Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3239 Red Dawn (Part 2)

Just as Malashenko predicted. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

Wittmann would not be defeated so easily, nor would he admit defeat so easily. It was even more prescient for the director to prepare for the casualty statistics of the leader's army in advance.

Wittmann's counterattack soon followed.

"Reporting to Comrade Commander, the observers reported that the East German 7th Tank Division used mobile artillery units to move around and march to the east side of the north bank of the river to launch artillery strikes. The leader's river crossing troops and pontoon bridge troops have been covered by artillery fire, and the personnel and The equipment loss is estimated to be more than 60%.”

"Oh? Coming so fast? Quick, point out on the map the exact location of the artillery position."

After hearing this, Malashenko, who was interested, immediately gave the order. The major general who came to report did not say much after receiving the order. He immediately stood next to the war zone map on the table in the director's department and raised his hand to point.

"Wonderful, Wittmann really has a lot of clever ideas, and he can come up with this method!"

He and Malashenko came to the edge of the map and stopped to watch. Jack could probably guess what the situation was like, but he still asked questions for confirmation.

"General, it sounds like this is a diversionary tactic. Please give me clear instructions if possible."

"Well, that's pretty much what it means. You understand it correctly."

Everyone came to see it, so there was no need to hide the specific tactics.

After all, some things can only be enough of a deterrent if the other party understands them. Hiding them so that no one can see them and causing misunderstandings will only be counterproductive.

After clearing his mind and understanding what was going on, Malashenko pointed at the map and explained in person.

"The East German reinforcements marched to the river step by step, preparing to prevent the leader's army from establishing a beachhead to cross the river. The advancing troops were led by the mechanized infantry unit of the leader's army who was the first to cross the river. They were bombarded intensively and killed, and the tactical objectives were defeated. These are just appearances. That’s what Wittmann wanted to show his enemies.”

"His real purpose is here, here, at another riverside 16 kilometers away from the leader's crossing point. By moving the artillery unit here, the mobility advantage of the self-propelled artillery unit was fully utilized, heading towards the river. The leader's army crossing the river downstream launched a fierce artillery bombardment, giving Iushkin a severe blow when the leader's army was at its most vulnerable and when it seemed to have won an initial victory and was most relaxed. "

"That's it, I understand."

Jack, who nodded silently, immediately signaled and blurted out the questions that followed.

"But why by the river? Why in a strange place like the upper reaches of the river? You can obviously choose other deep locations on the land to deploy artillery positions. Is there anything special about this?"

"Is it right for you to think so? Is it right for you to have such doubts?"


Being overwhelmed by Malashenko's sudden "answering questions with questions," Jack, who didn't know what to answer, had no time to speak. Malashenko, who was asking and answering himself, had already followed up.

"I bet Iushkin is most likely like you now. He is also thinking and having such questions."

"You think there is something wrong, weird, and impossible. It just so happens that the enemy thinks so too. This is where Wittmann is so cunning. Compared with him, Iushkin still lacks a bit of age and experience."

"There is no problem with Iushkin's command and mobilization. The infantry fighting vehicle detachment that crossed the river and crossed the radiation zone dispersed immediately and maneuvered at high speed to conduct reconnaissance in the enemy's deep areas. Normally, if there is a mobile artillery unit at this time, it will be He encountered it, but Iushkin neglected to send a reconnaissance force in a parallel direction upstream of the river."

"Normally, no one would fire their artillery units so far away and in such a weird position. Wittmann took advantage of this to succeed in the sneak attack. Of course, he also achieved his tactical purpose. The leading army would not be able to cross the river for a while. It will take time for the second wave of pontoon troops to catch up and the second wave of river crossing troops to gather. "

"And that's enough time for Wittmann to do a lot of things on the other side of the river, just wait and see."

After swallowing 4 tactical nuclear missiles alive, I didn’t think about how to seal the mouth quickly, but thought about how to make a backhand sneak attack. I even didn’t hesitate to use my own vanguard as bait. As long as I succeeded in the sneak attack, it would be a success in blocking the mouth.

Such a weird command style is something Jack has never seen before. The seemingly majestic leader's river crossing force has now received a notice from the director's department that it has been ruled out. Tanks, personnel, transport vehicles, and the pontoon force that is unfolding the pontoon bridge, Everyone packed up their belongings and left, evacuating the training ground.

What happened next was just as Malashenko expected.

Wittmann, who temporarily resolved the enemy's breakthrough crisis, seized the opportunity and mobilized the main force to advance furiously. At the same time, he used peripheral armored reconnaissance troops to hunt and hunt. In a "scout vs. scout" approach, he quickly found and killed the leading troops. A wave of mechanized scouts from the leadership army crossed the river and arrived deep in the hinterland of the area controlled by the East German troops.

At this point in the battle, regardless of Iushkin's command of the leading army, he achieved certain results in destroying the enemy's manpower and technical equipment, causing Wittmann to suffer 30% of his troops' casualties right from the start.

But from the perspective of the overall battle situation, Iushkin's real tactical goal has not moved at all so far, and has even regressed instead of being advanced.

The first attempt to cross the river ended with a total loss of troops and generals, and it would still take time to mobilize the second wave of river-crossing troops and pontoon troops.

The leading army so far is still unable to cross the river. In terms of the overall situation, it is no different from the beginning of the exercise. They have wasted time and worked in vain, not to mention losing troops and generals. They were eliminated with 20% of the casualties and casualties that were eliminated.

The time left for Iushkin was limited. If he could not successfully cross the river before sunset and break through Wittmann's defensive depth, the leading army would be declared defeated in this exercise.

One tried desperately to cross the river, and the other tried desperately to prevent him from crossing the river.

Iushkin and Wittmann each commanded their troops to start a battle around the river.

Iushkin, who had lost the leading scout on the other side of the river, had lost his sight. He could only rely on himself in this complex battlefield environment exercise with no air support.

Iushkin had no choice but to send another wave of reconnaissance troops across the river. Based on the last reported position when the previous wave of reconnaissance troops lost contact, he determined the current approximate location and direction of travel of Wittmann's main force. Let the scouts go to confirm and try to avoid its edge.

Moreover, this time, the reconnaissance gaps upstream and downstream of the river were also filled in place to prevent another accident. Wittmann repeated his old tricks and scored twice.

Wittmann, who expected that Iushkin would send another reconnaissance team across the river, continued to keep the main force out of the range of the enemy's artillery, and only sent a small number of reconnaissance troops forward to search and annihilate the scouts sent by Iushkin to cross the river.

The scout troops of both sides broke out many small-scale fierce battles in succession. If it were a real battlefield, it would definitely be a scene that would make a fool of himself. The East German scouts and the leader's scouts were constantly announced to withdraw from the scene by the director, almost each taking their own share. Half of it is 50/50.

Wittmann was driving away the scouts who had annihilated Iushkin, and so was Iushkin. He didn't want Wittmann to capture the new crossing point and suffer a wave of devastating bombardment. He couldn't let Wittmann's eyes get even half a step closer to his vitals.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the turning point happened again on Iushkin's side.

A leader's scout unit defeated the East German scouts who came to search and annihilate their own side through an ambush.

Before being found and exposed again by the enemy, through continuous radio interaction with other reconnaissance units of our own side, we continued to advance and conduct mobile reconnaissance in an unexplored direction, and successfully found the Dong who was moving positions while maneuvering. German Artillery Corps.

As soon as the coordinates of the front leg were obtained, the artillery position on the back leg opened fire immediately upon Iushkin's order.

The mobile artillery unit in the marching state is already extremely fragile, and it cannot withstand such a moment.

Under the absolutely devastating long-range firepower from the 203mm heavy self-propelled artillery of the artillery brigade of the leader army, combined with the 152 self-propelled artillery of other armies and divisions.

The long-range self-propelled artillery in the hands of Wittmann, who was in the process of maneuvering, was almost completely wiped out. After the director's department immediately confirmed and analyzed it, it was immediately judged to be out of the game. The entire organization lost its long-range artillery strike capability.

But before Iushkin had time to be happy, Wittmann's revenge came soon after.

Twelve short-range tactical ballistic missiles roared in unison, passing directly over the leadership's artillery position from high altitude and flying to a farther location.

The ominous omen in Iushkin's mind came true. The director received a call and directly determined that Iushkin's military self-propelled artillery brigade had lost its combat effectiveness and half of the division's self-propelled artillery unit was reimbursed. The reason was too simple. It couldn't be simpler.

According to real-time deduction results, 12 short-range tactical ballistic missiles loaded with 1-ton conventional warheads accurately bombed the artillery positions of the leading army.

It turned out that Wittmann, who was "explicitly repairing the plank road and concealing the old warehouse", actually came to sneak attack the duo. On the surface, he and Iushkin's scouts were fighting back and forth on the other side of the river. The main force did not dare to enter the enemy's range and wander around the perimeter. Walk.

But in fact, another group of East German reconnaissance troops had already set off when the exercise began, pulling a huge detour directly outside the reconnaissance range of the leader's army.

They also used the same BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle as the leader's army to successfully infiltrate across the river, seize the beach and land, and then continued to make a large detour to the deep hinterland of the leader's army. After searching for a long time, they were able to find the self-propelled artillery of the leader's army in a mobile state. The troops made a solid arrest.

Therefore, from the moment the artillery of the Leader's Army stopped maneuvering and entered the position to wait for firing, the East German scouts who had been hanging behind the artillery's butts had already reported the coordinates of the latest artillery position of the Leader's Army.

Wittmann, who was worried that his artillery unit might have been targeted, took a firm hand and allowed the artillery unit to continue maneuvering without stopping, trying his best to ensure the survival of the artillery unit.

Instead, he showed the last trump card in his hand. A total of 12 mobile launch vehicles formed a short-range tactical ballistic missile regiment of the strike force. All 12 bombs were loaded into the strike coordinates and fired at one time, making most of the long-range missiles of the leader's army. The artillery force was judged to have lost combat effectiveness and was cleared from the field.

In this way, the artillery units of both sides completed the "exchange", and both sides lost long-range artillery fire support.

At this stage of the exercise, Iushkin's main force, which stepped up its efforts at the second river crossing point, has completed more than half of the crossing. The East German scouts sent by Wittmann finally found this key point on the battlefield after suffering huge losses. .

Unsaid, Wittmann, who had eliminated the threat of the enemy's long-range artillery cluster, immediately mobilized the main force of the division to rush all the way. Regardless of the existence of the leader's army's peripheral reconnaissance troops, they seized the last opportunity before the leader's army could cross the river and launched an attack.

After receiving the feedback report from the scouts, Iushkin also understood that the final moment had arrived and that there was little time left. Regardless of the fact that the main force's crossing of the river had not yet been completed, he immediately launched a charge and launched an offensive-for-offensive frontal decisive battle with the East German army.

The collision between steel torrent and steel torrent was fierce.

The equipment tends to be consistent and the tactics are extremely similar.

The will to fight is also quite tenacious, and the two heavy mechanized troops fight together without giving in to each other.

Impacts and counterattacks, detours and interceptions, all kinds of group tactics and response methods were staged in turn, and the fight was in complete darkness.

At sunset at the end of the battle, relying on the relative advantages in total strength, technical equipment, and the last wave of reinforcements arriving across the river, they finally completed the breakthrough and penetrated the Iushkin Changshu in the deep defense zone of the East German troops. After taking a breath, there were only the last 8 minutes and 23 seconds left before the end of the exercise.

The leader army completed the mission objectives within the scheduled time and successfully won the final victory of this exercise, but the price was also heavy.

According to the final judgment of the director's department, the total casualties of the leadership army's combat troops in this battle were as high as 70%, with nearly total losses of long-range artillery, 70% of medium and short-range support artillery, and even greater losses of combat armored vehicles such as tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. It is as high as 90%.

Although a considerable part of the equipment losses are recoverable and repairable, the permanent losses are actually far less.

But there is no doubt that after achieving the tactical objectives, the 9th Guards Tank Division under the Leader's Army is now a unit that has lost its combat effectiveness. It no longer has further combat capabilities on the real battlefield, so it can only withdraw to rest and recuperate. Don't even think about restoring combat effectiveness and returning to the battlefield in less than three months.

Correspondingly, Wittmann's East German Army's top elite 7th Tank Division was also wiped out.

As a defensive force, its casualties were extremely high in the face of the leader's powerful offensive energy and violent firepower.

When the leader's army finally broke through the defense, it was already judged by the director to be in a "three total losses" state of "a total loss of armored vehicles, a total loss of artillery units, and a total loss of reconnaissance units."

From a fully mechanized heavy division, it was forcibly transformed into a downgraded infantry battalion.

At the last moment, the East German 7th Tank Division suffered too much losses and was no longer able to defend itself. The remaining troops could only follow the "battalion commander" Major General Wittmann, whose division headquarters had been bulldozed by the leader's army. It looked like there were only a few left. The remnants of the leader's army, with more than 20 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles still functioning, walked away and reached the finish line.

So if Malashenko, who is the commander of the directing department, has to speak and evaluate it himself, there is actually no winner in this exercise, no real winner.

The Ninth Guards Tank Division under the Leader's Army, on the premise of having a relative advantage in total strength and technical equipment, used a battle in which almost the entire army was wiped out and everyone perished, in exchange for a reluctant victory.

Although Wittmann's East German 7th Tank Division fell and its defense zone was penetrated, it basically completed its combat mission. There were only the last 8 minutes and 23 seconds left to defend to the end, and Malashenko must be counted. The old basic troops brought out by one hand were basically wiped out.

What the hell is "East German man, federal waste"? This is called.

They are probably the most capable group of German troops in history. Facing the world's top army field groups, they have proven their strength with their own strength, which further proves that the "puppet army" and "slave army" rhetoric of the group in the west is purely his. Damn joke.

Jack, who was deeply shocked by "when the Germans become red, their combat power doubles" watched the entire exercise and sat speechless for a long time. He never expected that the East German army could defeat the most elite field group of the Russians. so.

Jack originally thought about ending the fight early and asking Malashenko to treat him to lunch, but now it seems that he can only deal with midnight snacks.

On the other hand, in order to be as close to reality as possible, the Russians used live ammunition in some links and some exercise subjects, creating roaring and booming sounds of artillery fire to increase the battlefield atmosphere and make it as close to the battlefield environment as possible.

However, issues such as morale and fighting will are actually very limited to the extent that can be tested on the training ground.

Fundamentally, there is no doubt that for Jack, the East German army needs to be re-examined and understood from today on. Almost all the inferences and assumptions made about this "servant army" in the past have to be overthrown. .

This will probably become the first urgent task that he must solve after taking office as the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

I have added some words to the two updates and posted them together. It is close to 5,000 words to ensure that everyone will enjoy it in one go.

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