Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 333 The Winter Beast (Part 1)

Even after waiting for more than an hour at noon, the blizzard flying all over the sky still showed no intention of stopping. Facing the violent blizzard blowing in front of us, we marched forward bravely with all our strength in the vast expanse. In the face of the power of nature, powerful continental weapons still appear as insignificant as a lonely boat in the sea.

"You have already become the regiment commander. Do you still need to board the car and go to the front line to command in a battle of this level?"

Malashenko, who stretched his upper body out of the car and stood on the turret, stared at the vast world at the end of his field of vision, with the wind and snow howling in his ears. He still couldn't help but feel calm after recalling the answer he gave to Commissar Petrov a moment ago. A smile.

"Sitting in a tent and remotely controlling the frontline battle situation is not suitable for me, Comrade Political Commissar, you know this. Only staying in that steel body is my true destination, even if I die in this great war, That loyal and cold body will at least give me a steel grave, which is also the final destination I want when the end of my life comes.”

Even if they cannot choose their birth, what kind of family environment and era background they will live in, people who stand in front of the whole world and are slightly powerless still have the right to choose their final destination at the end of their lives.

He died in his own car and his bones were buried in this loyal steel body. This is what Malashenko has done for his own life across decades, when the fire of his life is still burning. The answer given by the resting place at the end of life.

The huge movement of 56 KV1 heavy tanks rushing forward in the blizzard could not be concealed by the blizzard. The roaring engine roar that resounded through the heart was wrapped in the permeating mixed symphony of the howling wind, less than a kilometer away. The German patrols sounded like something more terrifying than the screams of devils in hell.

"Ivan! It's Ivan's tanks. There are so many of them! Oh my God, I can't see clearly. There are simply more than the number we had during the parade under the Arc de Triomphe! Tell everyone to prepare for battle and be sure to block them, quickly!"

In the face of absolutely overwhelming strength, there was no need to make any unnecessary cover-ups of his tactical purposes. Malashenko saw the German patrols outside the village through the telescope and began to panic, and immediately bent down and returned. Someone in the turret grabbed the radio intercom with one hand and started yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Maximum speed of all crews. Driver, please step on the accelerator and rush into that shabby little village to crush all the Germans! End everything before their support troops arrive. Comrades, charge!"

The KV1 heavy tanks, which were originally moving forward in second gear in the thick snow, immediately stepped on the accelerator after Malashenko gave the order, and the tracks that were stuck in ankle-high snow made a tooth-piercing creak. Sound of acid, the Red Army soldiers riding outside these tanks in the form of "human flesh with additional armor" hurriedly seized the attachment at hand.

The silly, big, black and thick Soviet tank with almost no shock absorption system can make people dizzy once the power is fully turned on, just like the bumper cars in the amusement park of later generations.

Since the outbreak of the Moscow Offensive, the German army has almost always been the active attacker. In the face of the German three-dimensional offensive, the Soviet army has only the ability to resist, let alone launch a counterattack. It is not easy to even stabilize the position. Like this The scene of dozens of Soviet heavy tanks rushing together with accompanying infantrymen would have been unimaginable half a month ago.

The severe cold climate of more than 20 degrees below zero makes it difficult to use almost all weapons. The Mauser 98K, which lacks antifreeze lubricant gun oil, has to use a lot of force to even pull the bolt and push the bullet into the chamber. He was so strong that when he was too frozen, he even had to hit the gun with a hard object such as a stone twice to break the ice. Such poor use of weapons was something that the German army had never experienced in any previous battle. Never encountered before.

"Damn, damn! This broken gun is frozen to death again! Fred, help me get it open, quickly!"

"I already told you not to apply maintenance oil to gun parts, but you idiot never listened to my advice!"

"There's no saying that you don't oil your gun. If you don't oil your gun, it won't work."

call out--


The roar and scream of the incoming artillery shells interrupted the conversation of the two in just a moment, and suddenly rang in their ears. The leading KV1 heavy tank, which was approaching a distance of 500 meters, had already begun to fire artillery bombardments in front of them. The German positions were so close, although firing while moving on a cross-country road was indeed very inaccurate.

"It missed. The muzzle was raised too high. Let's fire it again. This time we must hit those Germans!"

Seeing that the gunner in his crew just missed his first shot, Lavrinenko, who knew that it was a matter of luck to accurately hit the target when firing on the move, did not feel any irritation in response. As a new main gun, the 85mm D-5T tank gun does not seem to be that easy to control at present.

As the loader at the rear of the breech block raised his hand again, he stuffed an 85mm custom high-explosive round with a length of more than 80 centimeters into the breech. The prototype turret, which had once fallen into silence as it continued to fly in the ice and snow, suddenly ejected again. Out of fire.

The 85mm O-365K high-explosive projectile with a muzzle velocity of up to 790 meters per second immediately flew out of the barrel driven by the gas of the projectile propellant.

Although the 660 grams of TNT explosive contained in the projectile warhead is only the most common high-explosive charge and not any mixed high explosive, it is nearly 7 times the terrifying amount of the ordinary M24 wooden handle grenade of the German army, but it is also unusual. No flesh and blood can withstand it.

Although there was once again a slight misalignment due to firing while moving, the gunner of the Lavrinenko crew, who had the experience of firing during the bumpy last time, found the best time to fire based on his feeling this time. He aimed at the German machine gun position and fired The 85mm high-explosive bomb that flew in the faces of the infantrymen suddenly exploded under the action of the collision warhead fuse.


Flames rose and shrapnel flew.

In the huge explosion of the 85mm high-explosive bomb, the rifle and the body in his hand were torn into pieces. Once the terrifying charge of 24 wooden-handled grenades was included in the killing range, it was impossible to escape. In a blink of an eye, The corpses of the German soldiers, torn into large lumps by explosions and shrapnel, were instantly covered with scarlet and warm blood.

"Anti-tank guns, we need anti-tank guns! Drag the anti-tank guns out quickly!"

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