Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 450 Bad Food

Major Muller, who was complaining wildly in his heart, really didn't know how to answer Dr. August's request.

Colonel Horning's order to himself was to take this group of scientific researchers headed by Dr. August to wander around the front lines, meet their demands, fool them, and then find an excuse like "the battle situation on the front lines is in danger." They were sent back home quickly, but the situation they encountered now was really difficult to deal with.

He really couldn't agree to Dr. August's unreasonable request. Major Muller, who had put his hand on his chin and thought for a while, was about to answer, but a sudden sound of gunshots piercing the sky was forced. Interrupting his words to the point where he couldn't get the words out of his mouth.


"Damn, what happened!?"

Before Major Muller, who let out a terrible growl, finished speaking, a German sentry holding a Mauser 98K rifle shoulder sling instantly pushed open the wooden door and rushed into the house.

"Major Muller, a suspicious person was found outside the village! The sentry noticed the reflection of the observation binoculars and just opened fire to drive them away!"

"Shoot to expel!? Are you idiots? Why don't you go quietly and bring those Russians back alive, damn it!"

After hurling bad curses in his mouth, he no longer had the time to talk nonsense with the sentry. Major Muller, who did more actions than words, immediately grabbed the helmet and MP40 submachine gun that were on the desk next to him, and started banging them. Zhu Er's clean and neat movements armed himself in place and immediately strode out towards the still open door.

Major Muller, who came outside in the cold and freezing snow, had no time to think about it. The main task at the moment was still to do everything possible to catch the Soviet scouts who fled in fright. Major Muller didn't want to let this huge thing happen. Secrets were leaked in any way possible leading to disaster.

"From which direction does the telescope reflection come? Answer me!"

"Over there, at three o'clock, behind the snowdrift on the small slope, that's where it was just now!"

Following the direction of the sentry's finger, he saw a small snowdrift on the hills about 500 meters away. He grabbed the binoculars on his chest and looked up, but found nothing but snow. Major Muller gritted his teeth. Ken just let the dangerous situation go, and doing everything he could to capture the Soviet scouts was the top priority right now.

"Inform the guard troops and reconnaissance troops to activate all available vehicles and get in the car immediately to chase them. Don't let those Russian scouts go back to report the news. Hurry!"

Just as the impatient Major Muller issued the pursuit order angrily, Malashenko and Lavrinenko, who were running wildly in the snow, looked as embarrassed as bereaved dogs.

"Damn it, Malashenko! Before setting off, you specifically told me not to let the reflection of the telescope reveal my position. Have you forgotten what you said?"


Most of the time, tanks are used for transportation instead of walking long distances to exercise leg strength like infantry. After running a few hundred meters in the snow, Malashenko was already out of breath. His face Naturally, he didn't have much thought to answer carefully when Lavrinenko, who was also out of breath next to him, started to complain.

"Shut your mouth, Lavry! Don't you find it more tiring to run and talk at the same time?"

"You're such an idiot!"

One mistake caused the reflection of the telescope under the sun to refract into the eyes of a German sentry who turned around. Malashenko instantly realized that something was wrong with the situation and quickly covered the telescope in his hand with his sleeve to try to make up for it.

But the Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment, which is an elite division, is not a fool after all. The German sentry, who was dazzled by the reflection of Malashenko's telescope, reacted immediately and took off the Mauser 98K rifle carried on his back. He quickly pulled the bolt, took aim, and pulled the trigger in a flash.


The 92mm rifle bullet that almost killed Kirill instantly crossed a flight distance of more than 300 meters, and drilled a small, smoking hole into the snowdrift in front of Malashenko. The hole echoed with the deafening sound of gunshots.

Realizing that the two men on his side had completely exposed their target due to his own mistakes, Malashenko, who did not dare to show any signs of neglect, immediately pulled up Lavrinenko who was beside him, got up, turned around, and ran away. The luxurious scout team lineup formed by the people finally made Malashenko regret it.

"I should have known I shouldn't have been so promiscuous! Damn it!"

Malashenko, who was running desperately on the snow, wished he could have a tank close to him at this moment, but it was his personal order just now that made the tanks stop temporarily behind a small slope two kilometers away. Hidden, the reason is that if he gets closer, he will probably be noticed by the Germans in the village. Malashenko, who originally wanted to play catch a turtle in a jar, now really regrets that he shot himself in the foot.

"Run! Malashenko, those Germans are catching up! They are driving armored vehicles!"

Lavrinenko's unexpected sudden opening next to him made him tremble. Malashenko looked back in the direction behind him, and then he saw several SDKFZ251 half-track vehicles rushing out of the village. , chasing him at full speed along the small snowdrift where he and Lavrinenko were lying just now.

"Damn it! These German guys must be cooking up some shady secret in the village. More than one armored vehicle was sent out to pursue the two scouts so hard! Lavry, you must bring the troops back to fight back and destroy this village in a while. Check it out and see what these Germans are doing!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Run first and then talk!"

Although Lavrinenko and Malashenko, who were running desperately in the snow, had tried their best, the SDKFZ251 half-track vehicle using hybrid power of wheels and tracks could still run faster than human legs.

After a chase between wolves and sheep, Malashenko and Lavrinenko, who were still running at the risk of their lives, were only a little over three hundred meters away from the pursuit troops sent by the German army.

"These Germans want to capture us alive, Lavry, they don't intend to kill us directly!"

Malashenko, who did not dare to stop his movements at all, had already sensed the German army's plan. No matter what the reason was, as expected, the orders received by these German pursuit troops should be to capture alive rather than kill them.

After running for more than a kilometer, Lavrinenko's legs were already sore. He looked back at the German half-tracks that had bitten his butt. Lavrinenko was about to say something to Malashenko, but in an instant, He felt a dark wind carrying death coming towards his Arrancar.

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