Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 429 Attitude Change

After a detailed discussion about the next offensive action plan, the mentality of division commander Diyashenko and political commissar Zelenkov towards Malashenko has gradually begun to change from the initial slight disdain to almost admiration. manner.

Malashenko, who has never been to the front line to do any actual investigation, can guess everything accurately based on his previous combat experience. To an outsider, this may mean that Malashenko just got lucky and left casually. Good luck.

However, Division Commander Tyashenko and Political Commissar Zelenkov, who have been immersed in the big dye vat of the army for many years, know very well that a person as comfortable and confident as Malashenko will not be able to do anything if he does not have some practical knowledge and full combat experience. I can't say even half a word, but all this is enough to show that the tank hero Malashenko, who has been "promoted" with increasing efforts by the Red Army's propaganda department, does have some ability to live up to the actual title on his head.

Therefore, although the power of combat planning and layout was transferred to Malashenko in a somewhat pretentious manner, the two people who had already had a preliminary understanding of Malashenko did not think there was anything wrong with this. The concept of hierarchical hierarchy also applies to the Soviet Red Army.

"My initial combat plan is to concentrate all the tanks of the vanguard I brought with me to launch a group charge towards the German positions. The rest of the battle in the sky will be left to our fighter aviation comrades to resolve."

"Once the battle begins, I hope that Division Commander Tyyashenko can mobilize all the combat troops you can currently mobilize to cooperate with me. Although the Germans are good at attacking and advocate attacking, they have not lost the veterans who dug holes and defended the trenches in World War I. In this industry, the German squatting in the trench is also a bad wolf that is difficult to deal with. "

"The gap in the position created by the concentrated strength of the tank troops will not last long. The combat-experienced troops like the 4th Armored Division of the National Defense Force will definitely mobilize troops to try to plug the gap as soon as possible. By then, they will have all kinds of weapons in their hands. The Germans will definitely attack us from all sides.”

"The only thing the infantry have to do is to hold the position they have already obtained before the Germans block the gap. They must not be recaptured by the Germans. Only in this way can we continue to invest more troops from this gap to expand the results of the war. Until we win the final victory, during this process I will order the tank troops to support the infantry as much as possible. If you still have any problems, you might as well speak up now. Two comrades, we can solve the problems in a targeted manner and discuss improvement plans. "

Just as Division Commander Tyyashenko and Political Commissar Zelenkov were observing Malashenko, Malashenko, who was pointing at the map of the war zone and talking quietly, was also quietly observing the two people in front of him who had never met before. Malashenko understands better than the aborigines born and raised in this era that people's hearts are separated from each other.

Fortunately, judging from the current observation results, although the two partners of Division Commander Diyashenko and Political Commissar Zelinkov rubbed some sand into their eyes in a petty manner, fortunately, Political Commissar Zelinkov was more profound. He is well versed in battlefield games.

With such a complementary political commissar by his side, he was not afraid of Mr. Tyashenko, who obviously had more muscles than brain cells, making any extraordinary moves.

Regarding the battle plan given by Malashenko, political commissar Zelinkov immediately spoke first after they looked at each other to confirm that it was correct.

"Comrade the division commander and I agree with your battle plan, Comrade Malashenko, but I need to explain to you now that our division has suffered more than half of its casualties after a morning of fierce fighting. Those hateful Germans not only bombed our attack Troops, even our starting positions and rear field hospitals will not be spared. As long as there are excess troops, planes will be sent to strafing and bombing. "

"Our division is now short of everything except guns, ammunition and food that are too much for human beings. The strength of our division has dropped to less than half of what it was when it was fully formed. I hope you can take these key factors into consideration when formulating a combat plan. We really don’t have many troops left to launch an attack.”

I thought that after hearing this, Malashenko would frown or even get angry on the spot, but political commissar Zelenkov, who was mentally slapping himself, saw a slightly strange look on Malashenko's face. The imperceptible smile, this sudden and inexplicable expression was so suspenseful that Commissar Zelinkoff lost his voice.

"In fact, I had anticipated this issue on the way here. It would be strange if there were not many casualties when launching a position attack against the Germans' air superiority. At the same time, this is why I brought Comrade Yakov together. The reasons brought about.”

Although the contact time was short, I had already chatted with Malashenko, a very opportunistic and outgoing person. On the way there, I sat on the engine room of the tank and leaned against the back of the turret, with the warm engine burning under my butt. The cooling exhaust gas was chatting and laughing with Malashenko who leaned out half of the turret.

Captain Yakov, who had formed an invisible tacit understanding with Malashenko, immediately stepped forward after hearing this.

"Yes, Comrade Division Commander, Comrade Political Commissar. The ultimate purpose of coming to the front line of Tula City with Comrade Malashenko is to make up for the lack of infantry strength. This time I brought an entire strengthened Siberian Infantry Regiment. , the force is enough to make up for the loss of your division, and it is also enough to send those Nazi fascists back to their hometown. "

Before this, the somewhat marginalized Yakov had not been taken seriously. After all, with Malashenko, a well-known tank hero, here, no one would care about the step that followed him like a dowry maid. The much-publicized honorary title of Corps Commander is far more resounding among the Red Army that believes in communism than military ranks.

After Yakov made such a self-recommended appearance, he finally looked squarely at the tough-minded Siberian man in front of him.

Yakov, who is more than 1.9 meters tall, has a tall body and a broad back. His two arms thicker than a girl's thighs are connected to his shoulders like an authentic Siberian black bear, standing in front of him like an iron tower. The figure made Division Commander Tyyashenko, who had always looked down on the poor Siberian troops, couldn't help but be stunned.

"This guy is wasting his physique if he doesn't pick up a rifle and fight a German with a bayonet face to face."

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