Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3220 I’ll have you in my life

Malashenko did not see Jill's name in the previous interview list. There was only one female reporter named Sunny Angel. Malashenko had never heard of such a person, let alone knew him.

But now, the person standing in front of him is the girl whom he has not seen again for 12 years since we parted ways in Berlin.

Today, Jill is no longer as young and ignorant as she was back then, and her first impression upon seeing him again is much more mature, both in terms of intuitive feelings and clothing.

Time has not left too many traces of the years on this already beautiful woman. If Jill gave people a girl-like feeling of budding, then Malashenko feels that she is standing in front of him now. The woman is just a delicate red rose.

Compared with Natalia, it's not that who is higher or lower, they have to compete, but it gives people a completely different sense of beauty.

But this is not Malashenko's focus.

The point is why Jill is here. Is this some kind of intentional surprise or something else? After all, this interview is extraordinary.

"It's nice to see you again, too, Gil, but can you tell me why you're here? That's not what I know."

Malashenko has never been someone who can go both ways with him. Gil knows this very well and has never forgotten it. This man can't even say a few words of love to him.

But Jill felt that maybe because of this, she was obsessed with this man who had never received his love and might not be able to get his love in the future.

"Time has diluted a lot and dispersed many things, but it has not been able to erase my feelings for you, General."


Malashenko was noncommittal and did not answer. He knew that Gil had not finished what he said, but at the same time he did not know what to say at this time. Even though I knew this might be the case, I still hadn't figured out how to deal with it because it happened so suddenly.

"It has been 12 years. The hat you gave me has accompanied me through countless days and nights, and also accompanied me through my 30th birthday."

"Whenever I think of you, I will take it out and look at it, recalling the little moments we had together in the past. Although it is only a moment of memory, it is still as beautiful as a dream to me. I know that’s a dream I’ll never realize, right?”


Malashenko felt uncomfortable having the soft spot in his heart touched by Jill. The last thing he wanted to see happened happened. This silly girl was actually alone until now.

Why do you think so?

Of course, it's not because of a woman's one-sided words, but because Malashenko clearly sees in Jill's eyes at this moment the same thing as the scene when she said her final farewell 12 years ago. .

"You shouldn't do this, Jill, you should pursue your own life. You are destroying yourself and being irresponsible to yourself."

"Heh-heh heh-"

The invisible distance still separated the two of them. Malashenko could clearly see the tears streaking across Jill's face, but he still could not take even one step forward.

"Twelve years, General, exactly twelve years."

"I have imagined countless times what kind of reunion it will be when I see you again one day. I have looked forward to things that my reason tells me I should not look forward to. I look forward to a kiss, a passionate embrace, and a few words that can only be heard in dreams. Love words that can only be heard here, that’s all, that’s all.”

"But reality and reason are always the truest things, right? You are no different today than you were 12 years ago. You are still so calm and calm about emotions like a centenarian. I think you have no feelings for your wife. Love must be hot and warm, it’s really enviable, even 12 years of waiting can’t make me feel even——”

The words stopped abruptly before he finished speaking. Gil, who was hugged by the tall figure who walked straight forward with open arms, was speechless. He stared at a pair of stunned and unbelievable eyes and felt all this quietly. Until that familiar voice quietly sounded in my ears.

"That's it, right?"

He stretched out his hand from his arms and gently grabbed Malashenko's coat with the general collar badge, and pulled it down slightly. Understanding the signal, Malashenko lowered his head slightly, and had to stand on tiptoe to reach Gil. , finally felt the kiss again after 12 years.

"That's right, General."

"But this time I won't step on you again, because I have experienced it and I have never forgotten it."

Looking at that satisfied and contented smile, Malashenko, who felt that he was doing something invisible, just sighed again.

"I'm not worth what you're doing, Gil. Look at me, I'm a forty-one-year-old man, why am I worth so much?"

"Because love does not fade with the passage of time, my general, there is only one reason. I love you, that's all."


When enough was enough, Gil did not ask for too much, nor did he forget why he came here. Instead, he slowly left Malashenko's arms, took a step back and took a deep breath.

"I think this should be enough, General. Thank you for helping me realize my dream."

With a table and two chairs, plus a classical Western European style that coexists with the Soviet style, Gil took the initiative to speak before Malashenko after he sat down almost at the same time.

"I'm sorry that I used my pen name to see you. I didn't want to spoil the surprise. I thought you would be very—sorry, General—when you see me again."

"There is nothing to be sorry for, Jill. I am very surprised to see you again after 12 years. No matter what other emotions in my heart are, I am very sure of this."

Looking at Malashenko's smile, Gil felt that everything was worth it for a moment, and finally burst into laughter.

"Congratulations, Jill. I didn't expect that when I see you again, you will be the editor-in-chief. You are better than many of your peers."

"Then would you be proud of me? General."

Malashenko, who smiled after hearing this, has already flown his mind back to 12 years ago. The video of that very sexual and a bit arrogant little girl is still vivid in his mind.

"I think so. At least, my comrades don't have such beautiful editor-in-chief friends, so I can brag to them at the wine table."

"Don't forget that she still loves you 12 years later."

Before Malashenko could speak, Gil, who had taken out his notepad and pen, had already taken a stance.

"Can we begin? General."

Feeling more and more that 12 years have passed and things are completely different in every sense. Malashenko, who was very interested, still smiled and spoke while sitting on the chair.

"Of course, please."

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