Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 352 Confession of Sins

"Artillery fire! Russian artillery fire! Scatter away and take cover!"

call out--

Boom boom boom——

The vigorous shouts of the real arms were forcibly drowned in the rumbling explosions before they could spread throughout the entire position. The powerful artillery fire from three fully loaded Soviet infantry divisions of the Siberian Military District came together. It swept across the entire position in an instant, and the roar of salvos from nearly a hundred 122 and 152 mm field howitzers and small-caliber artillery shook the entire land.


After the 152 cannon, which symbolizes truth and justice, roared, the muzzle shock wave alone caused the snow in the open space below the barrel to suddenly rise like white mist, sending the 152mm high-explosive projectiles in the barrel into the distance. The thick breech block at the edge of the sky spit out craters as it retreated backwards. The yellow-orange craters were burned to a boil by the projectile propellant. As soon as they fell into the snow, all the snow they came into contact with melted away. Almost exhausted.

"Quick! Cannonballs! Load them quickly!"

The stubby and sturdy 152mm high-explosive projectile alone weighed 40 kilograms. The two Soviet loaders, each holding a 152mm high-explosive projectile and a launching cartridge, immediately held their breath and stepped forward. , under the supervision of the Soviet gunner who held his right arm high and was in charge of commanding the entire artillery crew, he stuffed the thing in his hand into the barrel of the gun.

"Koshkin, ramrod, up!"

The two loaders who stuffed the projectiles and propellant barrels into the breech one after another immediately subconsciously moved away after hearing the sound. The third Soviet loader who was waiting nervously aside with a slender ramrod in his hand immediately immediately Step forward, use all your strength to push the object in your hand forward, and finally load the 152mm heavy field howitzer that is completely manually loaded.

"This is a cordial greeting from Comrade Stalin! Fascist lackeys!"

Before he finished speaking, the 152mm howitzer roared again with the movement of his hand. This was not just an exception. Almost all the Soviet artillery crews on the entire field artillery position had fallen into madness. The Soviet artillery crews who were fighting with all their strength even It achieved a super high rate of fire of 5 points, which is almost impossible for the 152 howitzer.

The Soviet artillery, which completely ignored the wear and tear of the gun barrel, only wanted to pour more shells into the opposite German position in the shortest possible time.

But the result of such a rough and wild shelling was that the Soviet loaders, who were as strong as bears, were completely exhausted and fell to the ground after more than ten rounds, breathing heavily. Seeing that the first set of loaders were almost there The Soviet gunner, who had reached the limit of his physical strength, then roared loudly again.

"Second group, come on!"

The second group of Soviet loaders, wearing thick cotton gloves and still waiting for the shot, immediately rushed forward after hearing the sound, replacing their comrades who had gone into battle one step ahead of them and were already exhausted. The reserve loaders who are in good condition and full of physical strength are the fundamental guarantee for the Soviet field artillery to maintain a high rate of fire and firepower density.

Due to their relatively secondary strategic location, these Soviet infantry divisions from the Siberian Military District are not qualified to be equipped with high-end gadgets such as Katyusha rocket launchers, which are still new equipment in the Red Army.

But even so, the devastating firepower from the artillery regiment of the Soviet infantry division was still enough to make the German troops on the position feel the most profound despair.

Those German soldiers whose bones were blown to pieces when the first wave of shells roared down were undoubtedly lucky. The German soldiers covering their ears with their hands open and trembling with their mouths wide open in the temporary shell-proof holes on the position were suffering even more at this moment.

This deep fear of not knowing whether the shelling hole you are in will be directly hit by Soviet heavy artillery in the next second is simply like the feeling of being randomly selected to be reaped by the black cloaked God of Death holding a scythe. It is extremely despairing. .

The Soviet field artillery position, which had been roaring for more than an hour, finally died down as scheduled. The yellow-orange shell shells still exuding residual warmth and the empty shell boxes that had been emptied were piled up like a mountain. They took turns taking turns to enter the battle. Hundreds of Soviet loaders were already so tired that they almost died and collapsed on the spot.

He could vaguely distinguish that the sound of heavy artillery that was still roaring like thunder had stopped. Knowing what it meant when the sound of artillery stopped, Malashenko immediately raised the binoculars in his hand and looked around. A distance of less than two kilometers is enough to see those densely packed dots of Red Army soldiers, and the dense figures rushing out of the trenches holding weapons in their hands.

"For the Soviets! For Stalin! Comrades, attack!"



The scene that has been played out countless times in this great land since the outbreak of the Patriotic War has long been taken for granted by the German army, but even so, when those twisted German soldiers who were trembling and shaking their bodies could not walk again witnessed it with their own eyes When they witnessed this scene, the deep despair and fear from their hearts completely dominated their minds in a fleeting moment.

"Ivans are coming! Quick, get into position and prepare to defend!"

The physically and mentally exhausted German front-line commanders chanted the slogans to urge the survivors who had escaped to regain their will again and start preparing for defense.

The German machine gunner unfolded the machine gun bipod and deployed it in the machine gun bunker in front of him. His fingers were almost trembling. As for whether the cause of this situation was cold or fear, or a combination of both, it was probably even these. The German soldiers in a trance could not give a definite answer themselves.

"Okay, they're close enough! Machine gun fire! Block those Ivans, quick!"

The bright green tracer machine gun barrage tore open the chest of the Red Army soldier who was rushing at the front and burst out from behind. The body wrapped in thick and warm winter cotton clothes immediately fell to the snow without a word.

Scarlet warm blood quickly spurted out from the wound and melted the snow beneath them. The Red Army soldiers who followed closely behind and continued to charge turned a blind eye to the fall of their comrades and stepped on the liquid mixed with snow and blood. The pace of passing is still as determined as before.

Roaring and roaring, the steel behemoths with full throttle suddenly entered the battlefield at the most critical moment when the flesh and blood of friendly forces were blocked in front of the position.

After slowing down slightly, he put down all the infantrymen attached to the tank. Seryosha, who did not stop completely, counted the countdown in his heart and stepped on the accelerator again without hesitation.

"Kirill, reload the high-explosive bombs! Iushkin, aim at the Germans' machine gun positions and send them to confess their sins to Comrade Lenin!"

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