Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3227 Strangers (Part 1)

Malashenko knew that Malokov's visit this time would definitely not be as simple as sending him a promotion letter. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

My face is not big enough to make the KGB lieutenant general who is so popular in Moscow travel all the way abroad to serve me. There must be some other secrets or purposes that I don't know about yet.

And in this other unknown document just handed over by Malokov, it is obvious that there is the answer Malashenko is looking for.

As Malashenko started to read another document, Malokov, who was sitting on the sofa next to him, also began to explain further.

"What needs to be done is simple, Comrade Malashenko."

"You only need to sign this evidence document, become one of the witnesses, confirm Zhukov's various shameful behaviors and despicable behaviors, and resolutely draw a clear line with people like Zhukov."

"In this way, my mission for this trip has been completed. Apart from these two items, there is nothing else."

"Maybe we can have a drink together and catch up on old times. It's been a while since I've had a good chat with you."


The sound of Malokov's conversing words echoed in his ears. Malashenko, who was holding the document in his hand and reading it sentence by sentence and line by line, felt more and more uncomfortable until he finally frowned.

"Comrade Malokov, are you sure this is the final version? And not some mistake, or a draft version for comments?"

Malokov, who was noncommittal, first glanced at Malashenko's serious expression, but also in disbelief and wanting to get an answer.

After thinking about it, it seemed that it was normal for Malashenko to ask such a question. After all, the previous relationship between Malashenko and Zhukov was really extraordinary. Then he asked Marashchenko with a smile. Shenke nodded in response.

"Yes, this is the final version, Comrade Malashenko. If you have any questions, I can answer them for you. This is also one of the tasks of my trip."


Malashenko, whose premonition had been confirmed by his own words, still frowned and spoke after making sure that Malokov was not joking with him.

"But look what's written in this document? Comrade Malokov."

"There are many things that Comrade Zhukov has never done before and is far from this level. For example, in this case, he conspired to turn the army into his own personal property and secretly planned and organized it for many years. He should consider whether he should be punished with treason."

"Oh my god, just this one, just this one and nothing else. Do you know what this means?"

"Comrade Zhukov was blinded by power, but he was just confused for a moment. Looking at the things and contributions he has done in the past, how could he possibly do such a thing as treason? Is it a moment of confusion or a conspiracy to treason? The two things are fundamentally different in nature.”

"I'm sorry, Comrade Malokov. I can't sign this kind of "empty evidence" document, because it didn't happen at all. I will not join Comrade Zhukov to do things that soldiers should not do, But that doesn’t mean I’m going to deliberately retaliate for what he did to me, there’s absolutely no connection between the two things.”


Malokov, who had been playing with a coin in his hand with one hand, did not seem surprised. It seemed that Malashenko's saying this was considered a normal situation and not surprising to him.

But he did not speak quickly. Instead, while Malashenko was waiting, he turned the coin upside down in his hand for more than a dozen times before quietly turning his head and giving Malashenko a smile. Ke replied lightly.

"Refuse to sign, this is your answer, why am I not surprised at all? I don't know how you feel about it yourself."

Before Malashenko could say anything, Malokov continued talking to himself.

"Malashenko, I am putting aside my official duties and official duties now. I will only tell you a few words from my heart as an old friend. I hope you can listen carefully."

"Times are changing, and people's hearts must also change, including our brains and thoughts."

"The era of Zhukov has passed. You should not move into a new era with your body, but your mind is still stuck in the past. It is time to say goodbye to these things in the past that will never come back. Forget the past. "

"Forget Zhukov, just treat him as a passer-by, a person who has nothing to do with you. He is finished. Even everyone who is close to him will be swallowed up like being sucked into a whirlpool and become a graveyard. I believe you don’t want to be like this, and I don’t want to see you like this. This is what I mean.”

"That's all I can say, and I can promise you that as long as you sign this document and completely distance yourself from the Zhukov faction, then those dogs in the west will tremble because of you, their nightmare in the past. He's back again. The man they call "the most dangerous man in the Soviet Union" is now standing in front of them, leading the Soviet Union's most powerful armed forces."

"Perhaps these idiots should think carefully about whether they have spare sheets when they get up tomorrow morning, in case they wet the bed and have to change them."


Before he finished speaking, he turned on the lighter in his hand and lit the cigarette in his mouth. The green smoke rising up was accompanied by the last words.

"A signature will bring you an unprecedented pinnacle in your life, and you will be on the front pages of news all over the world."

"Think about it, old friend. Making the right choice is my only hope."


Malashenko, who was sitting on the sofa with his eyes slightly focused, could not speak or reply for a long time.

Malokov, who was sitting with his legs crossed and smoking, was not impatient. He just waited quietly, waiting for the moment Malashenko made his final choice.

However, when Malashenko finally spoke again, the words he slowly spoke were not what his old friend expected.

“You just said ‘forget the past’, right?”


Malokov was noncommittal, and Malashenko, who had the right to acquiesce, continued to ask questions.

"Then after forgetting the past, what do we have? What do we have left?"

"The future is a future that countless people dream of but cannot reach in their lifetimes. And that future is very close, right in front of us."

"I can sit in front of you, I am here, and I have made the same choice. This is the best reference answer, Malashenko. Don't you understand yet? You still need me to explain it to you. To what extent? Just a name, is it really that difficult? "

Needless to say, Malashenko, who had already figured out everything, only gave a cold reply.

"Then have you forgotten a sentence, Malokov? Forgot the past means betrayal."

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