Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3213 Two commanders under the same roof (Part 2)

Vatutin, who only knew one thing but not the other, still doesn’t understand what the reason for “disobeying orders” given by Zhukov actually refers to.

I wanted to ask the Chief of General Staff for more details, but seeing that Comrade Chief of Staff had just been scolded, he didn't want to say too much.

Vatutin, who had recovered his mood, had no choice but to go and meet Zhukov in person to see what kind of medicine was being sold in the gourd. It was actually possible to get Malashenko, a general commander, to the point where he was dismissed from his post and even planned to report it as a negative example.

Although they are both marshals, Zhukov has a higher position.

There were also a lot of procedures that should be followed. Vatutin, who first saluted and reported after entering the door, waited until Zhukov stood up and returned the salute before he couldn't wait to blurt out the problem that was troubling him.

"Comrade Minister of Defense, I don't understand why Comrade Malashenko was suddenly removed from his post? He was also criticized as a negative example. You know how much impact this will have, right?"

Of course, Zhukov knew the impact, and also knew that Vatutin’s trip must be for Malashenko, but he did not show any surprise or expectation.

Frankly speaking, if Zhukov himself had to evaluate it, he would probably think that in terms of personal relations, the friendship between Malashenko and Vatutin should override himself and Malashenko.

The reason is simple and not difficult to understand.

Malashenko and Vatutin are not just superiors, subordinates and comrades-in-arms. They saved Vatutin's life on the battlefield.

Even Zhukov, who personally visited the scene of the incident afterwards, concluded that if Malashenko had not led his troops to the situation at that time, Vatutin would not only have been more catastrophic, but less likely to be dead than alive. .

With this special relationship, and the fact that Vatutin is still Malashenko’s immediate superior, the Berlin garrison itself is part of the East German cluster and is the core.

Zhukov could predict that Vatutin would definitely defend Malashenko, or at least try to defend Malashenko and come to him to make a fuss.

Now the premonition has come true, just faster than expected.

Zhukov, who didn't think there was any surprise in this, just spoke slowly, recounting how Malashenko disobeyed orders and refused to execute, and everything that had just happened this morning, and told Vatutin everything. .

Of course, speaking from Zhukov's own perspective and standpoint, Malashenko was finally blamed for "repeated disobedience and no sense of military mission."

"Is this just because of this kind of thing? Just because of this kind of thing? Comrade Minister of Defense."

Facing Vatutin's unbelievable expression, Zhukov, who was sitting on the chair, just spoke expressionlessly.

"Isn't this enough? A soldier can't even execute orders and can't complete the most basic mission. If everyone imitates Malashenko, what will the army be like? Tell me, Vatutin Comrade."

"But Comrade Minister of Defense, do you think this is a serious military order? Whenever there is any military order and Malashenko refuses to implement it, you do not need to intervene. I will deal with him seriously personally and will definitely get it done. "

"But what is the purpose of this kind of order? I don't need to say it, and you don't need to explain it. All of us understand it. If Malashenko doesn't want to execute it or get involved, it can be his fault. You could have chosen another person or another unit, so why did you have to destroy him as a negative example and report it to the entire army for criticism? Have you ever thought about what this means for Malashenko's future? What are you wearing?"

"He is only 41 years old, 41 years old! From the end of the war to now, how much Comrade Malashenko has contributed to the construction and development of the army, all of us have witnessed it with our own eyes. He has not spent enough time with his extremely cherished family. He spends a lot of time teaching students in class, not to mention Comrade Malashenko does much more than that.”

"Is it that such a person, a well-known Red Army hero filled with honors and achievements, has become a well-known negative teaching material because of this kind of thing? What would the enemy think if he knew about it? All of us will be betrayed by the enemy. Praise! It will be praised by the enemy for a lifetime, and it will be praised by the enemy a hundred years after my death! Do you still remember what Comrade Lenin said?

Before Zhukov, who looked startled and had obviously thought of something, opened his mouth, Vatutin, who asked and answered his own questions, had already given the answer.

"When your enemy praises you, you probably did something stupid. Is this so difficult to understand?"

Yes, if Vatutin hadn't mentioned it, Zhukov asked himself that he had almost forgotten it.

When those enemies who have always been labeled as imaginary enemies know that the "most dangerous man in the entire Soviet army", "the flesh-and-blood war machine left by Stalin" and "the combat power amplifier of the Soviet army" that they feared to call, has been manipulated by their own people. When it becomes useless.

If you think about it from the enemy's perspective, you would probably sing praises for it and say "Well done!"

Zhukov's expression fluctuated as he was obviously touched. Vatutin, who saw this detail and was secretly excited about it, was about to continue speaking.

But he didn't expect Zhukov to speak first.

"I admit that I did not consider some details properly, but no matter what, the matter of Malashenko's disobedience and disobedience cannot be left alone and must not be started like this."


Vatutin could feel that Zhukov had not finished speaking, so he did not speak and continued to wait.

Zhukov, who had a complicated expression, was seen frowning and thinking, but it didn't last long. He made a decision after only about ten seconds.

"Reports used as negative teaching materials to circulate criticism can be cancelled, but Malashenko must be removed from his post."

"What about the leader army? How do you plan to arrange the leader army?"


Zhukov, who was pressed by Vatutin with words, did not want to have another attack. He also knew that having an attack at this time was of no use, and it would not do him any good to spread the word.

"Revocation of the honorary title of the Leader's Army is what Comrade Khrushchev wants to see. As for other related orders"

After being persuaded by the Chief of General Staff and the commander of the East German Cluster, Zhukov, who had become clearer and no longer completely obsessed with personal interests, finally realized that since he no longer intended to use the leader's army for his own benefit, Zhukov It is no longer necessary to do extra work for the leader army.

He simply went on with the flow and said it out.

"Revoke them all, and only retain the decision to revoke the honorary title of the Leader's Army and remove Malashenko from his post. The Leader's Army will continue to stay with you, and I will arrange for other units to rotate the Moscow garrison."

Vatugin took a deep breath and nodded slightly, but there was one last thing to say, so he spoke without any hesitation.

"I want to take Malashenko away, and of course I will follow any orders issued by the General Staff Headquarters. There will be no conflict between the two."

"Besides, I think that if Malashenko continues to stay in Moscow, he will be an eyesore and of no use to you, Comrade Defense Minister. I will take him away and take him to a place where the enemy needs to be deterred, and it will be the same for you. It’s beneficial, isn’t it?”

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