Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 411 Galloping artillery fire

Dong dong dong——

The fiery barrage that hit his head and face was like a death storm and instantly swept through the bunker where Malashenko had just poked his head out. Lieutenant Colonel Yakov rushed forward, slammed his head and fell into the snow at his feet. , there was only a roaring sound in his ears, like a train roaring past, Malashenko couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Comrade Yakov, what on earth is going on!?"

Reluctantly, he raised his right hand and waved it continuously to signal to Lieutenant Colonel Yakov that he no longer had to reach out and press his head. Malashenko, who had a face full of dirt and snow, pulled his face out of the ground under his feet, immediately spoke repeatedly. Ask.

"It's those German anti-aircraft guns, Comrade Malashenko! They are using 20mm and 37mm rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns to shoot at our infantry! The few waves of charges just now were defeated by these things, the firepower is simply too strong , Comrades can’t stand it at all!”

After hearing the loud shouting from Lieutenant Colonel Yakov next to me, I couldn't help but be stunned. I didn't expect that those crazy Germans would use small-caliber anti-aircraft guns to shoot at the Soviet infantry. After being stunned for a moment, I suddenly became angry. Malashenko immediately gritted his teeth.

"These bastard German guys actually used anti-aircraft guns to shoot at the infantry. Their mouths are full of dirt. We can't go on like this. Comrade Yakov, I reversed the car to find you this time because I have a tactical plan to explain to you. of!"

Malashenko, who spit out several mouthfuls of dirt in his mouth one after another, ignored the disgusting taste in his mouth. The roaring German small-caliber rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns suddenly stopped temporarily at this time.

He knew very well that those German small-caliber rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns that used magazine-fed ammunition would not last long. Keeping this weak point in mind, Malashenko, who already had a rough countermeasure, followed up. Turning around again he blurted out.

"Listen, Comrade Yakov! My plan is to seize the German anti-aircraft guns on those positions, and then use the German weapons to turn the guns against themselves! The battle in the sky is already very detrimental to us. If we get another Without support, our comrades in heaven will definitely be defeated! Do you understand what I mean?”

Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who was stunned for a moment, was obviously at a loss for Malashenko's proposal. After all, the offensive launched to seize the enemy's weapons was very difficult for Yakov, who had just arrived on the front line of Moscow to join the war. For my husband, this is still a new thing for a young girl to do in a sedan chair.

In the only actual battle of Nomenhan that Lieutenant Colonel Yakov had participated in before, the old tattered gadgets in the hands of the opponent Japanese Kwantung Army could not catch the eye of the Soviet army at all.

Those Type 92 heavy machine guns that use bullet-proof plates to feed ammunition were so good that Lieutenant Colonel Yakov laughed out loud when he saw them for the first time. He couldn't imagine why the Japanese monkeys who had something in their heads were still using them. It is an extremely outdated gadget. The Soviet troops participating in the Battle of Nomenhan rarely showed any interest in the captured Japanese equipment, except of course the sabers of the Kwantung Army officers.

Before this, Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who had never led an attack with the purpose of seizing combat-ready equipment on enemy positions, could not help but hear the piercing screams of 20mm and 37mm projectiles in his ears. If you have doubts, launching a frontal charge with such fierce direct firepower is almost the same as committing suicide.

"Are you sure? Comrade Malashenko, these German flat-fire anti-aircraft guns are simply more powerful than the wind on the Siberian plains. If we launch an assault with this level of firepower, I am worried that my troops will be destroyed in the middle of the charge. All sacrificed!"

Before he finished speaking, the German rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns that had been replaced with new fully loaded magazines began to roar again. The trench against which he was leaning was crackling. Malashenko had no time to fight with Yakov anymore. The school explained more, knowing that if the situation continued like this, Malashenko would definitely lose. Then he shouted loudly again.

"There is no time to explain, Comrade Yakov! My Guards heavy tank breakthrough group has rushed to the final edge of the German core position. It will take a few minutes at most to tear a hole in their position! I will Find a way to suppress those small-caliber rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns to create attack opportunities and open up channels for you. It’s up to you whether you can seize the opportunity!”

The continuous shouts from Malashenko's mouth were enough to show how urgent the situation was. Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who was extremely anxious in his heart, repeatedly weighed the pros and cons and made a decision in just a few seconds. Ke nodded slowly and blurted out his firm words immediately.

"I understand, Comrade Malashenko! I will lead the comrades to charge, but you must cover us!"

From the eyes of the Siberian man in front of him who still looked extremely strong, he could see the same firm look as before. Although he didn't have many colleagues, he already had a sufficient understanding of Lieutenant Colonel Yakov's character and character.

With a look of trust flashing in his eyes, Malashenko said no more. He patted his shoulder with his right hand to encourage him, and then with one hand on the ground in a neat move, he took advantage of the German anti-aircraft gun to turn off again and reload. He rushed out of the trench at the right time.

Although the anti-aircraft artillery has temporarily stopped, other small weapons such as MG34 and 98K on the position are still firing continuously.

He could almost feel the hot temperature of the sharp warheads whizzing past his ears. The snow under his feet and the ground crackling with the incoming bullets felt like a tiger biting his butt. Generally run wildly.

He still held the Somi submachine gun tightly in his hand but did not dare to stop. He responded with any meaningless counterattack to the German position two hundred meters away. He only wanted to return to his car quickly. Ke almost used up the last of his strength to swoop forward. With a posture even more embarrassing and exaggerated than a hungry dog ​​pooping, he slid on the ground for a distance visible to the naked eye, and finally barely reached his final destination.

"Hoo ho ho"

Malashenko, who was physically exhausted to the limit, struggled to get up from the ground with his body that was about to fall apart. Even walking with some staggering movements, he managed to put his right arm, which was almost unable to be lifted, on the engine in front of him. In the cabin, Malashenko, who was gritting his teeth and exerting all his strength, climbed onto the tank on his hands and knees, almost as embarrassed as a child climbing over a wall.

"Comrade Commander, give me the gun! Quick! It's too dangerous here!"

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