Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 408 It’s over for now

"Hey, listen, we surrendered! We surrendered to you, you can't"


Before he could finish speaking in a panic, a gun butt that grew larger and larger within the field of vision of his focused eyes came straight towards him and hit his face accurately.


The gun butt that hit the face again was obviously much more powerful than the last time. The unexpected German company commander was like a kicked rag doll and his head was thrown back in an instant and he was knocked to the ground. .

The pain from being hit on the face with all the strength of the solid wood gun butt was far more severe than a heavy punch. The German company commander, who had had several good teeth knocked out in an instant, felt dizzy and confused. Why did the army do what he did? He was about to raise his head and ask questions, but at the last moment he was grabbed by the Soviet commander who stepped forward.

"I don't understand what you're talking about in that lousy mouth, German! You're lucky to be in my hands, because you're going to meet your comrades soon!"

The angry Soviet commander Yu was about to raise the butt of his gun before he finished speaking, completely wiping out the German commander whom he regarded as the culprit. The other Soviet tank soldiers who were watching around them all had a very indifferent attitude towards this, as if what was about to be killed was just a dog and not a living person.

The fierce air battle above the blood-stained sky continued outside. The Soviet and German fighter jets that were shot down after suffering heavy damage continued to fall like dumplings until they fell on the snow-covered earth and turned into balls of fire.

He turned a blind eye to the continuous explosions that kept ringing around him. He only had one idea in his mind: how to kill this German guy. He was about to take action when a pair of big hands suddenly came from behind and forcibly stopped the floating man. Action in mid-air.

"Now is not the time to do these things. The battle in the sky is still going on and we are not the victors yet!"

Due to Malashenko's sudden attack, he was forcibly interrupted in the middle of the action. The Soviet commander who was about to take action quietly turned around with a slightly bewildered look. Then he saw the horse. Rashenko's face was serious and slightly breathy.

"Leave one tank to suppress these Germans in one group. The others will get on the vehicle immediately. The infantry is not over yet. We are going to support our comrades!"

At the same time as the armored confrontation on Malashenko's side, the offensive and defensive battle led by Lieutenant Colonel Yakov also entered its final stages. The Soviet infantry clusters that poured into the German position like a flood bursting were just short of The entire position can be completely captured in one step.

Lieutenant Colonel Yakov's infantry regiment, which had a small number of KV1 heavy tanks to assist the attack, opened the first hole in the German position. This was just the beginning. The three Soviet infantry divisions that followed the Yakov infantry regiment and advanced simultaneously were now completely Flooded into the entire battlefield.

The Soviet infantry group with extremely high fighting will has captured almost all the peripheral positions and is just short of the last step. However, the German troops stuck in the core positions still refuse to surrender and are still resisting to the death.

Compared with the peripheral positions that are slightly inferior in terms of troop deployment and technical equipment layout, the defensive strength of this core position carefully constructed by the German army can be said to be extremely strong.

Including six 88mm anti-aircraft guns and more than ten 20mm and 37mm rapid-fire anti-aircraft cannons, they were deployed on the high ground in the center of the core position. This high ground with a relatively open view caused a lot of damage to the attack of the Soviet infantry group. Big trouble.

He bravely charged for several waves, but all failed, and was defeated one by one by the powerful German positions. Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who still refused to stay on the front line of fire and commanded the battle, almost jumped out of anger after seeing such a terrible situation.

The sudden wave of German air raids just now caused heavy casualties to his infantry regiment in an instant. Although the Soviet fighter aviation unit arrived in time, they drove away these hateful Stukas in time and barely managed to defeat the Yakov center. The urgent need facing the school.

But the anxious battle situation in the sky was not optimistic at the moment, but Lieutenant Colonel Yakov was also worried about it. Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who didn't know much about air combat, could still see that his own fighter group was at an absolute disadvantage.

The almost one-sided battle situation that keeps falling to the ground like a meteor shower is expected to be resolved soon. If the Soviet infantry group on the ground cannot resolve the battle by then, the German Stukas will return again. The fleet of aircraft will surely dump all the remaining ammunition on the heads of the Soviet infantry.

Let alone Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, it was impossible for Lieutenant Colonel Yakov to handle the battle of attacking enemies holding strong defensive positions with intensive bombing. Even if General Zhukov, the God of War of the Red Army, was brought in, it would be impossible for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who was rapidly weighing the pros and cons in his heart, made a decision almost instantly. When the KV1s dispatched by Malashenko had all been destroyed by the German 88 cannon, he called The Soviet divisional field artillery group behind them risked accidental damage and launched close-in artillery support, which seemed to be the only feasible option at the moment.

"This is the only way, we can't drag it out any longer! Artillery liaison officer, where is the artillery liaison officer!?"

Lieutenant Colonel Yakov looked around and yelled before he finished speaking, but a shout echoed in his ears.

"Look there! It's our tank, comrades! Comrades tank soldiers are coming to support us!"

Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who was slightly surprised, half-crouched behind the bunker and looked around at the place where the loud shouts were pointing. The scene of dozens of battle-scarred KV1 heavy tanks rushing towards them at full power, just looked... Enough to inspire.

After fighting many desperate battles, Malashenko's crew was already exhausted and soaked to the skin. Among them, the two coolies, the driver Seryosha and the loader Kirill, were the most out of breath. Even with their physical strength, The slightly better gunners Iushkin and Malashenko themselves also felt physically and mentally exhausted.

But even so, the entire Malashenko crew, who knew that the battle was at its last minute, still held on with the last bit of strength and gritted their teeth and persisted in fighting, and the German highland anti-aircraft guns that had already entered the range The position was the first target Iushkin aimed at.

"First shoot out those 88 cannons, Iushkin. They are using high-explosive shells to suppress the infantry. Kill them before they point their muzzles at us!"

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