Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 405 Identity Exposed

The sound of huge main gun fire was accompanied by strong tank explosions that suddenly exploded all around. Although they were heavy and heavy, the KV1 heavy tanks never gave up their will to fight, but they were still close to the enemy in front of them. The German tanks fought desperately.

There is no need to test gunnery skills and reaction speed in a face-to-face battle. All you have to do is try your best to send armor-piercing shells into the opponent's tank at this within reach.

In this extremely close fight, the Soviet and German tanks, which were already extremely jealous of their enemies, risked everything. The German tanks that circled around the bulky KV1 heavy tanks at close range opened fire one after another, and the entire tank The Soviet tanks, whose armor was rattled until they were completely penetrated, were trying their best to rotate their bodies and turrets in a desperate attempt to fight back.

The close combat between the dexterous dagger and the heavy tomahawk like a mouse pulling a big stick is still continuing. As the core of the soul of the Soviet tank soldiers in this armored stranglehold, Ma also sticks to his position as commander. Rashenko is also directing his crew to fight with extremely firm will.

"Did you see that German tank over there? Iushkin, the one with eight layers of white circles on the barrel."

Malashenko, who was holding the commander's periscope in front of him, stared at it as if he had seen some valuable rare treasure. With the words blurted out of his mouth, he just stepped on the launch pedal and destroyed a German Panzer IV tank. Iushkin replied without any hesitation.

"Of course, Comrade Commander, that damn German guy just destroyed one of our KV1s. I have noticed this bastard for a long time."

Different from the focus of the gunner Iushkin, Malashenko, the commander, focused on some unique features in the appearance of the German Panzer III J1 tank.

Generally speaking, the rear of the engine compartment of a German tank equipped with a wireless communication station for inter-vehicle communication is only equipped with a vehicle-mounted radio antenna exposed on the side and rear of the turret.

But at this moment, the German Panzer III J1 tank, which Malashenko has been keeping a close eye on since the beginning, is different. In addition to the common vehicle-mounted antenna on the German tanks behind the turret side, this gun The German Panzer III J1 tank with eight white kill rings painted on the tube has a longer and weirdly shaped signal antenna on the other side of the turret where it should have been empty.

Iushkin, who didn't know much about German tanks, didn't know what the name of this antenna was and what its function was, but it was impossible for Malashenko, who had traveled through time from later generations, to know nothing about it.

Malashenko knew very clearly that the length of this antenna was half longer than that of an ordinary German tank antenna, and there was an extra antenna extending protruding into a five-pointed star shape at the top of the antenna. It plays only one role on German tanks: it is responsible for overall command of all subordinate tanks under its organization to enhance the radio signal transmission frequency and expand the signal range.

Among the tanks in the German armored force that are eligible to be equipped with this kind of signal-enhancing antenna, the lowest starting level is at least a company-level commander's vehicle, and this is exactly what Malashenko will be eyeing for this somewhat eye-catching German tank. The root cause of tanks.

As the saying goes, to shoot a man first, shoot a horse; to capture a thief, capture the king first.

As a lieutenant colonel of the Soviet Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, Malashenko knew very clearly how effective a command tank could be in the current intense and anxious battlefield.

It is not an exaggeration to use words like the leader of dragons to describe the irreplaceable and powerful role that command tanks can play on the battlefield. Malashenko, who had seen everything so close in front of him and remembered it in his heart, had already made a decision in his heart, then stretched out his right hand and patted Iushkin's back and shoulder in front of him.

"Kill that German tank, Iushkin! Did you see the five-star antenna on the tail of the car? That's the German command tank!"

Iushkin couldn't help being stunned when he first heard what Malashenko said. In the previous battle, he still had a very vague concept of what the characteristics of the German command tanks looked like. After Rashenko woke up Iushkin, he immediately put his right eye against the gun scope again without saying a word.

"It's true, Comrade Commander! That German tank really has a five-star antenna on its tail!"

The antenna of the command vehicle, which swayed like a candle in the wind as it maneuvered in a high-speed circle, was particularly conspicuous. Iushkin, who witnessed this scene through his own gun scope, instantly reacted to Malashin's reaction. What exactly did Coe mean? The good opportunity to kill this German command tank was only in front of him.

"Damn, I'm so excited, comrade commander! I want to order this German command tank!"

Knowing nothing about what was happening in Malashenko's car less than a hundred meters away, Lieutenant Colonel Walter, who was commanding his car to fight with all his might, had already entered a state of concentration and selflessness.

"Aim at him, now! Fire!"


The slight movement of the finger tapping the trigger was accompanied by the muzzle fire and the flames suddenly lit up, and then a strong shock wave burst out and instantly crushed the snow directly under the muzzle to form a shallow crater.

With the powerful kinetic energy of the muzzle, it hit the vertical side armor of KV1 with a muzzle velocity of up to thousands of meters per second. The core tungsten armor-piercing body wrapped in sharp armor broke completely 90 degrees vertically. The side armor penetrated directly into it, tearing the three Soviet gunners, loaders, and commanders who were located on the straight line of the ballistic trajectory into a pile of human flesh fragments.

The half-fist-sized punch hole exposed on the side armor of the vehicle was clearly visible. Although no ammunition exploded, it was still certain that this Soviet tank had definitely lost the ability to continue fighting. In just two minutes, it had already Two Soviet KV1 heavy tanks were destroyed one after another.

The cumulative number of destroyed records since the launch of Operation Barbarossa has officially exceeded the double-digit mark. In my heart, there is no time to be excited and applauded for this outstanding record that is worthy of joy. I know that every time I waste even one second, I may be destroyed. As a result, he died in this brutal armored massacre. Lieutenant Colonel Walter, who did not dare to neglect at all, immediately blurted out the order again.

"This car is taken care of. Go ahead and load the tungsten core armor-piercing projectile! Turn the turret and aim at the Soviet tank fifty meters away at two o'clock. The driver maintains the highest speed and leads us over!"

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