Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3201 Eternal love like today

Regardless of his past life or this life, Malashenko has thought many times about what the scene will be like when he gets married.

When Malashenko actually held Natalia's hand, they entered the marriage hall together with blessings and music. This atmosphere surrounded by laughter and great happiness greatly exceeded any previous expectations of Malashenko.

"Congratulations, Comrade Commander. This is a gift that Chen Weiguo asked us to bring. He said that he regretted that he could not be there in person, but he still had to wish you a happy wedding. I hope you can go back and see it one day."

"Oh? Chen Weiguo's gift?"

Malashenko, who was temporarily separated from Natalya, and each was busy welcoming guests on both sides, welcomed the No. 177 train crew who had just returned from the Far East and specially came to celebrate the wedding of the commander comrade in the room of his apartment building.

Because of Malashenko's official transfer, Iushkin was officially promoted from the acting commander to the new commander of the No. 177 crew. His military rank also reached the rank of major, and he was given the command of a heavy tank battalion. Of course, this This is also what Malashenko wants to see.

Although he said he was a little cautious, in terms of ability, Malashenko still had reason to trust Iushkin, who was also his "personal disciple".

Besides, this was nothing but what Iushkin deserved.

In addition, veterans of the Patriotic War who fought all the way from 1941 to 1945 and participated in the war against Japan can now at least reach the rank of regimental level. Iushkin has just been promoted to the major battalion. It has grown very, very slowly.

On the other hand, Iushkin himself didn't care much about this matter. He was smiling and congratulating the comrade commander with the gifts brought from the Far East together with Artyom, Sergei and Seryosha.

Malashenko, who couldn't think of what Chen Weihui would give him, opened the box and took a look, only to find that it was a hand-knitted double happiness Chinese knot.

And it's not small, it's quite big, so it fits right in the window.

Malashenko, who was quite satisfied with this unique gift, didn't say much. He immediately called to Iushkin and the others and hung the Chinese knot on the window.

Just as he was about to start working on it himself, he heard a guard on duty behind him quickly running to him to report.

"Comrade Commander, Comrade Marshal, Deputy Commander and Comrade Political Commissar have arrived together and are going upstairs."

"Huh? Comrade Marshal? Which Comrade Marshal?"

"It's Marshal Zhukov and Marshal Vatutin, they both arrived together."

"You help here, I'll go pick them up."

Upon hearing this, Malashenko immediately dropped what he was doing and ran to pick someone up.

The scene of the two marshals and two major generals arriving hand in hand was not a big one. As soon as Malashenko arrived at the stairs, he saw Zhukov and Vatutin, who were chatting and laughing all the way, and Lavrinenko and Lavrinenko were already there. Commissar Petrov came to the scene.

"Congratulations, Malashenko."

"I told Comrade Zhukov on the way here that you should be too busy with receptions right now and may not have time to come out to pick us up."

Before Vatugin finished speaking, Zhukov, who was also smiling, followed closely.

"But he still came. This shows that Comrade Malashenko is still able to direct his wedding with ease, just as free as on the battlefield. Am I right?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Everyone around him, who was still in a lively and festive mood, immediately laughed out loud. Before the laughter ended, Zhukov stepped forward and patted Malashenko's arm and said.

"This day has finally come, Malashenko. I have been watching you till today, and I am really filled with emotion. Why don't you share some thoughts with your comrades?"

When he heard this, he saw that it was not only Zhukov, but also Vatutin, Lavrinenko, political commissar comrades, and the neighbors who lived in the same apartment building and came to congratulate him. They were all looking at him with smiles.

Malashenko, who smiled and thought for a moment, did not hesitate much, and soon spoke seriously.

"My thoughts, I feel so happy now. Maybe I am the happiest and happiest person in Moscow today. I can't even tell whether I am dreaming or awake now."

"You can't say it well, right? Come on, let me help you say it well."

Before Lavrinenko, who was rolling up his sleeves, finished speaking, he rushed forward and stretched out his hands to grab the left and right sides of Malashenko's cheeks. He gave Comrade Ma a hand job of rounding and flattening on the spot. He became a clown, causing the comrades around him to laugh again.

The necessary procedures were completed step by step, and all the guests who came to attend the wedding arrived one after another, filling Comrade Ma's rather large collective apartment to the brim.

Fortunately, I had prepared in advance and borrowed a few rooms from neighbors to decorate the wedding scene. Otherwise, the guests who came to attend the wedding would not be able to stand.

When everything was ready, Zhukov, who had changed into a marshal's uniform, stood behind the table and personally served as a witness. He looked at Malashenko, who was holding Natalia's hand in front of him, and spoke solemnly.

"Is it difficult, Comrade Malashenko, are you willing to marry this beautiful Comrade Natalia beside you?"

Malashenko, who was wearing a tank corps lieutenant general's uniform and with honors on his chest, took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, and then spoke solemnly.

"My dear, I swear to you today in front of witnesses, I promise you, forever and ever: to love throughout the years, even if the road is difficult, I promise to always be the same. We will use pure, gentle and great love, Hand in hand for a lifetime.”

"Yes, I am willing to marry Comrade Natalia."

Malashenko could clearly feel that the little hand held in his palm was trembling slightly. While turning his head slightly, he once again cast an encouraging and loving look at his lover who was very close to him.

After confirming Malashenko's side, Zhukov immediately turned his attention to Natalia, who was wearing a women's long skirt and military uniform and could not hide her excitement.

"So, Comrade Natalia, are you willing to marry Comrade Malashenko, the hero beside you?"

Before answering this question that she had thought about countless times, how to answer it perfectly, Natalia cast her eyes for the last time on Malashenko, who was holding hands beside her, and finally looked at her loving eyes. He spoke slowly.

"Today is the most important day for me. We have started a new happy life. From now on, we will love each other hand in hand until death separates us. My love, let us make a promise to love each other forever. , passionate and tolerant, always open to each other and never forget the vows made today.”

"Yes, I am willing to marry Comrade Malashenko."

"Very good, then"

Zhukov raised his hand slightly as a signal with his eyes, and the people standing in every corner of the room burst into cheers and applause, and the laughter of congratulations and congratulations suddenly rang in his ears.

"Let us wish this newlywed couple together, and hope that they will grow old together in the years to come and be as loving as they are today."

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