Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 384 Ice and Snow Furnace (Part 2)

If we rely solely on the sensitivity of the warhead fuse, we cannot put all the blame on the production workers. After all, the ordinary Soviet workers who worked hard at the rear of the production line day and night have already given everything they can, and even Julien did all the necessary daily tasks such as eating and sleeping in a hurry while leaning on the machine tool.

So if Malashenko is allowed to evaluate it himself, it would be more appropriate to put the blame for all this on the Germans. After all, if this war is not fought, there will be so much trouble.

"There are many targets, so fire at will, Iushkin! Pick the one that you think is the most dangerous and most threatening. I will point out the target for you if necessary!"

"No problem, Comrade Commander!"

In view of the fact that there were too many German tank groups with a long and narrow front between them, Malashenko, who at first commanded the gunner Iushkin as the tank commander to conduct roll call shooting, simply gave up the roar.

With so many German tanks, if he were asked to shout and roll their names one by one, he would probably be hoarse. In contrast, it was a good choice to let the gunner Iushkin use his own initiative based on his subjective initiative.

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"

"It's you, Nacui!"


The second armor-piercing projectile, which was close to a distance of 700 meters, was accurately fired at the German army again with Iushkin's sole movements. The German armored group, which predicted that the enemy would block the fire, started from the moment the first tank was destroyed. From then on, he began to change his traveling strategy and adopted irregular and unpredictable movements.

But even so, the Soviet army, which was not fighting alone, was still not afraid at all. The other dozens of KVs tightly surrounding Malashenko's car also began to block and fire at the German army at the same time. The roar of artillery was accompanied by flames. The armor-piercing projectiles flying horizontally rained down on the German army as if they were free.

Not to mention the 85mm tank gun that is capable of killing tigers and driving leopards, which can directly kill any German tank. Now, even the 76mm main gun equipped on the most common mass-produced KV1 can launch wanton attacks on German armored groups. massacre.

The armor of the Panzer III and IV tanks, which were the absolute vanguard of the blitzkrieg against Europe, was now out of date. Strictly speaking, this kind of armor that could not withstand the main Soviet tank guns could even be called a burden.

A very simple truth lies here. Since even the thickest frontal armor defense cannot withstand Soviet tank gun attacks within conventional combat distances, what is the use of this cumbersome armor weighing 20 to 30 tons? It can't be stopped anyway, so it's better to give up this cumbersome armor in exchange for extremely high mobility. A certain type of US tank destroyer far across the ocean made a sound of approval at this time.

Lieutenant Colonel Walter, who had the same idea, was full of complaints at the moment. He who once led his troops to conquer the French in only seven weeks really couldn't understand.

How did these seemingly barbaric, primitive and extremely backward Russians grasp the development trend of tanks so accurately? It's enough to use four or two pounds of tilted equivalent defensive armor. Why are the cannons so powerful?

Lieutenant Colonel Walter, who couldn't hold back his breath, looked at the terrible and almost one-sided battle situation in front of him. He only felt sorry for the tank designers in the motherland at the rear. Why couldn't they come up with something like the Russians who also had strong armor and powerful guns? The heavy tank, which is called a new tank but is actually just a broken No. 3 J1 with an elongated barrel, is still the same garbage.

"Heinrich, what are the casualties on your side? Report the situation!"

Walter, who was extremely anxious, didn't wait too long. A burst of noisy radio waves rang quickly in Walter's headset.

"The situation is not good. We have lost eight tanks! The terrain on the Russian side is relatively high, and any of our movements are completely exposed to their sight! This is not the way to go. Walter, you'd better bring them with us quickly. Human fire support draws some of the Russians’ firepower!”

Knowing that even the side armor of the KV1's chassis would be difficult to penetrate once the weak tank gun of our own is extended far enough, who knows why those Russian genius tank designers even arranged a full 75mm armor on the side of the KV1 mm physical thickness of powerful armor defense.

The original plan of getting close to a confident distance of 500 meters before ordering to stop and fire seems to be no longer possible. If we really wait until then, it is estimated that another armored battalion led by Major Heinrich will either be partially disabled or completely wiped out. , Lieutenant Colonel Walter, who had no other choice, issued the firm order as always after briefly thinking about the pros and cons.

"Everyone stops and covers Heinrich's armored battalion! Load 40mm armor-piercing bullets, aim at the sides of those Russian tanks and fire immediately!"

As the saying goes, "Invasion is like fire, immovable like a mountain."

The German armored troops, who were the main force in blitzkrieg warfare on the ground battlefields that conquered Europe, have always abided by orders and prohibitions, and their duty to obey orders has been deeply ingrained in their bones. The German armored troops under Lieutenant Colonel Walter, when they heard the words coming from their headphones, After giving the order, he immediately stopped the vehicle without thinking, and immediately prepared to fire with the tacit cooperation of the crew members that was no less than that of the Malashenko Guards Tank Regiment.

Focusing on the flank battlefield, he was temporarily unaware of the changes that had occurred in the frontal offensive led by Lieutenant Colonel Walter. Iushkin, who was already excited to kill, once again let out an excited exclamation after succeeding in a blow.

"The fourth one is already the fourth! Hahaha! These Fascist tanks are as fragile as their will. Comrade Commander, you have to get a notebook to help us remember it."


call out--

Before he could finish his words, he was suddenly interrupted by an unexpected huge metal collision. The buzzing echo in his ears seemed to be enough to blur even his vision. He had already lost count in just one hour. It was the first time that Iushkin had experienced such a bad feeling, and he immediately cursed.

"Damn Fasis! On to the fifth one!"

"Not the fifth one, Iushkin! The impact point is on the right side of the turret. This is an armor-piercing projectile fired by another German tank group from the front!"

Before Malashenko could finish his reminder, Lavrinenko, who was responsible for leading the team to fight against the main force led by Lieutenant Colonel Walter, suddenly rang out his words.

"Seven hundred meters away! Malashenko, the German main tank unit has stopped! They want to start a fight with us at this distance. What are you going to do!?"

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