Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 346 Describing the Future

The interweaving of contradictions reflected in Herman made Malashenko even more curious and puzzled about this German major who did not know what language to use to describe him.

If Hermann was really a German officer who affirmed Hitler and chose to follow and believe in him, then what did his words at the beginning of the period about wanting to have enough power mean?

"I don't understand. Since you think that what your head of state Hitler did is right for Germany, how should you explain those previous words about wanting to gain enough power?"

Faced with another question from Malashenko, Herman, who has a clear plan for his future, seemed very calm.

"Although I have no negative attitude towards the Führer's approach, it does not mean that I think his path will eventually lead to success. The Führer has led Germany to win too many victories, but behind these victories is There is a huge crisis hidden.”

"Your sword can help you win the throne, but it cannot help you keep the throne. The head of state has tied the future of the country and the nation together and launched wars again and again. In my confusion, I gradually began to believe in this never-ending war. There will eventually be inevitable failure.”

"And when this war is over, I hope that I can be alive to welcome that day. Only those who survive can participate in the reconstruction of the future of the motherland. The dead can only be buried in the soil. There is nothing I can do! In order to survive, I have to keep moving forward to get more power! I have always believed in this, and I have done so!”

In this era of extreme madness and fanatical worship, there are very few people left who can retain their own ideas like Herman. In the absence of companions and mentors around him, Herman was able to come up with these things and draw conclusions that were not outrageously wrong. This is very commendable in Malashenko's personal opinion.

"What do you believe in? Herman."

The sudden and unexpected question from Malashenko's mouth made him stunned on the spot. Herman, whose brain recovered from the brief panic, gave the answer almost without thinking.

"I used to believe in the Führer, but now I have no faith. Or maybe I believe in myself. I'm not sure. But in short, I think you should be able to understand what I want to express."


Malashenko, who was noncommittal to Hermann's answer and had his own rhetoric in his mind, quickly spoke up.

"Have you ever heard of the Viennese Workers' Song? The German version of that song."

Hearing Malashenko's slightly abrupt words, he was immediately startled. Herman, who didn't understand why Malashenko suddenly changed the subject, nodded quietly.

"I have heard it, and I also know that this song is the same as your Soviet Red Army's The Strongest. In my personal opinion, it is indeed very good, infectious and exciting, I mean it."

Hermann, who was afraid that Malashenko would think he was flattering, specially emphasized that he meant what he said, but the faint smile that appeared on Malashenko's face afterward undoubtedly confirmed that Hermann Man's worries are completely unnecessary.

"The future world belongs to us, the fields now are cultivated by us, and the fruits of the future will be harvested by us. We are the future of the world! No matter what happens today, Herman, but if one day, when the sky above Germany floats representing another This is a red flag of faith. When the rule of your head of state is replaced by communism, I want to know what choice you will make if that day comes."

As a relatively clear-headed junior German officer, Hermann, who graduated from the University of Berlin, and most of the young German intellectuals at the same time, were unable to escape the red ideology that almost swept the entire Europe. wave.

Hermann, who once stayed up all night with red communist writings in his arms, had very complicated emotions about communism: he yearned for the scene of humankind working together to create a better future described in communist writings, but based on reality, he I have some doubts about whether this vague theory on paper can be realized.

If the proletariat and those who believe in communism all over the world are one family, then the reality that separates this big family is nationalism and different ideologies between countries.

Hermann, who was wavering repeatedly during the hesitation, finally gave up his longing on a sleepless night and chose to follow the call of the head of state and rise up for the righteousness of the nation and the country.

The only problem is that even Hermann himself is not convinced that the path he has chosen must be the right one, especially when he has been shaken and worried about the Führer's war strategy and the future of Germany. The deep yearning for communism began to quietly float in my heart again.

"My question came too suddenly, Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko, I don't know how to answer you."

Looking at the helpless look on Herman's face in front of him, Malashenko, who knew that his words had achieved his ideal purpose, smiled again. What he described in his mouth did not look right to his head in the near future. Herman, who was still sober, caused quite a shock.

"One day you will see the red flag flying over Germany. Since you have read relevant works on communism, you should know that the isolation of the country from nationalism is very small in the face of the entire grand communist ideal."

"The Soviet Union represents communism, but it is not all of communism. Just listen to the Internationale and you will know how great the older generation of communist pioneers are in their depiction and exploration of the ultimate ideal. Communism will tolerate all the hatred in the past. This I believe it will definitely include Germany.”

"I choose to use communism instead of the Soviet Union to tell you this because I hope you can understand. Herman, the country and nationalism are not existences that should trap our hearts. If everyone can work for a true ideal and great goal If we work together to achieve our goals, then we will find that the things that once trapped us in our hearts don’t exist at all.”

It was the first time Herman heard such words, and he obviously still didn't understand them, but the beautiful scene described by Malashenko gradually began to take shape in his mind.

If there really is such a great faith and common ideal in this world as what Malashenko said, which can make all human beings put aside their past grievances and stand together, then even if I change my position and join the red flag, I will not be able to do it. What's the harm?

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