Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3225 After the storm

Although Malashenko had tried to stop the situation, Zhukov, who persisted in his own way and attacked Malashenko, inevitably reached this point and ushered in a tragic ending.

Khrushchev, who was disposable, dismissed Zhukov on the spot. He also gave Zhukov a bunch of random shit bowls and black hats for free without paying for them, so that Zhukov was driven home to eat without saying a word. Even fame has become infamous.

Zhukov, who had threatened to use Malashenko as a "negative example" before he could take action, ended up having the same fate happen to him. In the end, it was Zhukov who had initially threatened to become a "negative example".

Lavrinenko was very happy to know who his good brother was transformed into like this. However, Malashenko, who received the confirmation news in the next few days, was not the same. There was even a feeling of loss lingering in his heart. .

"Now that your crisis is temporarily over, Malashenko, it's something to be happy about."

"But some situations are still uncertain, so I said this is only temporary. The specific results will depend on the subsequent development of the situation. I will pay attention in real time and will contact you as soon as there is new news."

Vatutin, who called Malashenko to his office, was telling the good news to his most capable general.

But while talking, I found that Malashenko's expression did not seem to be very happy, not even happy, but gave people an inexplicable feeling.

Even Vatugin, who had worked with him for so many years, couldn't tell what his old subordinate was thinking.

"It seems like you have something on your mind, can you tell me?"


After hearing this, Malashenko looked up and found Vatutin, who was sitting on another single sofa next to him, looking at him. His expression was not a command but a look of concern.

Malashenko, who didn't want to hide anything, then spoke slowly.

"It's about Marshal Zhukov, Comrade Commander."

"Well, I can guess, you go on, if it's convenient."


There was nothing he couldn't say. Malashenko thought for a moment, and quickly answered under Vatutin's concerned and waiting eyes.

"I just feel sorry and annoyed that I couldn't stop him. He obviously could have avoided taking this path, but a person who should have left his name in history ended up like this in the end. It shouldn't have been like this."

"Maybe there is some way or some means to prevent him from reaching this ending, but I'm sorry that I couldn't do it. I owe Marshal Zhukov an apology. This is what I want to say to him."

It’s not surprising that Malashenko would think and say this. From the moment Malashenko spoke, Vatutin, who was thinking about it himself, still wanted to tell Malashenko something more.

"You don't owe him anything, Malashenko. Unlike the collective, a person chooses the path he takes. No one forces him or instigates him. He chooses to take this path himself. There is a corresponding inevitable result waiting for him at the end of this road. From the moment he decides to go to the end, everything is doomed. "

I recall that Zhukov had a lot of support and help for me back then. He also enlightened me and encouraged me to cheer up when I encountered setbacks and difficulties.

Vatugin, who lamented the impermanence of the world, did not want to see such a result, but the situation could only be like this, and it was inevitable that whatever path he took would lead to the result.

Neither he nor Malashenko nor anyone else can change or reverse this reality. At the moment, Vatutin is grateful that he took Malashenko away from the vortex as soon as possible.

"Fortunately, you are fine, Malashenko. You still have a long way to go in the future, and there are still many opportunities left for you. Thanks to you for refusing Zhukov's invitation and not going down that road with him, otherwise ——”

Vatutin, who was shaking his head, did not continue to speak. What was the result of not being able to say it? He could only say that the meaning was here, everyone understood it, and Malashenko himself understood it, so there was no need to say anything more.

The storm has passed, and we still don’t know what kind of future awaits us.

Malashenko, who stayed in East Germany according to Vatutin's advice, is still doing what he should do day after day.

In addition to assisting Lavrinenko in handling military affairs as a deputy, he is also constantly writing some opinions and suggestions on the development and reform of the integrated model of various arms, and participates in the revision of new and old textbooks that the Red Army does every year, and has done so for more than ten years. Sun and Earth use this brain that does not belong to this era to continue to do their best in their positions.

"Sometimes I really feel that they are very ruthless in employing people. You are busier than the editor-in-chief of TASS. I estimate that your daily workload is the highest among people at the same level in the army. Think about it, it was not like this in the war years. , at that time you were running around and busy directing battles, and all the paperwork was done by the political commissar—"


Not only did Lavrinenko's unfinished words stop abruptly, but Malashenko, who was revising old textbooks and marking his opinions word by word, also stopped for an instant.

The scene was a little awkward for a while, and the atmosphere was quite tense. In the end, Lavrinenko himself shook his head and spoke quietly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say this. Speaking of which, I also miss Comrade Political Commissar. I really want to have the opportunity to go back to Moscow to see him."

"You know? Sometimes I feel very lucky to be a Comrade Political Commissar."

"Please explain it more clearly. I don't understand. Why are you so lucky?"

Because Malashenko said it suddenly and somewhat unclearly, Lavrinenko, who didn't know what it meant, looked confused, and Malashenko's next words came quickly.

"I'm glad that Comrade Political Commissar didn't see what's happening now."

"You said, what would happen to a veteran proletarian warrior who has fought steadfastly for the revolutionary cause and great ideals all his life and never regretted it until his death when he saw the bad things we are encountering now?"

"Being able to do such a thing is a blasphemy against ideals and beliefs. I don't want Comrade Political Commissar to see this. If a person's life is destined to have an end, then ending at the most promising and sunny moment is undoubtedly a It’s almost perfect, don’t you think?”

The thoughtful Lavrinenko nodded slightly, but did not speak.

The sudden arrival of an unexpected visitor from afar made Malashenko and Lavrinenko look at each other in shock when they heard the name.

"Malokov, come here? Why is he coming all the way here at this time?"

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