Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3232 Some are ecstatic and some are sad

Malashenko wanted to see if Iushkin's abilities were as perfect as his resume reported.

I wanted to see with my own eyes whether Iushkin, who had been highly regarded by me back then and believed that he would be promising in the future, and who was now appointed as the commander of the leading army and ranked as a lieutenant general, was actually capable of defeating East Germany's most elite tank force. .

Since Damalashenko took charge of East Germany and took office, both the Soviet army cluster in East Germany and the East German troops have undergone earth-shaking changes in the past seven years.

In addition to significantly accelerating the reorganization, reorganization and equipment replacement of the 350,000 Soviet troops stationed in East Germany, in order to continuously improve their combat effectiveness.

Malashenko also provided a lot of support to the East German troops, the extremely important "comrades-in-arms" of the East German cluster, including but not limited to technical and tactical guidance and equipment replacement.

In this way, Malashenko, who twisted all the red armed forces stationed in East Germany into a rope and whose combat effectiveness soared, has naturally attracted the "attention and attention" of the West.

The group in the west, who had never forgotten how Malashenko beat the Nazis so violently and how many dead Nazis were under his hands, all "took their seats" in horror, putting themselves into a situation similar to that of the German army.

While watching Malashenko continue to carry out a series of drastic military reforms, he is constantly paying attention and trying to study how to imitate one or two, so as to keep up with the trend of the times and try to keep up with the rhythm of the Russians, so as not to be defeated by the Russians. People are too far away.

"I never doubted that we could win until I met Malashenko. At that moment I realized that everything we had heard and believed in the past turned out to be lies. Facing the "Iron Butcher" and his Leader, the only thing we can do is to pray that our life in the prisoner of war camp will be as comfortable as possible."

When a certain German major general who had been digging potatoes at a Siberian farmhouse for six years was finally released and returned to West Germany, he quickly released his "personal album" memoirs and wrote this postscript on the front cover.

Malashenko, who was already notorious for his vicious reputation, once again triggered a wave of fear on a large scale.

In addition, the Russians deliberately placed the "steel butcher" so close, so close to his face and under his nose, that Malashenko almost became a humanoid demon that "can make children stop crying".

An old man who likes to grow corn was not angry but overjoyed when he learned about this. He was even overjoyed.

Sighing that he had made a comeback after humiliating the missile field that he relied on, he unleashed a wave of fierce attacks on the enemy's face, allowing the enemy to fully appreciate his power.

Therefore, not only did Malashenko not receive any criticism or punishment from his hometown for his military activities, but he also received great help and support.

As long as it is a military matter, Moscow will respond to almost everything Malashenko asks for.

Whether it is weapons and equipment or troop reorganization, all were approved quickly and implemented by all cooperating units and departments with the fastest efficiency. It has even reached the level of "corn personally supervising" several times, requiring precise and efficient cooperation.

A situation that seemed a bit bizarre to many people emerged.

Malashenko has never returned to Moscow in seven years, but Moscow's strong support for Malashenko has never stopped during these seven years.

"Actually, it's not surprising if you ask me, old classmate."

"Some people only want your brain, your ability, your knowledge and your precise grasp of military trends. Apart from that, they don't want other useless or uninteresting things. So this is how they put you at the top of the list. Just work hard and play your role in a useful position. Don’t think about unnecessary things or ask too many questions. Not letting you go home is the best proof of this. "

"After all, a "terrible" person like you walking around the streets of Moscow is probably more scary than the KGB in the eyes of some people. They have never forgotten Zhukov. So you stay away from the center and stay here. , wait for the opportunity, when the weather above our heads changes, maybe your turn will come with it. "

Recalling these words and "admonitions" that his old friend Lavrinenko once said to him, Malashenko, who felt that this was about it, sighed.

Thinking about it, Nikolai and Kirill should have grown up now. One is 14 years old and the other is 12 years old. They have reached the longest age and are moving towards young men.

As a father, he has never been home in the past seven years. He has not been able to fulfill even a little bit of his responsibilities as a father, which has made Natalia even more miserable as she is raising her two sons at home alone.

In his small home in Leipzig, even though Malashenko was accompanied by Anya and his daughter, he still felt empty inside.

Anya, who has never thought about taking the man she has loved so far, completely as her own, can certainly see that Malashenko's heart is not entirely in herself and her daughter. This is not surprising and not incomprehensible. I also advise my lover to be more open-minded whenever I have the opportunity, and there will always be a day when the clouds clear and the sun finally shines.

Watching Malashenko approaching the 50-year-old threshold, he feels somewhat less energetic than before.

Lamenting that time is not forgiving, the days when the young and muscular young men who used to play Gandaku sticks are gone forever, and the body is also leaning back in the chair, and is about to fall asleep.


A quiet knock on the door brought Malashenko back to reality from his sleepy eyes.

Malashenko, who couldn't remember what he had planned at this time today, was just wondering when he saw the figure who knocked on the door and pushed in without waiting for an answer, already appeared in front of him.

"Long time no see, Comrade Commander. Major General Michel Wittmann, commander of the 7th Tank Division, is reporting to you. Please give me your instructions."

Malashenko, who had indeed not spoken German for a while, was stunned when he heard this. He did not expect that his old friend would arrive at this time, and then he responded in the same German and stood up to greet him.

"I hope you are ready. The Leadership Army has just welcomed a new commander, Lieutenant General Iushkin, one of the best senior commanders in the wave cluster, and also an old subordinate of mine."

"He will use all his skills and abilities to deal with you, so you don't have to show mercy. If you can, defeat the leader army and let the spectators who call you "puppet" and "toy" see for themselves what you are capable of. , are they just talking nonsense and making up their own minds?”

Not long ago, it received a batch of powerful new equipment under the personal deployment of Malashenko. Now the personnel and equipment have been integrated and trained to form a reliable combat effectiveness.

Wittmann, who was confident in this live-fire confrontation exercise, still smiled and spoke calmly.

"I will try my best to do it, but if the leader army loses, is this appropriate? Comrade Commander."

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