Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 331 Weird Information

The words in the understatement were as bland as talking about what breakfast was eaten this morning. In the deep eyes, there was no word that could be linked to fear. In Malashenko's opinion, such a guy was not as good as him. It is more appropriate to say that he is a normal person, rather than a ferocious beast that ignores death and life.

"As you said, Comrade Yakov, I have never seen an "excellent" scout like Comrade Valekov before. This is no longer impressive, but I think now Maybe it’s time to hear what kind of information Comrade Valekov brought us.”

After hearing the words from Malashenko's mouth, Lieutenant Colonel Yakov immediately turned his head and nodded to the silent Valekov. Valekov, who basically only obeyed Yakov's orders due to the kindness of his acquaintance, was there. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is undoubtedly a complete freak, but there are some things that are difficult for ordinary people to do, but only such a freak can accomplish them.

After gently raising his right arm, he quietly took off the pure white hood stained with bright red on his head. The deep scar that stretched from his forehead to the back of his head and finally to the back of his neck was finally completely healed. Appeared in front of Malashenko.

Malashenko, who saw this scene for the first time from the side, saw an unusual look of surprise on his face. As a person who knew the past, Lieutenant Colonel Yakov quietly spoke again as a narrator.

"During the Battle of the Harakhin River, this guy Valekov went to check out the layout of the Japanese monkeys' forward positions in the middle of the night, and happened to meet two Japanese soldiers who came out to urinate together."

"Seeing that he was found unable to run away, this desperate guy simply fought one against two. He stabbed a Japanese monkey to death with several knives and then beat the last Japanese monkey to death with his fists. When he came back, his whole head was covered in blood. , I almost thought it was a dead person standing in front of me."

"When the military doctors treated his wounds later, they discovered that this guy who only wanted to kill people had punched too hard and had dislocated three of his finger bones. His entire right hand looked like a twisted steel bar. As a result, this guy with a nonchalant look on his face was cut back to his bones by the military doctor without even shouting. Sometimes even I wonder if this guy had no pain nerves when his mother gave birth to him. Incredible."

Faced with Lieutenant Colonel Yakov's opening words, Valekov neither agreed nor denied it. Valekov, who chose to skip this episode intentionally without comment, blurted out the words that came to his lips.

"At that time, the binoculars were in the hands of Sasha. When I fought with the Japanese, I injured my left eye due to the scar on the top of my head. Now I can only have a little bit of blurred vision, so I used binoculars to conduct reconnaissance. This kind of work is not suitable for me."

Obviously, Valekov's foreshadowing words were undoubtedly meant for Malashenko, and he was also preparing for the subsequent specific information.

"I couldn't see very clearly because I only had one eye. But at a distance of about 300 meters, I still saw at least two squads of German patrols outside the village, or maybe more than a platoon. In short It will definitely not be lower than this number.”

"Looking further into the village, I didn't find any obvious German tanks, nor did I see artillery or anti-tank guns. The only things I could see with my eyesight were two conspicuous machine gun positions at the entrance of the village. There was a circular mortar position set up in a small square in the center of the village. I couldn’t see how many guns there were because the wind and snow were too heavy.”

After listening to the preliminary summary report from Valekov, Malashenko, who was completely opposite to the German defense situation he expected, immediately frowned.

The continuous snowstorm for many days not only prevented the German Air Force from taking off for attack and bombing, but almost all was frozen on the vast airport. It also caused great restrictions on the Soviet aviation forces fighting at home to defend their homeland. The poor situation of not being able to take off normally to survey the ground battlefield is just one of the many shortcomings at the moment.

Unable to obtain accurate aerial reconnaissance information from the aviation force, Malashenko had to pin his hopes on the scouts. However, his earlier prediction that there should be at least one German tank battalion in the village was inconsistent with Valeko's prediction. The information given by Valekov was completely opposite, which made the suspicious Malashenko doubt whether the information given by Valekov was accurate.

"It's very strange. If the intelligence is accurate, then where is the German tank unit that continued to attack in this direction now? According to common sense, after the heavy snow closed the road, they should be looking for a nearby place to rest and replenish friendly forces. Captured prisoners also confessed that almost all German tanks on the front line were short of antifreeze and other winter supplies."

"Womano Village is the only village within ten kilometers of the surrounding area. I don't think those German tanks can keep their shabby tanks burning gasoline in this heavy snow without antifreeze and winter lubricants. It’s ten kilometers away on the road to heaven. This is both impossible and nonsense!”

Standing in front of the map and drawing a full circle around the surrounding area with a pencil, he still found nothing. Malashenko, who was quite puzzled, could hardly find any other answer except blaming the conclusion on Valekov's incorrect intelligence. All of this is so abnormal and weird.

Malashenko, who had racked his brains and failed to come up with a convincing answer, immediately turned around again with a stern look on his face, and the pencil he had been holding in his hand was thrown to the table beside him like a piece of trash. superior.

"Think carefully about the specific situation at that time, Comrade Valekov, it is too abnormal that there are no German tanks in the village. To be precise, I think it is impossible that there are no German tanks in the village! Apart from Woma, they There is no place to stay and rest within a radius of ten kilometers outside Nuocun, unless they don’t want to freeze to death in the snow in the countryside.”

Faced with the slightly agitated Malashenko's eager expression, which almost brought his whole face up, Valekov, who had a dull face as if he was telling an ordinary narrative, suddenly had a trace of emotion on his face. There was a slight fluctuation, and words that sounded obviously dissatisfied were blurted out immediately afterwards.

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