Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 387 Not penetrated!

The armor-piercing body of the Type 40 tungsten-core armor-piercing projectile is inserted straight into the gun mantlet after the warhead is armored. From a distance, it looks like a toy dart for relaxation and entertainment stuck on the target. Satire.

Compared with Lavrinenko, who was sitting firmly in his car and looked calm and reasonable, the German gunner who witnessed this horrific scene in his gun scope was not so calm.

"What the hell is this Russian tank made of? Why can't it penetrate him without ricochet? This is a monster!"

Compared with the KV85 heavy tank vehicle commanded by Malashenko, it also uses the KV1 heavy tank chassis welded car body with homogeneous steel armor attached to the top and bottom of the body to strengthen the defense configuration, and uses a square and wide internal space turret Lavry Although the Nianke vehicle does not have excellent ricochet defense appearance, its powerful physical armor thickness defense is still unquestionable.

Although the KV220 prototype heavy tank in the original history was not actually put into production and the improvement plan was completely denied, the power of this excellent Soviet prototype heavy tank is real and cannot be denied.

The solid frontal defense armor of the turret, let alone the long-barreled Panzer III and short-barreled Panzer IV tanks in 1941, even the long-barreled Panzer IV tank that only made its debut in early 1942, was not enough to deal with the front of the KV220. Armor poses a serious threat.

Strictly speaking, in this completely different history that was subjectively rewritten by Malashenko, the KV220, which was born early, had an absolutely unrivaled advantage in 1941. The KV220 equipped with an 85mm D-5T tank gun was In terms of various data and performance indicators, including firepower, they are comparable to the German Tiger tanks that had not yet been born.

If it were not for the fact that the final design was not sufficient to meet the Soviet army's mass production requirements, the KV220, which was developed much earlier than the subsequent Stalin series of heavy tanks, would have been enough to reverse the unfavorable armored war situation against the Soviet army in 1942.

Of course, there are no ifs in history, and this cruel point is exactly the same for the German army, which is currently unable to do anything about Lavrinenko's car.

In the commander's periscope in his hand, he also saw the ferocious armored behemoth on the opposite side completely immune to his own attacks. Lieutenant Colonel Walter, who was clenching his teeth and could hardly speak a word, had mixed feelings in his heart. There are also mixed flavors.

"Damn Ivan! Why can they always get such good tanks!? The tanks of inferior races are many times better than what we have in our hands. We should really drag those idiots from the Imperial Propaganda Department to the battlefield. Ask in person what this is!”

The manic howling in his heart could not change the current situation of the war that was not in his favor.

Knowing that the various tanks in his own hands would not be able to do any substantial damage to the monster-like heavy tanks of the opponent's Soviet army, Lieutenant Colonel Walter, who was well aware of the extremely unfavorable situation for his own side, was still unwilling to give up even if he was killed.

"Continue to attack! This time aim at the joint between their turret and the hull, just like we did against the T34 before! I don't believe that these Russian tanks really have no weaknesses, it's impossible!"

Under the forced order of Lieutenant Colonel Walter who still refused to give up, the loader bent down and picked up another round of Type 40 tungsten core armor-piercing bullets, then raised his hand again and stuffed it into the breech in an instant.

During this process, the German gunner, who had already aligned the black hole's muzzle with Lavrinenko's car, once again pulled the trigger in his hand, and the Type 40 tungsten-core armor-piercing bullet came out instantly with a scream that broke through the air. It struck accurately and hit the turret of Lavrinenko's vehicle, which was still stationary, near the joint between the vehicle and the vehicle.


The huge and deafening sound of the armor's impact echoed inside the barely spacious car body. Lavrinenko, who had already expected that the German army would never give up, seemed unhurried about this, and was very concerned about his car. Lavrinenko's extreme confidence in the armor of the vehicle was enough to ignore the attack of the German tanks.

"Humph, these Germans never understand the meaning of giving up! Maxim, tell those Germans that they are standing on the soil of the Soviet Union, not in front of the capital of those cowardly French guys!"

"That's right, Comrade Commander, that's what I wanted to say."



The blazing muzzle flames and the blazing wind blew the snow in front of the car instantly into the air and scattered it away. The BR-365 hooded armor-piercing projectile flying at high speed along a straight trajectory followed almost the same German trajectory. The track went back the way it came.

Lieutenant Colonel Walter, who had already expected that his opponent would counterattack, considered the worst-case scenario and considered that the armor-piercing projectile might not be able to penetrate the monster-like Soviet heavy tank on the opposite side, so he spoke the moment after the cannon was fired. The order was given for Nestor, who had just taken over the driving task, to take action immediately.

"Quick! Back up, Nestor! Now!"

He was so frightened by Lieutenant Colonel Walter who looked like he was about to kill someone just now that he almost didn't have the courage to answer. Nest, who kept his lips tightly shut without saying a word, could only use his actual actions to give the answer to Lieutenant Colonel Walter.

With a slightly stiff and unskilled movement, the bloody gear lever at hand was immediately switched to the reverse gear. Nestor, who was holding the joystick tightly with both hands, suddenly pulled No. 3 into his arms, which was originally stationary. The tank suddenly started moving.

The Panzer III tank, with a total combat weight of just over 20 tons, is at least far more maneuverable than the KV1, which weighs 47 tons. The diesel engine operating at high speed drives the transmission mechanism and transmits power to the vehicle body guide wheels. Started to retreat quickly.

The steel non-slip tracks in winter rolled up like a meat grinder, rolling up large pieces of frozen soil and condensation snow. The hooded armor-piercing projectiles came at high speed with a high-speed scream, almost wiping out against the commander's command tower. The dazzling Mars passed by, and the correct decision made by Lieutenant Colonel Walter in just a few seconds once again saved the lives of everyone in the vehicle.


call out--

The slight shaking of the vehicle body and the extremely harsh friction noise of the shells contacting the armor shocked all the crew members. From countless previous battles, they deeply realized that once one's own tank was penetrated through the armor, it was almost certain to die. The heart almost felt. The gunner, who was about to jump out of his throat, was the first to scream.

"Oh, damn! We're hit, we're hit by the damn Russians, Walter! Abandon the tank now, the tank is going to explode! Hurry!"

Lieutenant Colonel Walter, who was already in an extremely bad mood, frowned even more after hearing this, and extremely dissatisfied words mixed with a strong smell of gunpowder poured out from between his teeth.

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