Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 393 Death falls from the sky

Before the guard platoon leader, who looked horrified, could finish his words, the first Stuka dive bomber that dived straight down from the sky had already dropped the seeds of death.

Two 250-kilogram aerial bombs fell straight down with the screams of the wind and the hellish roar of the Stuka itself. The soldiers on the ground who were originally fighting to the death stopped what they were doing and looked at the sky above them. The two aerial bombs used to spread the plague-like flames of death stood still in the sky as if time had stopped.

"Damn Kraut"


The flames of death that instantly rose from the frozen land shook everything around it with overwhelming and absolute destructive power. The total 250 kilograms of explosives accounted for half of the total tonnage of the aerial bomb, which was far beyond the power of ordinary heavy artillery shells. Can be compared.

The Soviet infantry array, which was still launching a dense charge towards the depths of the German positions, was caught off guard. In an instant, two mushroom clouds merged into one and shot up to a height of twenty meters in the sky. The Soviet infantry had no time to make evasive maneuvers. Like a piece of cheesecake that had been chewed by a mouse, a chunk of it was instantly missing.

The huge explosion of the aerial bomb impacted almost all the sensory nerves in his mind and his fragile eardrums and body. Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who mustered up his will and struggled to get up from the snow, almost felt that his body no longer belonged to him. Although the red faith that filled his heart did not recognize the existence of gods and ghosts, Lieutenant Colonel Yakov's true feelings at this moment could hardly find a more suitable description except that his soul seemed to be stripped out of his body.

"How the hell did the German plane come so fast!? Where are our aviation troops!?"

After struggling to get up from the snow in a half-kneeling position with a Bobosha submachine gun in hand, Lieutenant Colonel Yakov discovered that the guard platoon leader responsible for protecting his personal safety had fulfilled his duty with his life. He kept his solemn promise, and the body that was killed by flying shrapnel in the first moment of the explosion was lying quietly in the snow without any movement or sound. The scarlet blood flowing out of Chun Chun from his back in the supine position had melted. The snow beneath me turned a large area red.

"Damn Krauts, damn planes!"

Lieutenant Colonel Yakov understood the meaning of the loss of life from his lifeless eyes that were looking straight into the sky. He did not pick up the body and cry bitterly for a useless purpose. Lieutenant Colonel Yakov then gritted his teeth and straightened up. Taking a step forward, he stretched out his right hand, which was completely numb and almost unconscious due to the shock wave of the aerial bomb explosion, and brushed his face that was still warm, putting to rest those dull eyes that could not be closed until death.

"You take the first step, Belinsky, and I will send more Germans to bury you, absolutely!"

Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who had no time to feel sad anymore, turned around immediately after completing this action. More German Stuka dive bombers in the sky were diving straight down along the same attack path of the pilot aircraft just now, one after another. The continuous sharp whistling sound was as shocking as a living ghost climbing up from hell into the world.

"Everyone, please find cover and hide. Don't get together. Those German planes are coming again!"

I don’t know much about aircraft, a war machine that spreads death from the sky to the ground. I vaguely remember that the Soviet aviation unit that bombed the Japanese army indiscriminately during the Battle of Nomonhan seemed to have such impressive power.

Knowing that it would be very foolish to confront these steel war eagles roaring in the sky with his flesh and blood, Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who raised his arms and shouted loudly at the surrounding soldiers, immediately ordered to hide and disperse on the spot. Order.

The Soviet infantry who play the role of attackers are all lightly armed. The most powerful accompanying firepower they currently possess is only the DP28 light machine gun. The embarrassing situation of having almost no anti-aircraft firepower is completely useless against the indiscriminate bombardment. The German fighter planes intercepted, and Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who was reckless and brave but had an above-average IQ, knew very clearly that the only feasible solution was to temporarily avoid the edge.

As the covert evacuation order was issued loudly from Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, the Soviet infantrymen, whose ears were filled with the roar of German fighter planes, felt as if they were being amnesty. Although they were not in a hurry and did not choose a route, they still hid in a chaotic manner towards any possibility around them. The bunkers that had been raised were scattered in all directions, but none of this escaped the eyes of the German pilots who were looking down at the earth below from God's perspective.

"Keep running away, Ivans, you only deserve to be crushed to death like ants."

The German pilots, who stood on the opposite side of ideology, plundered lives and at the same time used unabashed words of contempt for the Soviet soldiers on the ground. Pressing the bomb release button in his hand, the bomb-fixing hook instantly released the locked aerial bomb. The black 250-kilogram aerial bombs immediately fell into the Soviet troops on the ground in a dense manner like rain of bombs. .

One, two, three, four

The Stukas, which kept repeatedly swooping down to launch bombing attacks along the existing attack channel, had no intention of stopping. The Soviet infantry, which was about to completely overwhelm the German defensive positions, was hit by the precise strikes of intensive aerial bombs. He was completely transformed into a headless fly and ran away like crazy.

Facing these death-like beings in the air who were unable to resist with the light weapons in their hands, even the Soviet army with the blessing of faith and high morale that was about to win a complete victory could not resist it at all.

This has nothing to do with the bravery and morale of a unit, it is simply the instinctive fear that humans have when facing something that they are unable to resist.

The Yakov infantry offensive that was about to completely crush the German position here was completely resolved by the German air support that just arrived. On the other side, the situation of Malashenko, who was originally commanding the troops to launch a final charge towards the German armored cluster, was not much better.

Different from the previous Heinkel 111 bombers encountered in Leningrad that used high-altitude horizontal bombing and lacked accuracy, the Heinkel 111 bomber dived straight from high altitude until an altitude of 300 to 500 meters before releasing the pylon hook for bombing attack. The Stuka's attack accuracy is completely different from that of the Heinkel 111.

Before the emergence of guided ground attack weapons, dive bombing was one of the most precise attack methods in the world's air force. After the launch of Operation Barbarossa, the Stukas, who had been the mainstay in blocking the Soviet army's steel torrent, had no idea how to do it. To better stop these red steel behemoths is already a matter of skill.

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