Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 328 A murder caused by a pee

Although the freezing temperature of more than 20 degrees below zero was biting, the German soldiers who had been holding it in all the way and couldn't bear it finally chose to undress and release their little brothers rather than being suffocated to death by a puddle of urine in their bladders. come out.

"You must hold it back! Sasha"

Just like daily life in peacetime is always full of all kinds of dissatisfaction, which makes people feel extremely frustrated. The veteran who just prayed to the young soldier not to lose his composure has not finished reciting the words in his heart. The sharp bayonet, with its handle flashing coldly as it was refracted in the wind and snow, suddenly rushed out of the snowdrift and stabbed straight into the chest of the German soldier who had just gained a foothold.



The tooth-piercing sound of a sharp knife piercing flesh was accompanied by a pitiful howl that tore apart the tranquility in the wind and snow for a moment and shot straight to the sky. The German soldiers who had just taken out their little brother from their crotch and suffered this misfortune even suffered because of The severe pain coming from the chest instantly caused urinary incontinence and sprayed all over the floor.

The German soldiers in front of him, who were attracted by the screams of their companions and turned around instantly, saw a man wearing white clothes. A Soviet soldier whose snow camouflage uniform was sprayed with urine and blood.

"Oh, what the hell! Jing Ke. He killed Jing Ke! Kill him!"

The young soldier who had already pulled out the bloody bayonet from the chest of the fallen man did not stop there. The panic of the German soldiers hurriedly taking off the rifles from behind was indeed the best opportunity in his eyes.

"Go to hell! Nacui!"



He rushed forward in three steps and two steps, and once again sent the bloody bayonet, which was still warm in his hand, into the chest of the next enemy. He screamed and wailed, covering the wound on his chest and lying back with extremely unwilling eyes. On the ground, the poor German soldier died suddenly on the spot before he could even take off the Mauser 98K rifle from his back.

The young warrior who killed two people in just a few seconds obviously had no intention of giving up.

Just as he was about to pull out the bayonet that had penetrated the ribs of the second German soldier's chest and was slightly stuck, he used the time his comrades had bought at the cost of their lives to gain enough opportunities and charged the MP40. The German squad leader, who held the gun tightly in his hand, immediately and calmly hit the neck with the butt of the gun with his backhand, knocking the young Red Army soldier, who was slightly red-eyed, to the ground alive.

The German squad leader kicked away the Mosin-Nagant rifle that had fallen to the ground, turned the MP40 submachine gun backhand and held it in his hand, and pointed the black muzzle at the back of the attacker's head. He kicked out his big military boots with all his might.

"Quick, some people come and tie this guy up! Don't kill him, capture him alive!"

A group of German soldiers who barely recovered from the panic immediately stepped forward in anger and took action together, pushing the disarmed Soviet soldier to the ground. Their eyes were clearly filled with anger because of the sacrifice of their comrades. He even wanted to skin the Soviet soldier alive on the spot.

"Damn it! Jingke, hold on, don't close your eyes, Jingke!"

"Boschel's bleeding so much, he's bleeding! Damn it, I can't stop it! Medic, where's the medic!?"

Soldiers who are pierced in the body in traditional cold weapon duels often do not die immediately on the spot. They feel the continuous flow of blood and life and their bodies become colder and weaker until they finally lose consciousness. This eternal death process even The same was true during World War II when artillery fire was everywhere.

The German army, which was busy rescuing the dying and wounded, still did not forget to deal with the initiator of all this. The young Soviet soldiers who were tied up and became prisoners were not immediately escorted away, with angry punches and kicks and the extremely annoying and terrible words. Severe curses were immediately staged in the still wind and snow.

"Damn bastard Russian! I really want to kill him right now!"

"Who knows Russian? Come and ask this Russian guy how he wants to die!"

The angry fists and kicks exchanged for a short time before beating the young soldier who was energetic a moment ago half to death and leaving him paralyzed in the snow. German soldiers who have received systematic formal military training are no better than gangsters fighting in the streets and alleys. , trying not to kill people without making a killing move is already an extremely high level of difficulty comparable to Zhang Fei's embroidery.

Seeing that the Soviet soldier who had killed two of his comrades was beaten to less than half a life, the German squad leader who had just taken a move and instantly knocked him to the ground and forcibly subdued him immediately became angry. He strode forward, grabbed the opponent's collar, and forced it in front of him like a dead dog, and then asked.

"Tell me, you damn Russian! What is your mission?! And where are your accomplices hiding? If you dare to say that you came here alone, I will shoot you right now!" "

Many of the German front-line troops who have been fighting in the Soviet Union for half a year have learned some basic Russian, and this German squad leader, who graduated from the University of Berlin and has a certain foundation in spoken language, is obviously one of the best among such people. .

Hearing the lame "German Russian" echoing in his ears, the young soldier barely understood what the other party wanted to express, but ignored it and did not make any reply. He held the thick bloody phlegm in his mouth and was immediately injured. Unexpectedly, he spat in the face of the German squad leader.

"Go to hell and ask Hitler, you damn bastard!"

The German squad leader, whose nose and eyes were full of sticky blood-red substance, was even more furious. His violent anger, which almost wanted to pull out the gun from his waist and shoot him on the spot, was finally suppressed by his remaining reason.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me now. I'll have a way to get you to tell me in a few hours! Prepare to accept the pain that you will never forget, you bastard Bolshevik!"

With a sudden force in his arms, the Lieutenant General pushed the young Red Army soldier, who could no longer stand firm, into the snowdrift. The German squad leader, who was so angry that he lost two of his men one after another, could no longer care too much. Prying out valuable information from a Soviet soldier with a strange whereabouts is the top priority after regaining his sanity.

"Take him away, bring Jingke and Boshel back to the team, cancel the subsequent patrol missions, and return to the camp immediately!"

"But Boshel is dead, he doesn't even have a heartbeat now!"

After hearing this, the German squad leader frowned again, and the angry words that could almost ignite the air popped out from between his teeth again.

"Then take his body back! Action!"

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