maintains full speed, lead us to rush up and crush those Germans!"

Nikolai, who is unusually strong and strong, was originally an infantry machine gunner. With his superb shooting skills and proficiency in machine guns, he was selected into the tank unit to serve as a hull course machine gunner.

Few of the men who could serve in the Soviet infantry were frail cowards. They often carried mortars and machine guns and marched for thirty or forty kilometers a day on foot. Nikolai, who was in great shape, was originally the one who served as the entire Soviet infantry. The backup loader in the vehicle crew has received special loading training, and now returning to the loader position is just a matter of duty at best.

Raising his hand from the first ammunition rack at the rear of the turret, he pulled out a yellow-orange 85mm fixed high-explosive round and took it into his arms. When Malashenko lay down tiredly after resting, he had already taken the initiative to assume the role of loader. Together with Seryosha and Iushkin, he filled the car with shells by carrying them with his bare hands.

Nikolai, who had just done a physical job, was not tired at all. With a slightly disordered breathing sound, he took off his hand and pushed the cannonball in his arms into the breech.

"Load it!"

"Say hello to your mother for me, Nacui!"



The shells that escaped at extremely high speed bit the retreating German army's buttocks and hit the hard frozen soil with a sudden explosion.

The flying shrapnel instantly swept away the German soldiers who had their backs turned before they could react. Seeing their comrades lying on the ground, the few unharmed German soldiers immediately turned around and ran forward to check, but more German soldiers were still there. Retreat southward without looking back.

After a successful blow, Malashenko was about to order to continue firing to eat the tail of the German army. However, several hot fires suddenly erupted from the pitted German position that seemed as calm as the surface of the moon.

The 88mm armor-piercing projectile that struck at high speed with a strong air-piercing scream hit a tank belonging to Malashenko's regiment headquarters. The 88mm hooded armor-piercing projectile easily tore through the thick armor and continued to move forward, successfully inspiring The armor-piercing delayed fuze detonates instantly inside the turret.

The strong explosion blew up all the ready-to-fire shells in the turret and car body in almost an instant. This prototype vehicle uses an enlarged version of the T3476 tank turret and is equipped with an 85mm D-5T tank gun, as if it was drunk. Like a reckless man, he stopped his car in the midst of a strong explosion.

The sizable head was lifted several meters into the air by the explosion flames before falling heavily. A tank full of five people had no chance of survival. It has the same armor-piercing power as a Tiger tank. The 88mm anti-aircraft gun cannot be resisted by the KV1's defensive capabilities, even if it is an upgraded and significantly modified prototype.

Shocked by the violent explosion of the prototype tank belonging to the regiment next to him, Malashenko, who was holding the commander's periscope in the turret, swayed three times until his lungs were knocked out. The tank was full of 85mm tanks. The explosive power of artillery shells is indeed extraordinary.

The first thing Malashenko did when he recovered from the strong shock was to put his eyes in front of the commander's periscope, trying to immediately find the specific location where the Germans fired and retaliate, trying not to be shocked by the power. The enemy's 88mm anti-everything cannon had a second chance to fire.

The smoke floating at the muzzle quickly dissipated under the strong wind. A concealed pit that was neither deep nor shallow was dug in the permafrost as hard as a steel plate and the 88 gun base was placed in it. A huge gun was dismantled. After the gun mantlet, only the gun body was exposed to the horizon, and the 88 gun, which almost completely abandoned the depression angle, instantly appeared in front of Malashenko.

Malashenko, who witnessed this scene at the end of his field of vision, was a little stunned. The German 88 gun, which was about 800 meters away from him, really did everything possible to reduce the projected area of ​​the front and increase its concealment. ! The fact that only the gun body and barrel were exposed made Malashenko seem powerless to destroy it at such a distance.

"Smart bastards! It's a shame these German guys could come up with such a bullshit idea even though they had to abandon the angle!"

Before he could finish the terrible curse that blurted out in an instant, another high-speed scream suddenly struck him again.

This time, the German 88 gun aimed its attack directly at Malashenko's car. The deafening sound from the loud bang outside the turret almost made Malashenko think that he was going to the west.

Fortunately, Malashenko, who was lucky again, escaped from death again.

The 88mm armor-piercing projectile that almost scraped fiercely along the edge of the turret armor burst out with a burst of dazzling sparks. The 88mm armor-piercing projectile with fire and lightning not only scraped off a layer of paint on Malashenko's car, but also left traces on the side armor of the turret. Despite a shallow ballistic trajectory scratch, this steel behemoth with a total combat weight approaching the 50-ton mark still kept moving forward unharmed.

"Oh! Damn it! That was an 88-gun, and we actually dodged an 8-8 gun! Bless you, Comrade Stalin!"

Compared with Iushkin, who was so excited that he was a little incoherent after the disaster, Malashenko, who didn't think his luck would come again, issued the order instantly.

"The target is about 800 meters away at two o'clock! It's another 88 gun, fire and kill him! Quick!"

As the saying goes, when the house leaks, it rains all night, and if someone is unlucky enough to fart, he will hit his heels.

Realizing that more than one German 88 gun was firing at him, Malashenko quickly reacted and gave orders. However, this terrible situation still cast a shadow over the heart of Malashenko, who was pretending to be calm. .

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