Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3253 Gate of Time and Space (Part 2)

Hearing the suggestion from the "comrade political commissar" beside him, Malashenko, who has gradually become accustomed to the feeling of "familiar strangers" following him, immediately spoke.

"Then do it, but just me."

"Of course, I won't disturb you."


"Comrade Political Commissar" who spoke with a smile snapped his fingers again.

The next second, Malashenko did not notice any changes in himself, but saw shock written on the face of his son who had been crucified in the wreckage.

"Dad—Dad, how, how did you get in? Shouldn't you be in Moss—"

"Don't ask so many whys, you just need to know that daddy is here, good son, that's enough."

He did not blame his son for participating in this unjust war. Even though he knew that this was a world of nothingness, every emotion was extremely real. Malashenko still couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes.

Seeing his son die but being unable to do anything about it, he could only watch helplessly and say his last words. This was too cruel and unbearable for a father who was nearly sixty years old.

He stretched out his hand and tried to touch his son's face. The feeling of the moist and warm blood was so real that it made Malashenko, whose right hand was already trembling, almost unable to hold on.

"Do you hate me? Dad, I hate that I didn't listen to your advice and participated in this unjust war, and ended up like this."


Nikolai raised his bloody hand tremblingly and held his right hand.

Malashenko, who could feel that the hand was getting colder, replied with a smile.

"Silly son, there is no such thing. No matter what happens, you will always be a good child of me and your mother. Even if the child does something wrong, there will always be a door open for him."

After hearing these words, Nikolai could no longer control his emotions. The words he had been holding in his heart for a long time blurted out together with the tears that were infected by his father.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I'm really sorry for not listening to you and letting you and mom down."

"I just want to prove myself, that's all. I hope to win more than anyone else. The older I get, the more I know it's almost impossible to surpass you, but I still don't want to give up, I don't want to give up anything that can prove myself Opportunity."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I was too selfish and conceited, Dad. Please apologize to Mom on my behalf. I'm sorry."

Malashenko wanted to say something more, but this dream, which was not real but was better than reality, had prevented Malashenko from any intention of doing so.

Nikolai pushed him out of the cabin along the twisted and deformed side door of the cabin. Unexpectedly, Malashenko wanted to turn around and look, but he heard a violent explosion sounding behind him, swallowing up everything.

"On its way back to the base after completing its mission, a GRU special operations team was shot down by guerrillas using individual anti-aircraft missiles. After falling to the ground, fuel leaked and exploded due to a short-circuit spark. This is the cause of Nikolai's death, whether you Want to believe."

"In addition, you may also be interested in the next scene."


The snap of fingers sounded, and the scene changed again.

Malashenko, who was at the center of the explosion of helicopter fuel and ammunition but was completely fine, arrived at the location of the GRU special forces team that had just evacuated in the blink of an eye.

With injuries on their bodies, blood on their faces, and limping while walking and supporting each other, the special operations team members finally waited for the Soviet patrol team that came to rescue them after hearing the news.

But not everyone could be saved. At least one girl was crying so heartbroken that she collapsed on the ground.

"Why did you abandon him!? Why, why!? He is your company commander and the eldest son of the marshal. How dare you abandon him!? Why oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - "

Unable to restrain his emotions, howls of grief echoed through the mountains.

On the other side, they repeatedly confirmed with the GRU members that Nikolai was dead. He was trapped in the wreckage of the helicopter and disappeared in the flames of the explosion. The Soviet major who led a large force to rush in held his forehead and his eyesight went dark. I almost fainted and fell to the ground.

"Comrade Alsim! Are you okay? Comrade Battalion Commander!"

The soldiers on the side quickly supported the airborne major, who was only in his early thirties and looked more like a German than a Soviet. What they heard immediately were sighs and shaking heads.

"Organize an attack! Organize troops to attack immediately! Even if I die on that mountain today, I will get Nikolai's body back!"


A large group of powerful airborne troops and GRU special forces counterattacked again with the support of BTR wheeled armored vehicles.

The two soldiers were left to take care of Natasha, who had been helped to the ambulance and had cried all her tears.

"The woman you see in front of you may not be seen as Natalia in a certain timeline. If you had not come to this world, similar things would always happen."

Listening to the whispers of the "comrade political commissar" next to her, she looked at Natasha who was being wiped by a military doctor for her facial wounds for emergency treatment. The horrific wounds cut out by the blade fragments during the crash were... It gradually became clear on his face, but his eyes were still lifeless and he ignored the pain, as if he was a walking zombie.

Malashenko, who could no longer continue watching, signaled that it was over. This dream was almost indistinguishable from reality and even more intense. Even Malashenko, who had been used to seeing separations of life and death for a long time in his life, couldn't bear it. Look straight at it again.

But I never thought that all this was just the beginning, not the end.

The snap of fingers sounded again, without asking for Malashenko's consent. In an instant, the scene had reached a disaster place where countless people were busy.

Malashenko recognized everything in front of him - Chernobyl, a name that was almost synonymous with a disaster, a place of nightmare.

Before he spoke, he could only hear the words beside him speaking quietly.

"This is the place where Kirill died. At this time, he was already the colonel of the Army Aviation Regiment."

"Unlike Nikolai, Kirill said his final farewell to you before he went to the road of sacrifice. You are the commander-in-chief of the disaster relief here and are in charge of everything here, including your only remaining son."



There was another scene change, and the scene Malashenko saw again with a flash of white light in front of his eyes was that he was standing in front of the isolation door, about to force his way in despite the obstruction of the entourage around him.

"Comrade Marshal, the radiation level inside is too high! You can't go in!"

"Kirill is my last son. Look at me. I am already an old man. I don't have a few years left to live. Don't you even want to leave such a last moment for a father? I beg you. , stop stopping me, let me in, do you still want me to kneel here to beg you?"

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