Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 322 Terrified

Just like Zhukov, who was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union for his outstanding performance in commanding the Battle of Nomonhan, and was reused with Stalin's appreciation, he has been rising steadily since then. Some things that will happen in the not-too-distant future may be It was doomed from the moment Stalin stared at the young and resolute face in the audience.

The wind and snow that has been flying over Moscow's Red Square since dawn is still continuing. Malashenko, who has been leaning his upper body out of the turret for a long time, is almost turned into a snowman by the wind and snow. Even the brand-new paint on the tank The Guards logo and vehicle number outside the turret had almost disappeared under the wind and snow.

Immediately behind Malashenko's No. 177 Regiment Command body were the remaining seven prototype turret tanks from earlier. The eight tanks' strange shapes with different appearances seemed a bit unusual in the uniform parade formation, but since The majestic momentum revealed under the ferocious armor, sharp cannon and huge body is actually a powerful existence that cannot be concealed by the snow in the sky.

Since he had already known in advance that his troops would march directly to the front line after being reviewed in Red Square before the military parade began, Malashenko, who was not too surprised by this, immediately decided to let the entire regiment's organizational structure go directly from the beginning. It passed through Red Square and finally received the personal nod from Chief of Staff Shaposhnikov.

The scene of more than a hundred KV1 heavy tanks rumbling past the Red Square was simply spectacular to the extreme.

The black smoke that boomed out from the engine exhaust pipe encircled the flying snow rolled up by the tracks, turning into a slightly hazy black and white mist that lingered in the tank formation.

The driving speed and passability on flat roads are much better than in off-road situations. It is equivalent to the KV1 heavy tanks whose mobility shortcomings have been infinitely reduced. They look like they have a combination of firepower, protection and mobility. The perfect existence, and this extremely spectacular scene of hundreds of cars galloping past can be said to be the appetite of Stalin, who loves heavy tanks.

"If every heavy tank unit on the front line of our Red Army can have Malashenko's state and morale, the final victory in the defense of Moscow may come much earlier than we expected."

Like the Red Army troops being reviewed in Red Square, Stalin, standing in the wind and snow on the parade platform, also had his shoulders and hat brim covered with white snow, making him look particularly solemn and inaccessible.

Under such circumstances, Stalin almost always maintained his unsmiling solemn and solemn expression from the moment he gave his military parade speech until the leading Red Army infantry phalanx and the truck-pulled artillery phalanx passed by. His eyes were fixed in silence.

But when the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Team led by Malashenko drove through the snow-covered Red Square, Beria, who is good at "guessing the holy will", was surprised to find that Comrade Stalin had revealed his identity at this moment. A rare smile, in the opinion of Beria, who has been with you for a long time and knows people's hearts well, it is not just Comrade Stalin who likes heavy tanks.

"This Malashenko has already been appreciated by Comrade Stalin. We must pay attention to this aspect in the future. It seems that the execution date of that idiot Kamalov must be moved forward a little earlier."

Beria, whose face was as gloomy as the dark clouds in the sky above his head, filled with dim colors, was wondering whether he should drag the idiot Kamalov to the execution ground tomorrow for provoking Malashenko and committing a capital crime without telling him. , so as not to cause any trouble for him in the future because of his big tail, but the words spoken quietly by Stalin on the side forcibly interrupted Beria's thoughts and made him immediately raise his head.

"I believe you are right, Comrade Stalin, and the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment led by Comrade Malashenko is indeed extraordinary. If there is a chance, Comrade Malashenko should be asked to give us some elite front-line tanks. The army commanders and fighters gave lectures and Comrade Zhukov highly praised his achievements in tank tactics."

Stalin, who was in a good mood, immediately nodded with satisfaction after hearing Shaposhnikov's reply. Then he quietly turned his face again and cast his questioning eyes on Bailey, who was a little confused next to him. On Asia.

Under Stalin's questioning gaze, Beria immediately realized that he had to say something at this moment. Stalin, who knew what was going on below, knew the name Kamalov as early as the day after the incident. , Stalin, who simply instructed Beria to handle this case, has yet to ask about any detailed process and results. This is absolutely nothing in the eyes of Beria, who is good at and likes to "figure out the holy will". What a great thing.

"Comrade Leader, my personal opinion is the same as that of Chief of Staff Shaposhnikov. Comrade Malashenko has indeed demonstrated his outstanding commanding ability and talent in tank design. For such an outstanding comrade, I think our Internal Affairs The ministry has the obligation to do all relevant follow-up support work, and Comrade Malashenko, who is fighting on the front line to defend the motherland, will not miss his home and home."

Beria, who has already sat on the position of Stalin's right-hand man and Minister of the Interior, has already become a complete human spirit. Pointing out but not revealing such officialdom's official words is already a basic operation for Beria, in his mind Beria, who quickly analyzed, summarized and compiled the best words, had every reason to believe that the answer he blurted out was exactly what Stalin wanted.

Just as Beria expected, after hearing the profound words from his mouth, Stalin immediately kept the "modest and warm" smile on his face, nodding slightly as if he was quite satisfied to show his approval.

After seeing this scene, Beria, who felt a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, secretly let out a sigh of relief in his heart. Beria had almost forgotten the last time this extreme oppressive feeling, like death cutting his throat, appeared. .

Stalin gave him all the rights and honors he has now, but he can also confiscate them all in just a few words. The storyline of accompanying you like a tiger is not just in the distant land of China. All the scenes were staged.

"Kamarov, that damn bastard! Tomorrow, no! I will issue a sentencing order when I get back! This guy who only has women and alcohol in his head is a serious threat to me if he lives in this world for even one more minute. ! The idiot who promoted this guy to the position of major must go to Siberia to undergo labor reform!”

Beria, who was as shocked and angry as a turbulent wave in his heart, thought so.

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